#!/usr/bin/env python
## -*-Pyth-*-
# ###################################################################
# FiPy - Python-based finite volume PDE solver
# FILE: "pysparseMatrix.py"
# created: 11/10/03 {3:15:38 PM}
# last update: 1/3/07 {3:03:32 PM}
# Author: Jonathan Guyer <guyer@nist.gov>
# Author: Daniel Wheeler <daniel.wheeler@nist.gov>
# Author: James Warren <jwarren@nist.gov>
# mail: NIST
# www: http://www.ctcms.nist.gov/fipy/
# ========================================================================
# This software was developed at the National Institute of Standards
# and Technology by employees of the Federal Government in the course
# of their official duties. Pursuant to title 17 Section 105 of the
# United States Code this software is not subject to copyright
# protection and is in the public domain. FiPy is an experimental
# system. NIST assumes no responsibility whatsoever for its use by
# other parties, and makes no guarantees, expressed or implied, about
# its quality, reliability, or any other characteristic. We would
# appreciate acknowledgement if the software is used.
# This software can be redistributed and/or modified freely
# provided that any derivative works bear some notice that they are
# derived from it, and any modified versions bear some notice that
# they have been modified.
# ========================================================================
# Description:
# History
# modified by rev reason
# ---------- --- --- -----------
# 2003-11-10 JEG 1.0 original
# ###################################################################
# A number of updates by Dominique Orban <dominique.orban@gmail.com>
# - allow creation of rectangular and square symmetric matrices
# - updates to __add__ and others to allow addition/subtraction of symmetric
# matrices
# - new creator function PysparseMatrixSpDiags() to create banded matrices
# with given diagonals.
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
from pysparse import spmatrix
from sparseMatrix import SparseMatrix
import numpy
class PysparseMatrix(SparseMatrix):
A PysparseMatrix is a class wrapper for the pysparse spmatrix sparse matrix
type. This class facilitates matrix populating and allows intuitive
operations on sparse matrices and vectors.
:Currently accepted keywords include:
| `nrow` | The number of rows of the matrix |
| `ncol` | The number of columns of the matrix |
| `size` | The common number of rows and columns, for a square matrix |
| `bandwidth` | The bandwidth (if creating a band matrix) |
| `matrix` | The starting `spmatrix` if there is one |
| `sizeHint` | A guess on the number of nonzero elements of the matrix |
| `symmetric` | A boolean indicating whether the matrix is symmetric. |
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
nrow = kwargs.get('nrow', 0)
ncol = kwargs.get('ncol', 0)
bandwidth = kwargs.get('bandwidth', 0)
matrix = kwargs.get('matrix', None)
sizeHint = kwargs.get('sizeHint', 0)
symmetric = 'symmetric' in kwargs and kwargs['symmetric']
size = kwargs.get('size',0)
if size > 0:
if nrow > 0 or ncol > 0:
if size != nrow or size != ncol:
msg = 'size argument was given but does not match '
msg += 'nrow and ncol'
raise ValueError, msg
nrow = ncol = size
if matrix is not None:
self.matrix = matrix
if symmetric and nrow==ncol:
if sizeHint is None:
sizeHint = nrow
if bandwidth > 0:
sizeHint += 2*(bandwidth-1)*(2*nrow-bandwidth-2)
self.matrix = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(nrow, sizeHint)
if sizeHint is None:
sizeHint = min(nrow,ncol)
if bandwidth > 0:
sizeHint = bandwidth * (2*sizeHint-bandwidth-1)/2
self.matrix = spmatrix.ll_mat(nrow, ncol, sizeHint)
