import re
import rope.base.exceptions
import rope.refactor.functionutils
from rope.base import (pynames,pyobjects,codeanalyze
taskhandle, evaluate, worder, utils)
from rope.base.change import ChangeSet,ChangeContents
from rope.refactor import (occurrences,rename,sourceutils
importutils, move, change_signature)
def create_inline(project, resource, offset):
"""Create a refactoring object for inlining
Based on `resource` and `offset` it returns an instance of
`InlineMethod`, `InlineVariable` or `InlineParameter`.
pycore = project.pycore
pyname = _get_pyname(pycore, resource, offset)
message = 'Inline refactoring should be performed on ' \
'a method, local variable or parameter.'
if pyname is None:
raise rope.base.exceptions.RefactoringError(message)
if isinstance(pyname, pynames.ImportedName):
pyname = pyname._get_imported_pyname()
if isinstance(pyname, pynames.AssignedName):
return InlineVariable(project, resource, offset)
if isinstance(pyname, pynames.ParameterName):
return InlineParameter(project, resource, offset)
if isinstance(pyname.get_object(), pyobjects.PyFunction):
return InlineMethod(project, resource, offset)
raise rope.base.exceptions.RefactoringError(message)
class _Inliner(object):
def __init__(self, project, resource, offset):
self.project = project
self.pycore = project.pycore
self.pyname = _get_pyname(self.pycore, resource, offset)
range_finder = worder.Worder(
self.region = range_finder.get_primary_range(offset) = range_finder.get_word_at(offset)
self.offset = offset
self.original = resource
def get_changes(self, *args, **kwds):
def get_kind(self):
"""Return either 'variable', 'method' or 'parameter'"""
class InlineMethod(_Inliner):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
super(InlineMethod, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
self.pyfunction = self.pyname.get_object()
self.pymodule = self.pyfunction.get_module()
self.resource = self.pyfunction.get_module().get_resource()
self.occurrence_finder = occurrences.create_finder(
self.pycore,, self.pyname)
self.normal_generator = _DefinitionGenerator(self.project,
def _init_imports(self):
body = sourceutils.get_body(self.pyfunction)
body, imports = move.moving_code_with_imports(
self.pycore, self.resource, body)
self.imports = imports
self.others_generator = _DefinitionGenerator(
self.project, self.pyfunction, body=body)
def _get_scope_range(self):
scope = self.pyfunction.get_scope()
lines = self.pymodule.lines
logicals = self.pymodule.logical_lines
start_line = scope.get_start()
if self.pyfunction.decorators:
decorators = self.pyfunction.decorators
if hasattr(decorators[0], 'lineno'):
start_line = decorators[0].lineno
start_offset = lines.get_line_start(start_line)
end_offset = min(lines.get_line_end(scope.end) + 1,
return (start_offset, end_offset)
def get_changes(self, remove=True, only_current=False, resources=None,
"""Get the changes this refactoring makes
If `remove` is `False` the definition will not be removed. If
`only_current` is `True`, the the current occurrence will be
inlined, only.
