# $SnapHashLicense:
# SnapLogic - Open source data services
# Copyright (C) 2008 - 2009, SnapLogic, Inc. All rights reserved.
# See http://www.snaplogic.org for more information about
# the SnapLogic project.
# This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
# the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LEGAL file
# at the top of the source tree.
# "SnapLogic" is a trademark of SnapLogic, Inc.
# $
# $Id: DateDimension.py 10330 2009-12-24 22:13:38Z grisha $
DateDimension Module and Resource Definition.
This component produces date dimension sequences, used in time based analysis.
That is essentially just a large number of records, each record representing
a single date. Besides the date itself, each records contains a large number
of flags, or other, indicating particular characteristics about the
date. For example, is this date a weekday or weekend day? Is this day located
in the last 30 days from today? Having these attributes explicitly spelled out
simplifies the querying for particular types of dates.
# Imports
import re, time, datetime
from decimal import Decimal
from snaplogic.common.snap_exceptions import *
from snaplogic.common.data_types import SnapString,SnapNumber,SnapDateTime
from snaplogic.common import version_info
import snaplogic.cc.prop as prop
from snaplogic.cc import component_api
from snaplogic.cc.component_api import ComponentAPI
from snaplogic.snapi_base import keys
# Public names
__all__ = [ "DateDimension" ]
class DateDimension(ComponentAPI):
Class DateDimension.
api_version = '1.0'
component_version = '1.1'
# Some definitions that are needed for the component container
# and general use of this as a SnapLogic component.
capabilities = {
component_description = "Outputs a date dimension sequence"
component_label = "Date Dimension"
component_doc_uri = "https://www.snaplogic.org/trac/wiki/Documentation/%s/ComponentRef/DateDimension" % \
# Some definitions that we use as part of our date calculations.
_DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d'
u'Q1', u'Q1', u'Q1',
u'Q2', u'Q2', u'Q2',
u'Q3', u'Q3', u'Q3',
u'Q4', u'Q4', u'Q4',
def create_resource_template(self):
Create DateDimension resource definition template. It consists of:
StartDate: The first date of the sequence.
EndDate: The last date of the sequence.
Today: The date that is considered as 'today' for the purpose of the sequence generation.
FiscalOffset: The offset for the start of the fiscal year, measured in months.
"The first date of the sequence.",
"The last date of the sequence.",
# Today is not marked as a required property because '' (a null string) is a valid value which will be
# interpreted as the current date. The required property flag requires that the property is not null.
# So we will validate this property ourselves in the validate method.
"The date seen as 'today' for the purpose of the sequence generation."))
"The offset for the start of the fiscal year, measured in months.",
{"min_value": -11, "max_value" : 11},
# Give them default values
self.set_property_value('StartDate', '2000-01-01')
self.set_property_value('EndDate', '2037-12-31')
self.set_property_value('Today', '')
self.set_property_value('FiscalOffset', 0)
# Set the non-modifiable default output view.
( 'date_value', SnapDateTime, "Date type, the date value." ),
( 'year', SnapString, "The 4 digit year." ),
( 'quarter', SnapString, "The calendar quarter (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4)." ),
( 'month', SnapString, "The full month name (January, February, etc.)." ),
( 'full_quarter', SnapString, "The year and quarter (Q107, Q207, etc)." ),
( 'day_number', SnapNumber, "The day number in the calendar year, starting at 1." ),
( 'month_number', SnapNumber, "The month number in the calendar year, starting at 1." ),
( 'day_of_month', SnapNumber, "The day of the current month, starting at 1." ),
( 'day_of_quarter', SnapNumber, "The day of the current quarter, starting at 1." ),
( 'is_today', SnapString, "'Y' if the date is today." ),
( 'is_yesterday', SnapString, "'Y' if the date is yesterday." ),
( 'is_this_month', SnapString, "'Y' if the date is in the current calendar month." ),
( 'is_last_month', SnapString, "'Y' if the date is in the previous calendar month." ),
( 'is_this_quarter', SnapString, "'Y' if the date is in the current calendar quarter." ),