def isSymmetric(self):
"Returns `True` is `self` is a symmetric matrix or `False` otherwise"
if self.matrix.issym: return True
return False
def getNnz(self):
"Returns the number of nonzero elements of `self`"
return self.matrix.nnz
def getMatrix(self):
"Returns the underlying `ll_mat` sparse matrix of `self`"
return self.matrix
def copy(self):
"Returns a (deep) copy of a sparse matrix"
return PysparseMatrix(matrix = self.matrix.copy())
def __coerce__(self, other):
return self, other
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name == 'nnz':
return self.getNnz()
elif name == 'shape':
return self.getShape()
msg = 'No such attribute: %s' % name
raise ValueError, msg
def __getitem__(self, index):
m = self.matrix[index]
if isinstance(m, int) or isinstance(m, float):
return m
return PysparseMatrix(matrix = m, symmetric=self.matrix.issym)
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
#if type(value) is type(self):
if isinstance(value, PysparseMatrix):
self.matrix[index] = value.matrix
self.matrix[index] = value
def __iadd__(self, other):
# In-place addition
return self._iadd(self.getMatrix(), other)
def _iadd(self, L, other, sign = 1):
# In-place addition helper
if other != 0:
if self.isSymmetric() and not other.isSymmetric():
L.shift(sign, other.getMatrix())
return self
def __add__(self, other):
Add two sparse matrices, return a new sparse matrix
>>> L = PysparseMatrix(size = 3)
>>> L.put([3.,10.,numpy.pi,2.5], [0,0,1,2], [2,1,1,0])
>>> print L + PysparseIdentityMatrix(size = 3)
1.000000 10.000000 3.000000
--- 4.141593 ---
2.500000 --- 1.000000
>>> print L + 0
--- 10.000000 3.000000
--- 3.141593 ---
2.500000 --- ---
>>> print L + 3
--- 13.000000 6.000000
--- 6.141593 ---
5.500000 --- ---
if other is 0 or other is 0.0:
return self
elif isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float): #type(other) in [type(1), type(1.0)]:
# Add give value to all elements of sparse matrix in nonzero pattern
L = self.copy()
val, irow, jcol = L.find()
L.matrix.update_add_at( other*numpy.ones(val.shape), irow, jcol)
return L
elif type(self) is type(other):
if self.getShape() != other.getShape():
msg = 'Only sparse matrices of the same size may be added'
raise TypeError, msg
L = self.matrix.copy()
if self.isSymmetric() and not other.isSymmetric():
L.shift(1, other.getMatrix())
return PysparseMatrix(matrix = L)
def __sub__(self, other):
if isinstance(other,int) or isinstance(other, float): #type(other) in [type(1), type(1.0)]:
return self.__add__(-other)
if self.getShape() != other.getShape():
msg = 'Only sparse matrices of the same size may be subtracted'
raise TypeError, msg
L = self.matrix.copy()
if self.isSymmetric() and not other.isSymmetric():
L.shift(-1, other.getMatrix())
return PysparseMatrix(matrix = L)
def __isub__(self, other):
# In-place subtraction
return self._iadd(self.getMatrix(), other, sign=-1)
def __mul__(self, other):
Multiply a sparse matrix by another sparse matrix
>>> L1 = PysparseMatrix(size = 3)
>>> L1.put([3.,10.,numpy.pi,2.5], [0,0,1,2], [2,1,1,0])
>>> L2 = PysparseMatrix(size = 3)
>>> L2.put(numpy.ones(3), numpy.arange(3), numpy.arange(3))
>>> L2.put([4.38,12357.2,1.1], [2,1,0], [1,0,2])
>>> tmp = numpy.array(((1.23572000e+05, 2.31400000e+01, 3.00000000e+00),
... (3.88212887e+04, 3.14159265e+00, 0.00000000e+00),
... (2.50000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 2.75000000e+00)))
>>> numpy.allclose((L1 * L2).getNumpyArray(), tmp)
or a sparse matrix by a vector
>>> tmp = numpy.array((29., 6.28318531, 2.5))
>>> numpy.allclose(L1 * numpy.array((1,2,3),'d'), tmp)
or a vector by a sparse matrix
>>> tmp = numpy.array((7.5, 16.28318531, 3.))