changes = ChangeSet('Inline method <%s>' %
if resources is None:
resources = self.pycore.get_python_files()
if only_current:
resources = [self.original]
if remove:
job_set = task_handle.create_jobset('Collecting Changes',
for file in resources:
if file == self.resource:
changes, remove=remove, only_current=only_current))
aim = None
if only_current and self.original == file:
aim = self.offset
handle = _InlineFunctionCallsForModuleHandle(
self.pycore, file, self.others_generator, aim)
result = move.ModuleSkipRenamer(
self.occurrence_finder, file, handle).get_changed_module()
if result is not None:
result = _add_imports(self.pycore, result,
file, self.imports)
if remove:
result = _remove_from(self.pycore, self.pyname,
result, file)
changes.add_change(ChangeContents(file, result))
return changes
def _get_removed_range(self):
scope = self.pyfunction.get_scope()
lines = self.pymodule.lines
logical = self.pymodule.logical_lines
start_line = scope.get_start()
start, end = self._get_scope_range()
end_line = scope.get_end()
for i in range(end_line + 1, lines.length()):
if lines.get_line(i).strip() == '':
end_line = i
end = min(lines.get_line_end(end_line) + 1,
return (start, end)
def _defining_file_changes(self, changes, remove, only_current):
start_offset, end_offset = self._get_removed_range()
aim = None
if only_current:
if self.resource == self.original:
aim = self.offset
# we don't want to change any of them
aim = len( + 100
handle = _InlineFunctionCallsForModuleHandle(
self.pycore, self.resource,
self.normal_generator, aim_offset=aim)
replacement = None
if remove:
replacement = self._get_method_replacement()
result = move.ModuleSkipRenamer(
self.occurrence_finder, self.resource, handle, start_offset,
end_offset, replacement).get_changed_module()
return ChangeContents(self.resource, result)
def _get_method_replacement(self):
if self._is_the_last_method_of_a_class():
indents = sourceutils.get_indents(
self.pymodule.lines, self.pyfunction.get_scope().get_start())
return ' ' * indents + 'pass\n'
return ''
def _is_the_last_method_of_a_class(self):
pyclass = self.pyfunction.parent
if not isinstance(pyclass, pyobjects.PyClass):
return False
class_start, class_end = sourceutils.get_body_region(pyclass)
source = self.pymodule.source_code
lines = self.pymodule.lines
func_start, func_end = self._get_scope_range()
if source[class_start:func_start].strip() == '' and \
source[func_end:class_end].strip() == '':
return True
return False
def get_kind(self):
return 'method'
class InlineVariable(_Inliner):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
super(InlineVariable, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
self.pymodule = self.pyname.get_definition_location()[0]
self.resource = self.pymodule.get_resource()
def _check_exceptional_conditions(self):
if len(self.pyname.assignments) != 1:
raise rope.base.exceptions.RefactoringError(
'Local variable should be assigned once for inlining.')
def get_changes(self, remove=True, only_current=False, resources=None,
if resources is None:
if rename._is_local(self.pyname):
resources = [self.resource]
resources = self.pycore.get_python_files()
if only_current:
resources = [self.original]
if remove and self.original != self.resource:
changes = ChangeSet('Inline variable <%s>' %
jobset = task_handle.create_jobset('Calculating changes',
for resource in resources:
if resource == self.resource:
source = self._change_main_module(remove, only_current)
changes.add_change(ChangeContents(self.resource, source))
result = self._change_module(resource, remove, only_current)
if result is not None:
result = _add_imports(self.pycore, result,
resource, self.imports)
changes.add_change(ChangeContents(resource, result))
return changes
def _change_main_module(self, remove, only_current):
region = None
if only_current and self.original == self.resource:
region = self.region
return _inline_variable(self.pycore, self.pymodule, self.pyname,, remove=remove, region=region)
def _init_imports(self):
vardef = _getvardef(self.pymodule, self.pyname)
self.imported, self.imports = move.moving_code_with_imports(
self.pycore, self.resource, vardef)
def _change_module(self, resource, remove, only_current):
filters = [occurrences.NoImportsFilter(),
if only_current and resource == self.original:
def check_aim(occurrence):
start, end = occurrence.get_primary_range()
if self.offset < start or end < self.offset:
return False
filters.insert(0, check_aim)
finder = occurrences.Finder(self.pycore,, filters=filters)
changed = rename.rename_in_module(
finder, self.imported, resource=resource, replace_primary=True)
if changed and remove:
changed = _remove_from(self.pycore, self.pyname, changed, resource)
return changed
def get_kind(self):
return 'variable'
class InlineParameter(_Inliner):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
super(InlineParameter, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
resource, offset = self._function_location()
index = self.pyname.index
self.changers = [change_signature.ArgumentDefaultInliner(index)]
self.signature = change_signature.ChangeSignature(self.project,
resource, offset)
def _function_location(self):
pymodule, lineno = self.pyname.get_definition_location()
resource = pymodule.get_resource()
start = pymodule.lines.get_line_start(lineno)
word_finder = worder.Worder(pymodule.source_code)
offset = word_finder.find_function_offset(start)
return resource, offset
def get_changes(self, **kwds):
"""Get the changes needed by this refactoring
See `rope.refactor.change_signature.ChangeSignature.get_changes()`
for arguments.
