# Example.py - Example for SimulationGUIDebug
from SimPy.SimulationGUIDebug import *# import SimulationGUIDebug
# Creates man
class SuperBeing(Process):
def __init__(self,earth):
self.earth = earth
def Create(self):
while True:
yield hold,self,1.20
man = Man(self.earth)
register(man,man.Status) # register the man instance with hook
# Man waits for earth resource, then becomes, baby, adult, and leaves earth
class Man(Process):
ID = 0
def __init__(self,earth):
Process.__init__(self,name="Man%d"%Man.ID) # set name to ensure window title is set
self.earth = earth
self.status = "in heaven"
Man.ID += 1
def Walk(self):
self.status = "waiting for earth "
yield request,self,self.earth
self.status = "baby"
yield hold,self,1
self.status = "adult"
yield hold,self,2
self.status = "good bye earth"
yield release,self,self.earth
def Status(self):
return self.status
# set up
register(SuperBeing,name="SuperBeing") # register SuperBeing class with name
Earth = Resource(2,name="Earth") # set name to ensure window title is set
register(Earth) # register Earth Resource
SB = SuperBeing(Earth)
activate(SB,SB.Create()) # when activated SB will be registered
# simulate