import numpy
import math
from pysparse import spmatrix
from pysparse import itsolvers
from pysparse import precon
import time
def poisson2d(n):
L = spmatrix.ll_mat(n*n, n*n)
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
k = i + n*j
L[k,k] = 4
if i > 0:
L[k,k-1] = -1
if i < n-1:
L[k,k+1] = -1
if j > 0:
L[k,k-n] = -1
if j < n-1:
L[k,k+n] = -1
return L
def poisson2d_sym(n):
L = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(n*n)
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
k = i + n*j
L[k,k] = 4
if i > 0:
L[k,k-1] = -1
if j > 0:
L[k,k-n] = -1
return L
def poisson2d_sym_blk(n):
L = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(n*n)
I = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(n)
P = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(n)
for i in range(n):
I[i,i] = -1
for i in range(n):
P[i,i] = 4
if i > 0: P[i,i-1] = -1
for i in range(0, n*n, n):
L[i:i+n,i:i+n] = P
if i > 0: L[i:i+n,i-n:i] = I
return L
tol = 1e-8
n = 100
t1 = time.clock()
L = poisson2d_sym_blk(n)
print 'Time for constructing the matrix using poisson2d_sym_blk: %8.2f sec' % (time.clock() - t1, )
t1 = time.clock()
L = poisson2d_sym(n)
print 'Time for constructing the matrix using poisson2d_sym : %8.2f sec' % (time.clock() - t1, )
t1 = time.clock()
L = poisson2d(n)
print 'Time for constructing the matrix using poisson2d : %8.2f sec' % (time.clock() - t1, )
A = L.to_csr()
S = L.to_sss()
print L.nnz
print S.nnz
print A.nnz
b = numpy.ones(n*n, 'd')
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
t1 = time.clock()
x = numpy.zeros(n*n, 'd')
info, iter, relres = itsolvers.pcg(S, b, x, tol, 2000)
print 'info=%d, iter=%d, relres=%e' % (info, iter, relres)
print 'Time for solving the system using SSS matrix: %8.2f sec' % (time.clock() - t1, )
print 'norm(x) = %g' % math.sqrt(, x))
r = numpy.zeros(n*n, 'd')
S.matvec(x, r)
r = b - r
print 'norm(b - A*x) = %g' % math.sqrt(, r))
print x[0:10]
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
t1 = time.clock()
x = numpy.zeros(n*n, 'd')
info, iter, relres = itsolvers.pcg(A, b, x, tol, 2000)
print 'info=%d, iter=%d, relres=%e' % (info, iter, relres)
print 'Time for solving the system using CSR matrix: %8.2f sec' % (time.clock() - t1, )
print 'norm(x) = %g' % math.sqrt(, x))
r = numpy.zeros(n*n, 'd')
A.matvec(x, r)
r = b - r
print 'norm(b - A*x) = %g' % math.sqrt(, r))
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
t1 = time.clock()
x = numpy.zeros(n*n, 'd')
info, iter, relres = itsolvers.pcg(L, b, x, tol, 2000)
print 'info=%d, iter=%d, relres=%e' % (info, iter, relres)
print 'Time for solving the system using LL matrix: %8.2f sec' % (time.clock() - t1, )
print 'norm(x) = %g' % math.sqrt(, x))
r = numpy.zeros(n*n, 'd')
A.matvec(x, r)
r = b - r
print 'norm(b - A*x) = %g' % math.sqrt(, r))
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
K_ssor = precon.ssor(S, 1.9)
t1 = time.clock()
x = numpy.zeros(n*n, 'd')
info, iter, relres = itsolvers.pcg(S, b, x, tol, 2000, K_ssor)
print 'info=%d, iter=%d, relres=%e' % (info, iter, relres)
print 'Time for solving the system using SSS matrix and SSOR preconditioner: %8.2f sec' % (time.clock() - t1, )
print 'norm(x) = %g' % math.sqrt(, x))
r = numpy.zeros(n*n, 'd')
S.matvec(x, r)
r = b - r
print 'norm(b - A*x) = %g' % math.sqrt(, r))
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from pysparse import jdsym
jdsym.jdsym(S, None, None, 5, 0.0, 1e-8, 100, itsolvers.qmrs, clvl=1)