return self.signature.get_changes(self.changers, **kwds)
def get_kind(self):
return 'parameter'
def _join_lines(lines):
definition_lines = []
for unchanged_line in lines:
line = unchanged_line.strip()
if line.endswith('\\'):
line = line[:-1].strip()
joined = ' '.join(definition_lines)
return joined
class _DefinitionGenerator(object):
def __init__(self, project, pyfunction, body=None):
self.pycore = project.pycore
self.pyfunction = pyfunction
self.pymodule = pyfunction.get_module()
self.resource = self.pymodule.get_resource()
self.definition_info = self._get_definition_info()
self.definition_params = self._get_definition_params()
self._calculated_definitions = {}
if body is not None:
self.body = body
self.body = sourceutils.get_body(self.pyfunction)
def _get_definition_info(self):
def _get_definition_params(self):
definition_info = self.definition_info
paramdict = dict([pair for pair in definition_info.args_with_defaults])
if definition_info.args_arg is not None or \
definition_info.keywords_arg is not None:
raise rope.base.exceptions.RefactoringError(
'Cannot inline functions with list and keyword arguements.')
if self.pyfunction.get_kind() == 'classmethod':
paramdict[definition_info.args_with_defaults[0][0]] = \
return paramdict
def get_function_name(self):
return self.pyfunction.get_name()
def get_definition(self, primary, pyname, call, returns=False):
# caching already calculated definitions
key = (call, returns)
if key not in self._calculated_definitions:
self._calculated_definitions[key] = self._calculate_definition(
primary, pyname, call, returns)
return self._calculated_definitions[key]
def _calculate_definition(self, primary, pyname, call, returns):
call_info =
primary, pyname, self.definition_info, call)
paramdict = self.definition_params
mapping = rope.refactor.functionutils.ArgumentMapping(
self.definition_info, call_info)
for param_name, value in mapping.param_dict.items():
paramdict[param_name] = value
header = ''
to_be_inlined = []
for name, value in paramdict.items():
if name != value and value is not None:
header += name + ' = ' + value.replace('\n', ' ') + '\n'
source = header + self.body
for name in to_be_inlined:
pymodule = self.pycore.get_string_module(source, self.resource)
pyname = pymodule[name]
source = _inline_variable(self.pycore, pymodule, pyname, name)
return self._replace_returns_with(source, returns)
def _replace_returns_with(self, source, returns):
result = []
returned = None
last_changed = 0
for match in _DefinitionGenerator._get_return_pattern().finditer(source):
for key, value in match.groupdict().items():
if value and key == 'return':
if returns:
returned = _join_lines(
source[match.end('return'): len(source)].splitlines())
last_changed = len(source)
current = match.end('return')
while current < len(source) and source[current] in ' \t':
current += 1
last_changed = current
if current == len(source) or source[current] == '\n':
return ''.join(result), returned
def _check_nothing_after_return(self, source, offset):
lines = codeanalyze.SourceLinesAdapter(source)
lineno = lines.get_line_number(offset)
logical_lines = codeanalyze.LogicalLineFinder(lines)
lineno = logical_lines.logical_line_in(lineno)[1]
if source[lines.get_line_end(lineno):len(source)].strip() != '':
raise rope.base.exceptions.RefactoringError(
'Cannot inline functions with statements after return statement.')
def _get_return_pattern(cls):
if not hasattr(cls, '_return_pattern'):
def named_pattern(name, list_):
return "(?P<%s>" % name + "|".join(list_) + ")"
comment_pattern = named_pattern('comment', [r'#[^\n]*'])
string_pattern = named_pattern('string',
return_pattern = r'\b(?P<return>return)\b'
cls._return_pattern = re.compile(comment_pattern + "|" +
string_pattern + "|" +
return cls._return_pattern
class _InlineFunctionCallsForModuleHandle(object):
def __init__(self, pycore, resource,
definition_generator, aim_offset=None):
"""Inlines occurrences
If `aim` is not `None` only the occurrences that intersect
`aim` offset will be inlined.