( 'is_last_quarter', SnapString, "'Y' if the date is in the previous calendar quarter." ),
( 'is_this_year', SnapString, "'Y' if the date is in the current calendar year." ),
( 'is_last_year', SnapString, "'Y' if the date is in the previous calendar year." ),
( 'is_rolling_month', SnapString, "'Y' if the date is in the previous 30 days." ),
( 'is_rolling_last_month', SnapString, "'Y' if the date is in the previous 31-60 days." ),
( 'is_rolling_quarter', SnapString, "'Y' if the date is in the previous 90 days." ),
( 'is_rolling_last_quarter', SnapString, "'Y' if the date is in the previous 91-180 days." ),
( 'is_rolling_year', SnapString, "'Y' if the date is in the previous 365 days." ),
( 'is_rolling_last_year', SnapString, "'Y' if the date is in the previous 366-730 days." ),
( 'is_mtd', SnapString, "'Y' if the date is in the current calendar month and <= today." ),
( 'is_last_mtd', SnapString, "'Y' if the date is in the previous calendar month and today <= day of month." ),
( 'is_qtd', SnapString, "'Y' if the date is in the current calendar quarter and <= today." ),
( 'is_last_qtd', SnapString, "'Y' if the date is in the previous calendar quarter today <= day_of_quarter." ),
( 'is_ytd', SnapString, "'Y' if the date is in the current calendar year and <= today." ),
( 'is_last_ytd', SnapString, "'Y' if the date is in the previous calendar year and today <= day_number." ),
( 'fiscal_year', SnapString, "The fiscal year. (2006, 2007, etc)" ),
( 'fiscal_short', SnapString, "The abbreviated fiscal year. (FY06, FY07, etc)." ),
( 'fiscal_long', SnapString, "The long fiscal year. (FY06-07, FY07-08, etc)." ),
( 'fiscal_quarter', SnapString, "The fiscal quarter (Q1, FQ2, etc)." ),
( 'fiscal_day_number', SnapNumber, "The day number in the current fiscal year, starting at 1." ),
( 'fiscal_month_number', SnapNumber, "The month number in the current fiscal year, starting at 1." ),
( 'fiscal_day_of_quarter', SnapNumber, "The day of the current fiscal quarter, starting at 1." ),
( 'is_this_fiscal_quarter', SnapString, "'Y' if date_value is in the current fiscal quarter." ),
( 'is_last_fiscal_quarter', SnapString, "'Y' if date_value is in the previous fiscal quarter." ),
( 'is_this_fiscal_year', SnapString, "'Y' if date_value is in the current fiscal year." ),
( 'is_last_fiscal_year', SnapString, "'Y' if date_value is in the previous fiscal year." )
], "Date Dimension output", False)
def validate(self, err_obj):
Validate a proposed resource definition for this component.
We use the functions of the time module to do a simple operation
on the time string. If they throw an exception, we can take that
as an indication that the time strings were malformed.
# StartDate and EndDate just have to be reasonably formatted dates.
prop_name = "StartDate"
start_val = val = self.get_property_value(prop_name)
if not component_api.has_param(val):
time.strptime(start_val, DateDimension._DATE_FORMAT)
prop_name = "EndDate"
end_val = val = self.get_property_value(prop_name)
if not component_api.has_param(val):
time.strptime(end_val, DateDimension._DATE_FORMAT)
# If start date and end date could be converted correctly, check they don't conflict
if not component_api.has_param(start_val) and end_val < start_val:
"End Date '%s' cannot be earlier than Start Date '%s'." % (end_val, start_val))
err_obj.get_property_err(prop_name).set_message("Invalid Date: '%s', valid format is 'yyyy-mm-dd'." % (val))
# Today is a bit more complex, since it can be '', an absolute time string or
# a relative definition.
val = self.get_property_value("Today")
if val is None or val.strip() == '' or component_api.has_param(val):
elif val.startswith('+') or val.startswith('-'):
# See if we can do an exception-free today calculation if it is a relative definition
tdate = datetime.date.today()
delta = datetime.timedelta(int(str(val)))
tdate += delta
# See if the date given formats correctly
time.strptime(val, DateDimension._DATE_FORMAT)
"Invalid Today: '%s', valid format is '', 'yyyy-mm-dd', '+days', or '-days'." % (val))
def execute(self, input_views, output_views):
Produce a Date Dimension list as output records.
# Initializations before we start writing
output_view = output_views.values()[keys.SINGLE_VIEW]
except IndexError:
raise SnapComponentError("No output view connected.")
