"""This module can be used for finding similar code"""
import re
import rope.refactor.wildcards
from rope.base import codeanalyze,evaluate,exceptions,ast,builtins
from rope.refactor import (patchedast,sourceutils,occurrences
wildcards, importutils)
class BadNameInCheckError(exceptions.RefactoringError):
class SimilarFinder(object):
"""`SimilarFinder` can be used to find similar pieces of code
See the notes in the `rope.refactor.restructure` module for more
def __init__(self, pymodule, wildcards=None):
"""Construct a SimilarFinder"""
self.source = pymodule.source_code
self.raw_finder = RawSimilarFinder(
pymodule.source_code, pymodule.get_ast(), self._does_match)
self.pymodule = pymodule
if wildcards is None:
self.wildcards = {}
for wildcard in [rope.refactor.wildcards.
self.wildcards[wildcard.get_name()] = wildcard
self.wildcards = wildcards
def get_matches(self, code, args={}, start=0, end=None):
self.args = args
if end is None:
end = len(self.source)
skip_region = None
if 'skip' in args.get('', {}):
resource, region = args['']['skip']
if resource == self.pymodule.get_resource():
skip_region = region
return self.raw_finder.get_matches(code, start=start, end=end,
def get_match_regions(self, *args, **kwds):
for match in self.get_matches(*args, **kwds):
yield match.get_region()
def _does_match(self, node, name):
arg = self.args.get(name, '')
kind = 'default'
if isinstance(arg, (tuple, list)):
kind = arg[0]
arg = arg[1]
suspect = wildcards.Suspect(self.pymodule, node, name)
return self.wildcards[kind].matches(suspect, arg)
class RawSimilarFinder(object):
"""A class for finding similar expressions and statements"""
def __init__(self, source, node=None, does_match=None):
if node is None:
node = ast.parse(source)
if does_match is None:
self.does_match = self._simple_does_match
self.does_match = does_match
self._init_using_ast(node, source)
def _simple_does_match(self, node, name):
return isinstance(node, (ast.expr, ast.Name))
def _init_using_ast(self, node, source):
self.source = source
self._matched_asts = {}
if not hasattr(node, 'region'):
patchedast.patch_ast(node, source)
self.ast = node
def get_matches(self, code, start=0, end=None, skip=None):
"""Search for `code` in source and return a list of `Match`\es
`code` can contain wildcards. ``${name}`` matches normal
names and ``${?name} can match any expression. You can use
`Match.get_ast()` for getting the node that has matched a
given pattern.
if end is None:
end = len(self.source)
for match in self._get_matched_asts(code):
match_start, match_end = match.get_region()
if start <= match_start and match_end <= end:
if skip is not None and (skip[0] < match_end and
skip[1] > match_start):
yield match
def _get_matched_asts(self, code):
if code not in self._matched_asts:
wanted = self._create_pattern(code)
matches = _ASTMatcher(self.ast, wanted,
self._matched_asts[code] = matches
return self._matched_asts[code]
def _create_pattern(self, expression):
expression = self._replace_wildcards(expression)
node = ast.parse(expression)
# Getting Module.Stmt.nodes
nodes = node.body
if len(nodes) == 1 and isinstance(nodes[0], ast.Expr):
# Getting Discard.expr
wanted = nodes[0].value
wanted = nodes
return wanted
def _replace_wildcards(self, expression):
ropevar = _RopeVariable()
template = CodeTemplate(expression)
mapping = {}
for name in template.get_names():
mapping[name] = ropevar.get_var(name)
return template.substitute(mapping)
class _ASTMatcher(object):
def __init__(self, body, pattern, does_match):
"""Searches the given pattern in the body AST.
