import rope.base.codeanalyze
import rope.base.evaluate
from rope.base import worder,exceptions,utils
from rope.base.codeanalyze import ArrayLinesAdapter,LogicalLineFinder
class FixSyntax(object):
def __init__(self, pycore, code, resource, maxfixes=1):
self.pycore = pycore
self.code = code
self.resource = resource
self.maxfixes = maxfixes
def get_pymodule(self):
"""Get a `PyModule`"""
errors = []
code = self.code
tries = 0
while True:
if tries == 0 and self.resource is not None and \ == code:
return self.pycore.resource_to_pyobject(self.resource,
return self.pycore.get_string_module(
code, resource=self.resource, force_errors=True)
except exceptions.ModuleSyntaxError, e:
if tries < self.maxfixes:
tries += 1
code = '\n'.join(self.commenter.lines)
errors.append(' * line %s: %s ... fixed' % (e.lineno,
errors.append(' * line %s: %s ... raised!' % (e.lineno,
new_message = ('\nSyntax errors in file %s:\n' % e.filename) \
+ '\n'.join(errors)
raise exceptions.ModuleSyntaxError(e.filename, e.lineno,
def commenter(self):
return _Commenter(self.code)
def pyname_at(self, offset):
pymodule = self.get_pymodule()
def old_pyname():
word_finder = worder.Worder(self.code, True)
expression = word_finder.get_primary_at(offset)
expression = expression.replace('\\\n', ' ').replace('\n', ' ')
lineno = self.code.count('\n', 0, offset)
scope = pymodule.get_scope().get_inner_scope_for_line(lineno)
return rope.base.evaluate.eval_str(scope, expression)
new_code = pymodule.source_code
def new_pyname():
newoffset = self.commenter.transfered_offset(offset)
return rope.base.evaluate.eval_location(pymodule, newoffset)
if new_code.startswith(self.code[:offset + 1]):
return new_pyname()
result = old_pyname()
if result is None:
return new_pyname()
return result
class _Commenter(object):
def __init__(self, code):
self.code = code
self.lines = self.code.split('\n')
self.origs = range(len(self.lines) + 1)
self.diffs = [0] * (len(self.lines) + 1)
def comment(self, lineno):
start = _logical_start(self.lines, lineno, check_prev=True) - 1
# using self._get_stmt_end() instead of self._get_block_end()
# to lower commented lines
end = self._get_stmt_end(start)
indents = _get_line_indents(self.lines[start])
if 0 < start:
last_lineno = self._last_non_blank(start - 1)
last_line = self.lines[last_lineno]
if last_line.rstrip().endswith(':'):
indents = _get_line_indents(last_line) + 4
self._set(start, ' ' * indents + 'pass')
for line in range(start + 1, end + 1):
self._set(line, self.lines[start])
self._fix_incomplete_try_blocks(lineno, indents)
def transfered_offset(self, offset):
lineno = self.code.count('\n', 0, offset)
diff = sum(self.diffs[:lineno])
return offset + diff
def _last_non_blank(self, start):
while start > 0 and self.lines[start].strip() == '':
start -= 1
return start
def _get_block_end(self, lineno):
end_line = lineno
base_indents = _get_line_indents(self.lines[lineno])
for i in range(lineno + 1, len(self.lines)):
if _get_line_indents(self.lines[i]) >= base_indents:
end_line = i
return end_line
def _get_stmt_end(self, lineno):
end_line = lineno
base_indents = _get_line_indents(self.lines[lineno])
for i in range(lineno + 1, len(self.lines)):
if _get_line_indents(self.lines[i]) <= base_indents:
return i - 1
return lineno
def _fix_incomplete_try_blocks(self, lineno, indents):
block_start = lineno
last_indents = current_indents = indents
while block_start > 0:
block_start = rope.base.codeanalyze.get_block_start(
ArrayLinesAdapter(self.lines), block_start) - 1
if self.lines[block_start].strip().startswith('try:'):
indents = _get_line_indents(self.lines[block_start])
if indents > last_indents:
last_indents = indents
block_end = self._find_matching_deindent(block_start)
line = self.lines[block_end].strip()
if not (line.startswith('finally:') or
line.startswith('except ') or
self._insert(block_end, ' ' * indents + 'finally:')
self._insert(block_end + 1, ' ' * indents + ' pass')
def _find_matching_deindent(self, line_number):
indents = _get_line_indents(self.lines[line_number])
current_line = line_number + 1
while current_line < len(self.lines):
line = self.lines[current_line]
if not line.strip().startswith('#') and not line.strip() == '':
# HACK: We should have used logical lines here
if _get_line_indents(self.lines[current_line]) <= indents:
return current_line
current_line += 1
return len(self.lines) - 1
def _set(self, lineno, line):
self.diffs[self.origs[lineno]] += len(line) - len(self.lines[lineno])
self.lines[lineno] = line
def _insert(self, lineno, line):
self.diffs[self.origs[lineno]] += len(line) + 1
self.origs.insert(lineno, self.origs[lineno])
self.lines.insert(lineno, line)
def _logical_start(lines, lineno, check_prev=False):
logical_finder = LogicalLineFinder(ArrayLinesAdapter(lines))
if check_prev:
prev = lineno - 1
while prev > 0:
start, end = logical_finder.logical_line_in(prev)
if end is None or start <= lineno < end:
return start
if start <= prev:
prev -= 1
return logical_finder.logical_line_in(lineno)[0]
def _get_line_indents(line):
return rope.base.codeanalyze.count_line_indents(line)