# We only need to pre-create the record once
r = output_view.create_record()
# Some time calculation related constants we need
datetup = time.strptime(self.get_property_value("StartDate"), DateDimension._DATE_FORMAT)
start_date = datetime.date(datetup[0], datetup[1], datetup[2])
datetime.date(2008, 1, 1)
datetup = time.strptime(self.get_property_value("EndDate"), DateDimension._DATE_FORMAT)
end_date = datetime.date(datetup[0], datetup[1], datetup[2])
t = self.get_property_value("Today")
if t is None or t.strip() == '':
today = datetime.date.today()
elif t.startswith('+') or t.startswith('-'):
delta = datetime.timedelta(eval(t))
today = datetime.date.today() + delta
datetup = time.strptime(t, DateDimension._DATE_FORMAT)
today = datetime.date(datetup[0], datetup[1], datetup[2])
fiscal_offset = int(self.get_property_value("FiscalOffset"))
next_day = datetime.timedelta(1)
# Get days of (calendar) quarter and year of today.
d1 = datetime.date(today.year, self._get_quarter_starting_month(today.month), 1)
d2 = datetime.date(today.year, 1, 1)
today_day_of_quarter = Decimal((today - d1).days + 1)
today_day_of_year = Decimal((today - d2).days + 1)
# Get fisical year/quarter/month of today.
# - fy_today: fiscal year of today
# - fq_today: fiscal quarter of today
# - fm_today: fiscal month of today
fy_today = today.year
fm_today = today.month - fiscal_offset
if fm_today <= 0:
fy_today -= 1
fm_today += 12
elif fm_today > 12:
fy_today += 1
fm_today -= 12
fq_today = self._get_quarter_number(fm_today)
# Generate a record for each date from the start date to the end date.
now = start_date
while now <= end_date:
datetup = now.timetuple()
year = unicode(now.year)
r['date_value'] = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month, now.day)
r['year'] = year
r['quarter'] = DateDimension._QUARTERS[now.month-1]
r['month'] = DateDimension._MONTHS[now.month-1]
r['full_quarter'] = unicode(r['quarter'] + year[2:])
r['day_number'] = Decimal(datetup[7])
r['month_number'] = Decimal(datetup[1])
r['day_of_month'] = Decimal(datetup[2])
d1 = datetime.date(now.year, self._get_quarter_starting_month(now.month), 1)
r['day_of_quarter'] = Decimal((now - d1).days + 1)
now_day_of_quarter = r['day_of_quarter']
d2 = datetime.date(now.year, 1, 1)
now_day_of_year = (now - d2).days + 1
# Initialization of 'Y'/'N' flags.
r['is_today'] = u'N'
r['is_yesterday'] = u'N'
r['is_this_month'] = u'N'
r['is_last_month'] = u'N'
r['is_this_quarter'] = u'N'
r['is_last_quarter'] = u'N'
r['is_this_year'] = u'N'
r['is_last_year'] = u'N'
r['is_rolling_month'] = u'N'
r['is_rolling_last_month'] = u'N'
r['is_rolling_quarter'] = u'N'
r['is_rolling_last_quarter'] = u'N'
r['is_rolling_year'] = u'N'
r['is_rolling_last_year'] = u'N'
r['is_mtd'] = u'N'
r['is_last_mtd'] = u'N'
r['is_qtd'] = u'N'
r['is_last_qtd'] = u'N'
r['is_ytd'] = u'N'
r['is_last_ytd'] = u'N'
delta = today - now
# Same day
if delta.days == 0:
r['is_today'] = u'Y'
r['is_this_month'] = u'Y'
r['is_this_quarter'] = u'Y'
r['is_this_year'] = u'Y'
r['is_rolling_month'] = u'Y'
r['is_rolling_quarter'] = u'Y'
r['is_rolling_year'] = u'Y'
r['is_mtd'] = u'Y'
r['is_qtd'] = u'Y'
r['is_ytd'] = u'Y'
# Different day
if delta.days == 1:
r['is_yesterday'] = u'Y'
# Same year
if today.year == now.year:
r['is_this_year'] = u'Y'
if today_day_of_year >= now_day_of_year:
r['is_ytd'] = u'Y'
# Same month
if today.month == now.month:
r['is_this_month'] = u'Y'