>>> numpy.allclose(numpy.array((1,2,3),'d') * L1, tmp) ## The multiplication is broken. Numpy is calling __rmul__ for every element instead of with the whole array.
M, N = self.getShape()
if isinstance(other, PysparseMatrix):
if N != other.getShape()[0]:
raise TypeError, 'Matrices dimensions do not match for product'
p = spmatrix.matrixmultiply(self.matrix, other.getMatrix())
return PysparseMatrix(matrix=p)
shape = numpy.shape(other)
if shape == (): # other is a scalar
p = self.matrix.copy()
return PysparseMatrix(matrix=p)
elif shape == (N,):
y = numpy.empty(M)
self.matrix.matvec(other, y)
return y
raise TypeError, 'Cannot multiply objects'
def __imul__(self, other):
# In-place multiplication (by a scalar)
#if type(other) not in [type(0), type(0.0)]:
if not (isinstance(other, int) or isinstance(other, float)):
raise TypeError, 'In-place multiplication is with scalars only'
p = self.matrix
return self
def __rmul__(self, other):
# Compute other * A which is really A^T * other
if type(numpy.ones(1.0)) == type(other):
M, N = self.getShape()
y = numpy.empty(N)
self.matrix.matvec_transp(other, y)
return y
return self * other
def getShape(self):
"Returns the shape ``(nrow,ncol)`` of a sparse matrix"
return self.matrix.shape
def find(self):
Returns three Numpy arrays to describe the sparsity pattern of ``self``
in so-called coordinate (or triplet) format:
>>> L = PysparseMatrix(size = 3)
>>> L.put([3.,10.,numpy.pi,2.5], [0,0,1,2], [2,1,1,0])
>>> (val,irow,jcol) = L.find()
>>> val
array([ 10. , 3. , 3.14159265, 2.5 ])
>>> irow
array([0, 0, 1, 2])
>>> jcol
array([1, 2, 1, 0])
return self.matrix.find()
def put(self, value, id1, id2):
Put elements of ``value`` at positions of the matrix
corresponding to ``(id1, id2)``
>>> L = PysparseMatrix(size = 3)
>>> L.put( [3.,10.,numpy.pi,2.5], [0,0,1,2], [2,1,1,0] )
>>> print L
--- 10.000000 3.000000
--- 3.141593 ---
2.500000 --- ---
>>> L.put(2*numpy.pi, range(3), range(3))
>>> print L
6.283185 10.000000 3.000000
--- 6.283185 ---
2.500000 --- 6.283185
If ``value`` is a scalar, it has the same effect as the vector
of appropriate length with all values equal to ``value``.
If ``id1`` is omitted, it is replaced with ``range(nrow)``.
If ``id2`` is omitted, it is replaced with ``range(ncol)``.
self.matrix.put(value, id1, id2)
return None
def putDiagonal(self, vector):
Put elements of ``vector`` along diagonal of matrix
>>> L = PysparseMatrix(size = 3)
>>> L.putDiagonal([3.,10.,numpy.pi])
>>> print L
3.000000 --- ---
--- 10.000000 ---
--- --- 3.141593
>>> L.putDiagonal([10.,3.])
>>> print L
10.000000 --- ---
--- 3.000000 ---
--- --- 3.141593
>>> L.putDiagonal(2.7182)
>>> print L
2.718200 --- ---
--- 2.718200 ---
--- --- 2.718200
if isinstance(vector, int) or isinstance(vector, float):
ids = numpy.arange(self.getShape()[0])
#tmp = numpy.zeros((self.getShape()[0],), 'd')
#tmp[:] = vector
self.put(vector, ids, ids)
#ids = numpy.arange(len(vector))
self.matrix.put(vector) #, ids, ids)
def take(self, id1, id2):
Extract elements at positions ``(irow[i], jcol[i])`` and place them in
the array ``val``. In other words::
for i in range(len(val)): val[i] = A[irow[i],jcol[i]]
vector = numpy.zeros(len(id1), 'd')
self.matrix.take(vector, id1, id2)
return vector
def takeDiagonal(self):
Extract the diagonal of a matrix and place it in a Numpy array.
