Pythius - Indent/Detab Python Source
Copyright (c) 2001 by Jrgen Hermann <jh@web.de>
All rights reserved, see LICENSE for details.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
$Id: pydent.py,v 1.2 2001/11/05 22:59:57 jhermann Exp $
__version__ = "$Revision: 1.2 $"[11:-2]
# Globals
_debug = 0
flag_backup = 1
flag_compile = 0
flag_dryrun = 0
### Indent and detab Python source
class Indenter:
""" Fix python source code so that it uses the canonical
4 spaces and no TABs indenting.
spaces = 4
def __init__(self, out):
self.out = out
self.indent = 0
self.newline = 1
self.lastws = (0, "")
self.spacing = " " * self.spaces
def __emit(self, text):
""" Write a piece of source code.
def __adjustIndent(self, idx):
""" Calc adjusting offset for comments.
Since the tokenizer emits INDENT/DEDENT only AFTER a series
of COMMENTS, we need this helper.
from pythius import grok
result = 0
# add up any INDENTS or DEDENTS that follow COMMENTs
while idx < len(self.parser.tokenlist):
token = self.parser.tokenlist[idx]
if token.type == grok.INDENT:
result += 1
elif token.type == grok.DEDENT:
result -= 1
elif token.type not in [grok.EMPTY, grok.WS, grok.COMMENT] or result:
idx += 1
return result
def parse(self, source):
""" Parse Python source and emits a newly indented version of it.
from pythius import grok
# the parser already detabs the source
self.parser = grok.Parser()
# a dictionary of the whitespace seen last for a certain indent level
wslevel = {0: 0}
# iterate over the list of tokens
for idx in range(len(self.parser.tokenlist)):
# get current token; note that getting the next token is
# always ok in the code below since we always have "ENDMARKER"
# following any token _before_ the end marker
token = self.parser.tokenlist[idx]
if _debug:
import string, sys
print >>sys.stderr, \
string.rjust(str(token.row), 5), string.rjust(str(token.col), 5), \
string.ljust(grok.tokentext[token.type], 10), repr(token.text)
# end processing on ENDMARKER
if token.type == grok.ENDMARKER: break
# remember whether last token started a new line, and reset that flag
isNewline = self.newline
self.newline = 0
# check token type and act accordingly
if token.type == grok.INDENT:
self.newline = 1
self.indent += 1
if self.parser.tokenlist[idx+1].type == grok.WS:
wslevel[self.indent] = len(self.parser.tokenlist[idx+1].text)
elif token.type == grok.DEDENT:
self.newline = 1
self.indent -= 1
self.lastws = (self.indent, ' ' * wslevel[self.indent])
elif token.type in [grok.NEWLINE, grok.EMPTY, grok.COMMENT]:
self.newline = 1
if token.type == grok.EMPTY:
self.lastws = (self.indent, ' ' * wslevel[self.indent])
elif isNewline and token.type == grok.WS:
if _debug:
import string, sys
print >>sys.stderr, "***", self.indent, self.__adjustIndent(idx)
# check for adjustment if indenting seems fishy
indent = self.indent
cmadjust = 0
if len(token.text) != wslevel[self.indent]:
# and self.parser.tokenlist[idx+1].type == grok.COMMENT:
adjust = self.__adjustIndent(idx)
indent += adjust
if adjust < 0 and self.parser.tokenlist[idx+1].type == grok.COMMENT:
if _debug:
import string, sys
print >>sys.stderr, self.parser.tokenlist[idx+1].text, " ", indent, len(token.text), wslevel
#while len(token.text) > wslevel[indent+cmadjust] and indent+cmadjust < self.indent:
# cmadjust += 1
# emit canonical whitespace
self.__emit(self.spacing * (indent+cmadjust))
# keep manual additional indent of continued lines
if _debug:
import string, sys
print >>sys.stderr, self.lastws[0], indent, \
len(self.lastws[1]), len(token.text), \
if self.lastws[0] == indent and self.lastws[1] != token.text:
self.lastws = (indent, token.text)
### Main program
def usage():
""" Print usage information.
import os, sys
%s v%s, Copyright (c) 2001 by Jrgen Hermann <jh@web.de>
Usage: %s [options] [files...]
-c, --compile Compile reformatted source
-n, --dry-run Don't change any files on disk
-q, --quiet Be quiet (no informational messages)
--no-backup Don't make backups
--help This help text
--version Version information
""" % ('pydent', __version__, 'pydent'))
def version():
""" Print version information.
import os, sys
from pythius import version
sys.stderr.write("%s (%s %s [%s])\n" %
(__version__, version.project, version.release, version.revision))
def main():
""" pydent's main code.
import getopt, sys, cStringIO, py_compile
# Check parameters
optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],
['compile', 'dry-run', 'help', 'quiet', 'no-backup', 'version'])
util.fatal("Invalid parameters!", usage=1)
if util.haveOptions(optlist, ["--version"]): version()
if not args or util.haveOptions(optlist, ["--help"]): usage()
global flag_backup, flag_compile, flag_dryrun
flag_backup = not util.haveOptions(optlist, ["--no-backup"])
flag_compile = util.haveOptions(optlist, ["-c", "--compile"])
flag_dryrun = util.haveOptions(optlist, ["-n", "--dry-run"])
util.flag_quiet = util.haveOptions(optlist, ["-q", "--quiet"])
# Collect file names
files = []
for name in args:
util.log("Found %d file%s." % (len(files), ("","s")[len(files) != 1],))
# Process the files
for filename in files:
# load source
util.log("Formatting '%s'..." % (filename,))
file = util.FileMorpher(filename, backup=flag_backup, dryrun=flag_dryrun)
source = file.load()
# check source
if not util.checkSource(source):
util.log("Syntax errors in '%s', skipped." % (filename,))
# indent source
stream = cStringIO.StringIO()
indenter = Indenter(stream)
newsource = stream.getvalue()
del stream
del indenter
# save if necessary
if newsource != source:
if not util.checkSource(newsource):
# we produced an error in the formatted source
open('error.dat', 'wt').write(newsource)
util.fatal("INTERNAL ERROR: Bad formatting, see file 'error.dat'!")
elif flag_dryrun:
util.log("Would write %(new)d bytes (previously %(old)d bytes)." % {
'old': len(source), 'new': len(newsource),})
# save new source
util.log("Saving '%s'..." % (filename,))
# optionally compile it
if flag_compile:
util.log("Compiling '%s'..." % (filename,))
del file
def run():
global util
from pythius import util
if __name__ == "__main__": run()