import warnings
from rope.base import exceptions,pyobjects,pynames,taskhandle,evaluate,worder,codeanalyze
from rope.base.change import ChangeSet,ChangeContents,MoveResource
from rope.refactor import occurrences,sourceutils
class Rename(object):
"""A class for performing rename refactoring
It can rename everything: classes, functions, modules, packages,
methods, variables and keyword arguments.
def __init__(self, project, resource, offset=None):
"""If `offset` is None, the `resource` itself will be renamed"""
self.project = project
self.pycore = project.pycore
self.resource = resource
if offset is not None:
self.old_name = worder.get_name_at(self.resource, offset)
this_pymodule = self.pycore.resource_to_pyobject(self.resource)
self.old_instance, self.old_pyname = \
evaluate.eval_location2(this_pymodule, offset)
if self.old_pyname is None:
raise exceptions.RefactoringError(
'Rename refactoring should be performed'
' on resolvable python identifiers.')
if not resource.is_folder() and == '':
resource = resource.parent
dummy_pymodule = self.pycore.get_string_module('')
self.old_instance = None
self.old_pyname = pynames.ImportedModule(dummy_pymodule,
if resource.is_folder():
self.old_name =
self.old_name =[:-3]
def get_old_name(self):
return self.old_name
def get_changes(self, new_name, in_file=None, in_hierarchy=False,
unsure=None, docs=False, resources=None,
"""Get the changes needed for this refactoring
- `in_hierarchy`: when renaming a method this keyword forces
to rename all matching methods in the hierarchy
- `docs`: when `True` rename refactoring will rename
occurrences in comments and strings where the name is
visible. Setting it will make renames faster, too.
- `unsure`: decides what to do about unsure occurrences.
If `None`, they are ignored. Otherwise `unsure` is
called with an instance of `occurrence.Occurrence` as
parameter. If it returns `True`, the occurrence is
considered to be a match.
- `resources` can be a list of `rope.base.resources.File`\s to
apply this refactoring on. If `None`, the restructuring
will be applied to all python files.
- `in_file`: this argument has been deprecated; use
`resources` instead.
if unsure in (True, False):
'unsure parameter should be a function that returns '
'True or False', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
def unsure_func(value=unsure):
return value
unsure = unsure_func
if in_file is not None:
'`in_file` argument has been deprecated; use `resources` '
'instead. ', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
if in_file:
resources = [self.resource]
if _is_local(self.old_pyname):
resources = [self.resource]
if resources is None:
resources = self.pycore.get_python_files()
changes = ChangeSet('Renaming <%s> to <%s>' %
(self.old_name, new_name))
finder = occurrences.create_finder(
self.pycore, self.old_name, self.old_pyname, unsure=unsure,
docs=docs, instance=self.old_instance,
in_hierarchy=in_hierarchy and self.is_method())
job_set = task_handle.create_jobset('Collecting Changes', len(resources))
for file_ in resources:
new_content = rename_in_module(finder, new_name, resource=file_)
if new_content is not None:
changes.add_change(ChangeContents(file_, new_content))
if self._is_renaming_a_module():
resource = self.old_pyname.get_object().get_resource()
if self._is_allowed_to_move(resources, resource):
self._rename_module(resource, new_name, changes)
return changes
def _is_allowed_to_move(self, resources, resource):
if resource.is_folder():
return resource.get_child('') in resources
except exceptions.ResourceNotFoundError:
return False
return resource in resources
def _is_renaming_a_module(self):
if isinstance(self.old_pyname.get_object(), pyobjects.AbstractModule):
return True
return False
def is_method(self):
pyname = self.old_pyname
return isinstance(pyname, pynames.DefinedName) and \
isinstance(pyname.get_object(), pyobjects.PyFunction) and \
isinstance(pyname.get_object().parent, pyobjects.PyClass)
def _rename_module(self, resource, new_name, changes):
if not resource.is_folder():
new_name = new_name + '.py'
parent_path = resource.parent.path
if parent_path == '':
new_location = new_name
new_location = parent_path + '/' + new_name
changes.add_change(MoveResource(resource, new_location))
class ChangeOccurrences(object):
"""A class for changing the occurrences of a name in a scope
This class replaces the occurrences of a name. Note that it only
changes the scope containing the offset passed to the constructor.
What's more it does not have any side-effects. That is for
example changing occurrences of a module does not rename the
module; it merely replaces the occurrences of that module in a
scope with the given expression. This class is useful for
performing many custom refactorings.
def __init__(self, project, resource, offset):
self.pycore = project.pycore
self.resource = resource
self.offset = offset
self.old_name = worder.get_name_at(resource, offset)
self.pymodule = self.pycore.resource_to_pyobject(self.resource)
self.old_pyname = evaluate.eval_location(self.pymodule, offset)
def get_old_name(self):
word_finder = worder.Worder(
return word_finder.get_primary_at(self.offset)
def _get_scope_offset(self):
lines = self.pymodule.lines
scope = self.pymodule.get_scope().\
start = lines.get_line_start(scope.get_start())
end = lines.get_line_end(scope.get_end())
return start, end
def get_changes(self, new_name, only_calls=False, reads=True, writes=True):
changes = ChangeSet('Changing <%s> occurrences to <%s>' %
(self.old_name, new_name))
scope_start, scope_end = self._get_scope_offset()
finder = occurrences.create_finder(
self.pycore, self.old_name, self.old_pyname,
imports=False, only_calls=only_calls)
new_contents = rename_in_module(
finder, new_name, pymodule=self.pymodule, replace_primary=True,
region=(scope_start, scope_end), reads=reads, writes=writes)
if new_contents is not None:
changes.add_change(ChangeContents(self.resource, new_contents))
return changes
def rename_in_module(occurrences_finder, new_name, resource=None, pymodule=None,
replace_primary=False, region=None, reads=True, writes=True):
"""Returns the changed source or `None` if there is no changes"""
if resource is not None:
source_code =
source_code = pymodule.source_code
change_collector = codeanalyze.ChangeCollector(source_code)
for occurrence in occurrences_finder.find_occurrences(resource, pymodule):
if replace_primary and occurrence.is_a_fixed_primary():
if replace_primary:
start, end = occurrence.get_primary_range()
start, end = occurrence.get_word_range()
if (not reads and not occurrence.is_written()) or \
(not writes and occurrence.is_written()):
if region is None or region[0] <= start < region[1]:
change_collector.add_change(start, end, new_name)
return change_collector.get_changed()
def _is_local(pyname):
module, lineno = pyname.get_definition_location()
if lineno is None:
return False
scope = module.get_scope().get_inner_scope_for_line(lineno)
if isinstance(pyname, pynames.DefinedName) and \
scope.get_kind() in ('Function', 'Class'):
scope = scope.parent
return scope.get_kind() == 'Function' and \
pyname in scope.get_names().values() and \
isinstance(pyname, pynames.AssignedName)