ids = numpy.arange(self.getShape()[0])
return self.take(ids, ids)
def addAt(self, vector, id1, id2):
Add elements of ``vector`` to the positions in the matrix corresponding
to ``(id1,id2)``
>>> L = PysparseMatrix(size = 3)
>>> L.put([3.,10.,numpy.pi,2.5], [0,0,1,2], [2,1,1,0])
>>> L.addAt((1.73,2.2,8.4,3.9,1.23), (1,2,0,0,1), (2,2,0,0,2))
>>> print L
12.300000 10.000000 3.000000
--- 3.141593 2.960000
2.500000 --- 2.200000
self.matrix.update_add_at(vector, id1, id2)
def addAtDiagonal(self, vector):
Add the components of vector ``vector`` to the diagonal elements of the
#if type(vector) in [type(1), type(1.)]:
if isinstance(vector, int) or isinstance(vector, float):
ids = numpy.arange(self.getShape()[0])
tmp = numpy.empty((self.getShape()[0],), 'd')
tmp[:] = vector
self.addAt(tmp, ids, ids)
ids = numpy.arange(len(vector))
self.addAt(vector, ids, ids)
def getNumpyArray(self):
Convert a sparse matrix to a dense Numpy matrix.
shape = self.getShape()
indices = numpy.indices(shape)
numMatrix = self.take(indices[0].ravel(), indices[1].ravel())
return numpy.reshape(numMatrix, shape)
def matvec(self, x):
This method is required for scipy solvers.
return self * x
def exportMmf(self, filename):
Exports the matrix to a Matrix Market file of the given filename.
class PysparseIdentityMatrix(PysparseMatrix):
Represents a sparse identity matrix for pysparse.
>>> print PysparseIdentityMatrix(size = 3)
1.000000 --- ---
--- 1.000000 ---
--- --- 1.000000
def __init__(self, size):
PysparseMatrix.__init__(self, nrow=size, ncol=size,
bandwidth=1, symmetric=True)
ids = numpy.arange(size)
self.put(numpy.ones(size), ids, ids)
class PysparseSpDiagsMatrix(PysparseMatrix):
Represents a banded matrix with specified diagonals.
*Example:* Create a tridiagonal matrix with 1's on the diagonal, 2's above
the diagonal, and -2's below the diagonal.
>>> from numpy import ones
>>> e = ones(5)
>>> print PysparseSpDiagsMatrix(size=5, vals=(-2*e,e,2*e), pos=(-1,0,1))
1.000000 2.000000 --- --- ---
-2.000000 1.000000 2.000000 --- ---
--- -2.000000 1.000000 2.000000 ---
--- --- -2.000000 1.000000 2.000000
--- --- --- -2.000000 1.000000
Note that since the `pos[k]`-th diagonal has `size-|pos[k]|` elements, only
that many first elements of `vals[k]` will be inserted.
If the banded matrix is requested to be symmetric, elements above the
main diagonal are not inserted.
def __init__(self, size, vals, pos, **kwargs):
if type(pos) in [ type(()), type([]) ]: pos = numpy.array(pos)
bw = max(numpy.abs(pos))
diags = size - numpy.abs(pos)
nz = sum(diags)
kwargs.pop('bandwidth', True)
kwargs.pop('sizeHint', True)
PysparseMatrix.__init__(self, nrow=size, ncol=size,
bandwidth=bw, sizeHint=nz, **kwargs)
# Insert elements on specified diagonals
ndiags = len(pos)
for k in range(ndiags):
dk = diags[k]
d = pos[k]
if d >= 0 and not self.isSymmetric():
self.put(vals[k][:dk], numpy.arange(dk), d + numpy.arange(dk))
self.put(vals[k][:dk], -d + numpy.arange(dk), numpy.arange(dk))
def _test():
import doctest
return doctest.testmod()
if __name__ == "__main__":