body is an AST node and pattern can be either an AST node or
a list of ASTs nodes
self.body = body
self.pattern = pattern
self.matches = None
self.ropevar = _RopeVariable()
self.matches_callback = does_match
def find_matches(self):
if self.matches is None:
self.matches = []
ast.call_for_nodes(self.body, self._check_node, recursive=True)
return self.matches
def _check_node(self, node):
if isinstance(self.pattern, list):
def _check_expression(self, node):
mapping = {}
if self._match_nodes(self.pattern, node, mapping):
self.matches.append(ExpressionMatch(node, mapping))
def _check_statements(self, node):
for child in ast.get_children(node):
if isinstance(child, (list, tuple)):
def __check_stmt_list(self, nodes):
for index in range(len(nodes)):
if len(nodes) - index >= len(self.pattern):
current_stmts = nodes[index:index + len(self.pattern)]
mapping = {}
if self._match_stmts(current_stmts, mapping):
self.matches.append(StatementMatch(current_stmts, mapping))
def _match_nodes(self, expected, node, mapping):
if isinstance(expected, ast.Name):
if self.ropevar.is_var(expected.id):
return self._match_wildcard(expected, node, mapping)
if not isinstance(expected, ast.AST):
return expected == node
if expected.__class__ != node.__class__:
return False
children1 = self._get_children(expected)
children2 = self._get_children(node)
if len(children1) != len(children2):
return False
for child1, child2 in zip(children1, children2):
if isinstance(child1, ast.AST):
if not self._match_nodes(child1, child2, mapping):
return False
elif isinstance(child1, (list, tuple)):
if not isinstance(child2, (list, tuple)) or \
len(child1) != len(child2):
return False
for c1, c2 in zip(child1, child2):
if not self._match_nodes(c1, c2, mapping):
return False
if child1 != child2:
return False
return True
def _get_children(self, node):
"""Return not `ast.expr_context` children of `node`"""
children = ast.get_children(node)
return [child for child in children
if not isinstance(child, ast.expr_context)]
def _match_stmts(self, current_stmts, mapping):
if len(current_stmts) != len(self.pattern):
return False
for stmt, expected in zip(current_stmts, self.pattern):
if not self._match_nodes(expected, stmt, mapping):
return False
return True
def _match_wildcard(self, node1, node2, mapping):
name = self.ropevar.get_base(node1.id)
if name not in mapping:
if self.matches_callback(node2, name):
mapping[name] = node2
return True
return False
return self._match_nodes(mapping[name], node2, {})
class Match(object):
def __init__(self, mapping):
self.mapping = mapping
def get_region(self):
"""Returns match region"""
def get_ast(self, name):
"""Return the ast node that has matched rope variables"""
return self.mapping.get(name, None)
class ExpressionMatch(Match):
def __init__(self, ast, mapping):
super(ExpressionMatch, self).__init__(mapping)
self.ast = ast
def get_region(self):
return self.ast.region
class StatementMatch(Match):
def __init__(self, ast_list, mapping):
super(StatementMatch, self).__init__(mapping)
self.ast_list = ast_list
def get_region(self):
return self.ast_list[0].region[0], self.ast_list[-1].region[1]
class CodeTemplate(object):
def __init__(self, template):
self.template = template
def _find_names(self):
self.names = {}
for match in CodeTemplate._get_pattern().finditer(self.template):
if 'name' in match.groupdict() and \
match.group('name') is not None:
start, end = match.span('name')
name = self.template[start + 2:end - 1]
if name not in self.names:
self.names[name] = []
self.names[name].append((start, end))
def get_names(self):
return self.names.keys()
def substitute(self, mapping):
collector = codeanalyze.ChangeCollector(self.template)
for name, occurrences in self.names.items():
for region in occurrences:
collector.add_change(region[0], region[1], mapping[name])
result = collector.get_changed()
if result is None:
return self.template
return result
_match_pattern = None
def _get_pattern(cls):
if cls._match_pattern is None:
pattern = codeanalyze.get_comment_pattern() + '|' + \
codeanalyze.get_string_pattern() + '|' + \
cls._match_pattern = re.compile(pattern)
return cls._match_pattern
class _RopeVariable(object):
"""Transform and identify rope inserted wildcards"""
_normal_prefix = '__rope__variable_normal_'
_any_prefix = '__rope__variable_any_'
def get_var(self, name):
if name.startswith('?'):
return self._get_any(name)
return self._get_normal(name)
def is_var(self, name):
return self._is_normal(name) or self._is_var(name)
def get_base(self, name):
if self._is_normal(name):
return name[len(self._normal_prefix):]
if self._is_var(name):
return '?' + name[len(self._any_prefix):]
def _get_normal(self, name):
return self._normal_prefix + name
def _get_any(self, name):
return self._any_prefix + name[1:]
def _is_normal(self, name):
return name.startswith(self._normal_prefix)
def _is_var(self, name):
return name.startswith(self._any_prefix)
def make_pattern(code, variables):
variables = set(variables)
collector = codeanalyze.ChangeCollector(code)
def does_match(node, name):
return isinstance(node, ast.Name) and node.id == name
finder = RawSimilarFinder(code, does_match=does_match)
for variable in variables:
for match in finder.get_matches('${%s}' % variable):
start, end = match.get_region()
collector.add_change(start, end, '${%s}' % variable)
result = collector.get_changed()
return result if result is not None else code
def _pydefined_to_str(pydefined):
address = []
if isinstance(pydefined, (builtins.BuiltinClass, builtins.BuiltinFunction)):
return '__builtins__.' + pydefined.get_name()
while pydefined.parent is not None:
address.insert(0, pydefined.get_name())
pydefined = pydefined.parent
module_name = pydefined.pycore.modname(pydefined.resource)
return '.'.join(module_name.split('.') + address)