self.pycore = pycore
self.generator = definition_generator
self.resource = resource
self.aim = aim_offset
def occurred_inside_skip(self, change_collector, occurrence):
if not occurrence.is_defined():
raise rope.base.exceptions.RefactoringError(
'Cannot inline functions that reference themselves')
def occurred_outside_skip(self, change_collector, occurrence):
start, end = occurrence.get_primary_range()
# we remove out of date imports later
if occurrence.is_in_import_statement():
# the function is referenced outside an import statement
if not occurrence.is_called():
raise rope.base.exceptions.RefactoringError(
'Reference to inlining function other than function call'
' in <file: %s, offset: %d>' % (self.resource.path, start))
if self.aim is not None and (self.aim < start or self.aim > end):
end_parens = self._find_end_parens(self.source, end - 1)
lineno = self.lines.get_line_number(start)
start_line, end_line = self.pymodule.logical_lines.\
line_start = self.lines.get_line_start(start_line)
line_end = self.lines.get_line_end(end_line)
returns = self.source[line_start:start].strip() != '' or \
self.source[end_parens:line_end].strip() != ''
indents = sourceutils.get_indents(self.lines, start_line)
primary, pyname = occurrence.get_primary_and_pyname()
definition, returned = self.generator.get_definition(
primary, pyname, self.source[start:end_parens], returns=returns)
end = min(line_end + 1, len(self.source))
line_start, end, sourceutils.fix_indentation(definition, indents))
if returns:
name = returned
if name is None:
name = 'None'
line_end, end, self.source[line_start:start] + name +
def _find_end_parens(self, source, offset):
finder = worder.Worder(source)
return finder.get_word_parens_range(offset)[1]
def pymodule(self):
return self.pycore.resource_to_pyobject(self.resource)
def source(self):
if self.resource is not None:
return self.pymodule.source_code
def lines(self):
return self.pymodule.lines
def _inline_variable(pycore, pymodule, pyname, name,
remove=True, region=None):
definition = _getvardef(pymodule, pyname)
start, end = _assigned_lineno(pymodule, pyname)
occurrence_finder = occurrences.create_finder(pycore, name, pyname)
changed_source = rename.rename_in_module(
occurrence_finder, definition, pymodule=pymodule,
replace_primary=True, writes=False, region=region)
if changed_source is None:
changed_source = pymodule.source_code
if remove:
lines = codeanalyze.SourceLinesAdapter(changed_source)
source = changed_source[:lines.get_line_start(start)] + \
changed_source[lines.get_line_end(end) + 1:]
source = changed_source
return source
def _getvardef(pymodule, pyname):
assignment = pyname.assignments[0]
lines = pymodule.lines
start, end = _assigned_lineno(pymodule, pyname)
definition_with_assignment = _join_lines(
[lines.get_line(n) for n in range(start, end + 1)])
if assignment.levels:
raise rope.base.exceptions.RefactoringError(
'Cannot inline tuple assignments.')
definition = definition_with_assignment[definition_with_assignment.\
index('=') + 1:].strip()
return definition
def _assigned_lineno(pymodule, pyname):
definition_line = pyname.assignments[0].ast_node.lineno
return pymodule.logical_lines.logical_line_in(definition_line)
def _add_imports(pycore, source, resource, imports):
if not imports:
return source
pymodule = pycore.get_string_module(source, resource)
module_import = importutils.get_module_imports(pycore, pymodule)
for import_info in imports:
source = module_import.get_changed_source()
pymodule = pycore.get_string_module(source, resource)
import_tools = importutils.ImportTools(pycore)
return import_tools.organize_imports(pymodule, unused=False, sort=False)
def _get_pyname(pycore, resource, offset):
pymodule = pycore.resource_to_pyobject(resource)
pyname = evaluate.eval_location(pymodule, offset)
if isinstance(pyname, pynames.ImportedName):
pyname = pyname._get_imported_pyname()
return pyname
def _remove_from(pycore, pyname, source, resource):
pymodule = pycore.get_string_module(source, resource)
module_import = importutils.get_module_imports(pycore, pymodule)
return module_import.get_changed_source()