__revision__ = "$Id: aop-unittests.py,v 1.18 2002/07/07 07:39:43 ftobin Exp $"
import unittest
import aop
class PointcutTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.logger = Logging()
def make_student(self):
self.student = make_aspected_student(self.logger)
def make_studentsub(self):
self.student = make_aspected_student(self.logger, False)
def add_one_around(self, cxt):
return cxt.proceed()+1
class GetattrTest(PointcutTest):
type = 'getattr'
def test_before(self):
attr = 'age'
self.logger.before(self.type, attr, self.logger.log)
value = getattr(self.student, attr)
cxt = self.logger.logged_cxt
self.assertEquals(cxt['name'], attr)
self.assert_(cxt['self'] is self.student)
def test_after(self):
attr = 'gpa'
# get the value before we give advice
orig_value = Student_defaults[attr]
self.logger.after(self.type, attr, self.logger.log)
# trigger the advice
getattr(self.student, attr)
cxt = self.logger.logged_cxt
self.assertEquals(cxt['name'], attr)
self.assertEquals(cxt['value'], orig_value)
self.assert_(cxt['self'] is self.student)
def test_around(self):
attr = 'grade'
orig_value = Student_defaults[attr]
self.logger.around(self.type, attr, self.add_one_around)
new_value = getattr(self.student, attr)
self.assertEquals(orig_value+1, new_value)
class SetattrTest(PointcutTest):
type = 'setattr'
def test_before(self):
attr = 'age'
value = 3
# just to make sure we're not setting it to what it
# is already equal
self.assertNotEquals(Student_defaults[attr], value)
self.logger.before(self.type, attr, self.logger.log)
setattr(self.student, attr, value)
cxt = self.logger.logged_cxt
self.assertEquals(cxt['name'], attr)
self.assertEquals(cxt['value'], value)
self.assertEquals(cxt['self'], self.student)
self.assertEquals(getattr(self.student, attr), value)
def test_after(self):
attr = 'gpa'
value = 3
# just to make sure we're not setting it to what it
# is already equal
self.assertNotEquals(Student_defaults[attr], value)
self.logger.after(self.type, attr, self.logger.log)
setattr(self.student, attr, value)
cxt = self.logger.logged_cxt
self.assertEquals(cxt['name'], attr)
self.assertEquals(cxt['value'], value)
self.assertEquals(cxt['self'], self.student)
self.assertEquals(getattr(self.student, attr), value)
def test_around(self):
attr = 'grade'
value = 3
# just to make sure we're not setting it to what it
# is already equal
self.assertNotEquals(Student_defaults[attr], value)
self.logger.around(self.type, attr, self.no_change)
setattr(self.student, attr, value)
self.assertNotEquals(getattr(self.student, attr), value)
def no_change(self, cxt):
self.assert_(cxt['self'] is self.student)
class MethodCallTest(PointcutTest):
type = 'method_call'
def test_before(self):
method_name = 'add'
varargs = (2, 3)
kwargs = {}
self.logger.before(self.type, method_name, self.logger.log)
apply(getattr(self.student, method_name), varargs, kwargs)
cxt = self.logger.logged_cxt
self.assertEquals(cxt['name'], method_name)
self.assertEquals(cxt['varargs'], varargs)
self.assertEquals(cxt['kwargs'], kwargs)
def test_after(self):
# note: we also test the kwargs here
method_name = 'sub'
varargs = ()
kwargs = {'b': 2, 'a': 3}
self.logger.after(self.type, method_name, self.logger.log)
rv = apply(getattr(self.student, method_name), varargs, kwargs)
cxt = self.logger.logged_cxt
self.assertEquals(cxt['name'], method_name)
self.assertEquals(cxt['varargs'], varargs)
self.assertEquals(cxt['kwargs'], kwargs)
self.assertEquals(rv, kwargs['a'] - kwargs['b'])
self.assertEquals(cxt['rv'], kwargs['a'] - kwargs['b'])
def test_around(self):
method_name = 'mul'
varargs = (3, 2)
kwargs = {}
self.logger.around('method_call', method_name, self.add_one_around)
rv = apply(getattr(self.student, method_name), varargs, kwargs)
self.assertEquals(rv, 1+(reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, varargs)))
class InitTest(PointcutTest):
type = 'init'
init_record = 'initted'
def test_before(self):
self.logger.before(self.type, self.type, self.logger.log)
cxt = self.logger.logged_cxt
self.assert_(cxt['self'] is self.student)
def test_after(self):
self.logger.after(self.type, self.type, self.logger.log)
cxt = self.logger.logged_cxt
self.assert_(cxt['self'] is self.student)
self.assert_(getattr(self.student, self.init_record))
def test_subclasser_after(self):
self.logger.after(self.type, self.type, self.logger.log)
cxt = self.logger.logged_cxt
self.assert_(cxt['self'] is self.student)
self.assert_(getattr(self.student, self.init_record))
def test_around(self):
null = lambda cxt: 0 # ensure the inits don't get called
self.logger.around(self.type, self.type, null)
self.assert_(not hasattr(self.student, self.init_record))
class AspectAddTest(PointcutTest):
def setUp(self):
self.noter = Noting()
def test_add(self):
type = 'getattr'
name = 'add'
self.logger.before(type, name, self.logger.log)
self.noter.before(type, name, self.noter.note)
student = make_aspected_student(self.logger)
getattr(student, name)
self.assertEquals(self.logger.logged_cxt['name'], name)
self.assertEquals(self.noter.note, (self.noter.note_prefix + name))
class Logging(aop.Aspect):
def __init__(self):
self.logged_cxt = None
super(Logging, self).__init__()
def log(self, cxt):
self.logged_cxt = cxt
class Noting(aop.Aspect):
"""Very similar to Logging but with different names
and slightly different behaviour, so we
can test things like aspect addition"""
note_prefix = "note: "
def __init__(self):
self.note_cxt = {}
super(Noting, self).__init__()
def note(self, cxt):
self.note = self.note_prefix + cxt['name']
# This is here so that these values can be read
# for the Student class while being locally
# close so they can be kept in sync easily.
Student_defaults = {'age': 16,
'gpa': 4,
'grade': 11}
def make_aspected_student(aspect, get_sub=False):
class Student(object):
__metaclass__ = aop.Metaclass
_aspect = aspect
# NOTE: if you change any of these, change
# Student_defaults
age = 16
grade = 11
def __init__(self):
self.initted = 1
self.gpa = 4
def add(self, a, b):
return a+b
def sub(self, a, b):
return a-b
def mul(self, a, b):
return a*b
class StudentSub(Student):
def __init__(self):
super(StudentSub, self).__init__(self)
if get_sub:
student = StudentSub()
student = Student()
return student
if __name__ == "__main__":