A framework for solving sparse linear systems of equations using an LU
factorization, by means of the supernodal sparse LU factorization package
SuperLU ([DEGLL99]_, [DGL99]_, [LD03]_).
This package is appropriate for factorizing sparse square unsymmetric or
rectangular matrices.
See [SLU]_ for more information.
.. [DEGLL99] J. W. Demmel, S. C. Eisenstat, J. R. Gilbert, X. S. Li and
J. W. H. Liu, *A supernodal approach to sparse partial pivoting*,
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications **20**\ (3),
pp. 720-755, 1999.
.. [DGL99] J. W. Demmel, J. R. Gilbert and X. S. Li,
*An Asynchronous Parallel Supernodal Algorithm for Sparse Gaussian
Elimination*, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications
**20**\ (4), pp. 915-952, 1999.
.. [LD03] X. S. Li and J. W. Demmel, *SuperLU_DIST: A Scalable
Distributed-Memory Sparse Direct Solver for Unsymmetric Linear
Systems*, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software **29**\ (2),
pp. 110-140, 2003.
.. [SLU] http://crd.lbl.gov/~xiaoye/SuperLU
# To look into:
# - allow other data types
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
import pysparseMatrix as psm
import numpy
import resource
from directSolver import PysparseDirectSolver
from pysparse import superlu
def cputime():
return resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)[0]
class PysparseSuperLUSolver( PysparseDirectSolver ):
`PysparseSuperLUSolver` is a wrapper class around the SuperLu library for
the factorization of full-rank n-by-m matrices. Only matrices with real
coefficients are currently supported.
:A: The matrix to be factorized, supplied as a PysparseMatrix instance.
:symmetric: a boolean indicating that the user wishes to use symmetric
mode. In symmetric mode, ``permc_spec=2`` must be chosen and
``diag_pivot_thresh`` must be small, e.g., 0.0 or 0.1. Since
the value of ``diag_pivot_thresh`` is up to the user, setting
``symmetric`` to ``True`` does *not* automatically set
``permc_spec`` and ``diag_pivot_thresh`` to appropriate
:diag_pivot_thresh: a float value between 0 and 1 representing the
threshold for partial pivoting (0 = no pivoting,
1 = always perform partial pivoting). Default: 1.0.
:drop_tol: the value of a drop tolerance, between 0 and 1, if an
incomplete factorization is desired (0 = exact factorization).
This keyword does not exist if using SuperLU version 2.0 and
below. In more recent version of SuperLU, the keyword is
accepted but has no effect. Default: 0.0
:relax: an integer controling the degree of relaxing supernodes.
Default: 1.
:panel_size: an integer specifying the maximum number of columns to form
a panel. Default: 10.
:permc_spec: an integer specifying the ordering strategy used during the
0. natural ordering,
1. MMD applied to the structure of
:math:`\mathbf{A}^T \mathbf{A}`
2. MMD applied to the structure of
:math:`\mathbf{A}^T + \mathbf{A}`
Default: 2.
.. attribute:: LU
A :class:`superlu_context` object encapsulating the factorization.
.. attribute:: sol
The solution of the linear system after a call to :meth:`solve`.
.. attribute:: factorizationTime
The CPU time to perform the factorization.
.. attribute:: solutionTime
The CPU time to perform the forward and backward sweeps.
.. attribute:: lunz
The number of nonzero elements in the factors L and U together after a
call to :meth:`fetch_lunz`.
def __init__(self, A, **kwargs):
PysparseDirectSolver.__init__(self, A, **kwargs)
self.type = numpy.float
self.nrow, self.ncol = A.getShape()
t = cputime()
self.LU = superlu.factorize(A.matrix.to_csr(), **kwargs)
self.factorizationTime = cputime() - t
self.solutionTime = 0.0
self.sol = None
self.L = self.U = None
def solve(self, rhs, transpose = False):
Solve the linear system ``A x = rhs``, where ``A`` is the input matrix
and ``rhs`` is a Numpy vector of appropriate dimension. The result is
placed in the :attr:`sol` member of the class instance.
If the optional argument ``transpose`` is ``True``, the transpose system
``A^T x = rhs`` is solved.
if self.sol is None: self.sol = numpy.empty(self.ncol, self.type)
transp = 'N'
if transpose: transp = 'T'
t = cputime()
self.LU.solve(rhs, self.sol, transp)
self.solutionTime = cputime() - t
def fetch_lunz(self):
Retrieve the number of nonzeros in the factors L and U together. The
result is stored in the member :attr:`lunz` of the class instance.
self.lunz = self.LU.nnz
def fetch_factors(self):
Not yet available.
raise NotImplementedError