"""bank18: A Resource with Priority to vary the number of units"""
## Model components ------------------------
if tracing:
from SimPy.SimulationTrace import *
from SimPy.Simulation import *
from random import expovariate,seed
class Source(Process):
""" Source generates customers randomly"""
def generate(self,number,rate):
for i in range(number):
c = Customer(name = "Customer%02d"%(i,))
yield hold,self,expovariate(rate)
class Customer(Process):
""" Customer arrives, is served and leaves """
def visit(self,timeInBank):
print "%8.4f %s: Arrived "%(now(),self.name)
yield request,self,counter
print "%8.4f %s: Got counter "%(now(),self.name)
tib = expovariate(1.0/timeInBank)
yield hold,self,tib
yield release,self,counter
print "%8.4f %s: Finished "%(now(),self.name)
class ClerkProcess(Process):
""" This process removes a clerk from the counter
after an average of 20 minutes.
The clerk returns after 5 minutes """
def serverProc(self):
while True:
# The clerk starts working. Leave after an average of 10 minutes
yield hold,self,expovariate(1.0/15.0)
print "%8.4f %s: urgent. Free:"\
"%d, %d waiting"%(now(),self.name,counter.n,len(counter.waitQ))
# The first free clerk is removed
yield request,self,counter,100
print "%8.4f %s: leaves. Free:"\
"%d, %d waiting"%(now(), self.name,counter.n,len(counter.waitQ))
#period away is 3 minutes
yield hold,self,3.0
#clerk returns
yield release,self,counter
print "%8.4f %s: returns. Free:"\
"%d, %d waiting"%(now(), self.name,counter.n,len(counter.waitQ))
## Experiment data -------------------------
maxTime = 200.0 # minutes
counter = Resource(1,name="Clerk",qType=PriorityQ)
## Model ----------------------------------
def model(SEED=393939):
clerk1 = ClerkProcess('Clerk')
activate(clerk1, clerk1.serverProc())
source = Source('Source')
## Experiment ----------------------------------