# demonstration of low-level access to TWAIN API
# prints out the list of available data sources
import twain, struct, string
## The identity structure is as follows (see twain.h)
## typedef struct {
## TW_UINT16 MajorNum; /* Major revision number of the software. */
## TW_UINT16 MinorNum; /* Incremental revision number of the software. */
## TW_UINT16 Language; /* e.g. TWLG_SWISSFRENCH */
## TW_UINT16 Country; /* e.g. TWCY_SWITZERLAND */
## TW_STR32 Info; /* e.g. "1.0b3 Beta release" */
## 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 34 bytes = 42
## typedef struct {
## TW_UINT32 Id; /* Unique number. In Windows, application hWnd */
## TW_VERSION Version; /* Identifies the piece of code */
## TW_UINT16 ProtocolMajor; /* Application and DS must set to TWON_PROTOCOLMAJOR */
## TW_UINT16 ProtocolMinor; /* Application and DS must set to TWON_PROTOCOLMINOR */
## TW_UINT32 SupportedGroups; /* Bit field OR combination of DG_ constants */
## TW_STR32 Manufacturer; /* Manufacturer name, e.g. "Hewlett-Packard" */
## TW_STR32 ProductFamily; /* Product family name, e.g. "ScanJet" */
## TW_STR32 ProductName; /* Product name, e.g. "ScanJet Plus" */
## 4 + 42 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 34 + 34 + 34 bytes = 156
## Note: TW_STR32 = char x[34];
## This is the struct module string which represents the TW_IDENTITY
## structure. Note that the alignment is non-default. The long (SupportedGroups)
## is aligned to a two byte boundary, and so I have to extract it using
## a '4s', rather than a 'L'.
fmtString = "L42sHH4s34s34s34s"
slen= struct.calcsize(fmtString)
def UnpackIdentity(id):
return struct.unpack(fmtString, id)
def StripNull(s):
offset = string.find(s, '\0')
if s != -1: s= s[:offset]
return s
sm = twain.SourceManager(0L)
identity = struct.pack("%ds" % slen, "")
rv = sm.DSM_Entry(twain.DG_CONTROL, twain.DAT_IDENTITY, twain.MSG_GETFIRST, identity)
while 1:
if rv != twain.TWRC_SUCCESS: break
#ProductName = UnpackIdentity(identity)[5]
ProductName = identity[122:]
ProductName = StripNull(ProductName)
print ProductName
rv = sm.DSM_Entry(twain.DG_CONTROL, twain.DAT_IDENTITY,
twain.MSG_GETNEXT, identity)
del sm