"""This module defines encapsulation classes for all iterative solvers
implemented in the itsolvers module.
All classes provide a method "solve(b, x)" for approximatively compute
x = inv(A)*b.
The classes are intended to replace superlu.superlu_context in cases
where appropriate."""
import itsolvers
class ItSolver:
"abstract base class for iteravtive solver classes"
def __init__(self, A, tol, maxit, K, debug):
self.A = A
self.tol = tol
self.maxit = maxit
self.K = K
self.nofCalled = 0
self.totalIterations = 0
self.lastIterations = 0
self.lastInfo = 0
self.debug = debug
def solve(self, b, x):
"solve A*x = b iteratively with zero initial guess"
x[:] = 0
info, iter, relres = self.itsolver(self.A, b, x, self.tol, self.maxit, self.K)
self.nofCalled += 1
self.totalIterations += iter
self.lastIterations = iter
self.lastInfo = info
if self.debug:
print 'iterative solver returned:', info, iter, relres
if info < 0:
raise 'error', ('iterative solver %s returned error code %d' % (self.__class__.__name__, info), info, iter, relres)
def __str__(self):
s = '<%s.%s instance>\n\n' % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__)
for name in ['nofCalled', 'totalIterations', 'lastIterations', 'lastInfo']:
s += ' %s: %s\n' % (name, getattr(self, name))
s += '\n'
return s
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
class Pcg(ItSolver):
def __init__(self, A, tol, maxit, K=None, debug=0):
ItSolver.__init__(self, A, tol, maxit, K, debug)
self.itsolver = itsolvers.pcg
class Minres(ItSolver):
def __init__(self, A, tol, maxit, K=None, debug=0):
ItSolver.__init__(self, A, tol, maxit, K, debug)
self.itsolver = itsolvers.minres
class Qmrs(ItSolver):
def __init__(self, A, tol, maxit, K=None, debug=0):
ItSolver.__init__(self, A, tol, maxit, K, debug)
self.itsolver = itsolvers.qmrs
class Cgs(ItSolver):
"""wrapper class for the itsolvers.cgs iterative solver
Cgs(A, tol, maxit, K=None) constructs the Cgs object.
solve(b, x) solves the linear system A*x = b with a zero initial guess
def __init__(self, A, tol, maxit, K=None, debug=0):
ItSolver.__init__(self, A, tol, maxit, K, debug)
self.itsolver = itsolvers.cgs
if __name__ == '__main__':
import math
import numpy
import precon, poisson
A = poisson.poisson2d_sym(100)
n = A.shape[0];
b = numpy.ones(n, 'd'); b = b / math.sqrt(numpy.dot(b, b))
x = numpy.zeros(n, 'd')
def resid(A, b, x):
r = x.copy()
A.matvec(x, r)
r = b - r
return math.sqrt(numpy.dot(r, r))
solver = Pcg(A, 1e-10, 300)
solver.solve(b, x)
print resid(A, b, x), solver.nofCalled, solver.totalIterations
solver.K = precon.ssor(A.to_sss())
solver.solve(b, x)
print resid(A, b, x), solver.nofCalled, solver.totalIterations