r['is_this_quarter'] = u'Y'
if today.day >= now.day:
r['is_mtd'] = u'Y'
if today_day_of_quarter >= now_day_of_quarter:
r['is_qtd'] = u'Y'
if today_day_of_year >= now_day_of_year:
r['is_ytd'] = u'Y'
# Different month
if (today.month - now.month) == 1:
r['is_last_month'] = u'Y'
if today.day >= now.day:
r['is_last_mtd'] = u'Y'
# Same quarter
if self._get_quarter_number(today.month) == self._get_quarter_number(now.month):
r['is_this_quarter'] = u'Y'
if today_day_of_quarter >= now_day_of_quarter:
r['is_qtd'] = u'Y'
# Different quarter
if self._get_quarter_number(today.month) - self._get_quarter_number(now.month) == 1:
r['is_last_quarter'] = u'Y'
if today_day_of_quarter >= now_day_of_quarter:
r['is_last_qtd'] = u'Y'
# Different year
# Previous year
if (today.year - now.year) == 1:
r['is_last_year'] = u'Y'
if today_day_of_year >= now_day_of_year:
r['is_last_ytd'] = u'Y'
# Today is first quarter
if self._get_quarter_number(today.month) == 1:
# Now is last quarter of previous year
if self._get_quarter_number(now.month) == 4:
r['is_last_quarter'] = u'Y'
if today_day_of_quarter >= now_day_of_quarter:
r['is_last_qtd'] = u'Y'
if today.month == 1 and now.month == 12:
r['is_last_month'] = u'Y'
if today.day >= now.day:
r['is_last_mtd'] = u'Y'
delta = today - now
if (delta.days <= 30) and (delta.days >= 0):
r['is_rolling_month'] = u'Y'
r['is_rolling_quarter'] = u'Y'
r['is_rolling_year'] = u'Y'
elif (delta.days <= 60) and (delta.days >= 31):
r['is_rolling_last_month'] = u'Y'
r['is_rolling_quarter'] = u'Y'
r['is_rolling_year'] = u'Y'
elif (delta.days <= 90) and (delta.days >= 31):
r['is_rolling_quarter'] = u'Y'
r['is_rolling_year'] = u'Y'
elif (delta.days <= 180) and (delta.days >= 91):
r['is_rolling_last_quarter'] = u'Y'
r['is_rolling_year'] = u'Y'
elif (delta.days <= 365) and (delta.days >= 181):
r['is_rolling_year'] = u'Y'
elif (delta.days <= 730) and (delta.days >= 366):
r['is_rolling_last_year'] = u'Y'
# Fiscal year ...
# Calculate starting date of the fiscal year
# - cy: calendar year of the start of fiscal year of now
# - cm: calendar month of the fiscal month of now
# - fdate: date object for the start of fiscal year
cy = now.year
cm = fiscal_offset + 1
if cm <= 0:
cm += 12
if cm > now.month:
cy -= 1
fdate = datetime.date(cy, cm, 1)
# - fy: fiscal year of now
# - fq: fiscal quarter of now
# - fm: fiscal month of now
# - fqm: 1st calendar month of the fiscal quarter of now
# - fqdate: date object for the start of the fiscal quarter of now
if fiscal_offset < 0:
fy = fdate.year + 1
fy = fdate.year
fm = now.month - fiscal_offset
if fm <= 0:
fm += 12
elif fm > 12:
fm -= 12
fq = self._get_quarter_number(fm)
fqm = ((fq - 1) * 3) + fiscal_offset + 1
if fqm <= 0:
fqm += 12
elif fqm > 12:
fqm -= 12
if fqm > now.month:
fqdate = datetime.date(now.year-1, fqm, 1)
fqdate = datetime.date(now.year, fqm, 1)
r['fiscal_year'] = unicode(fy)
r['fiscal_short'] = unicode('FY' + r['fiscal_year'][2:])
if fiscal_offset == 0:
r['fiscal_long'] = unicode(r['fiscal_short'] + '-' + str(fy)[2:])
r['fiscal_long'] = unicode(r['fiscal_short'] + '-' + str(fy+1)[2:])
r['fiscal_quarter'] = unicode('FQ' + str(fq))
r['fiscal_day_number'] = Decimal((now - fdate).days + 1)
r['fiscal_month_number'] = Decimal(fm)
r['fiscal_day_of_quarter'] = Decimal((now - fqdate).days + 1)
# Initialize all flags to be 'N' first.
r['is_this_fiscal_year'] = u'N'
r['is_last_fiscal_year'] = u'N'
r['is_this_fiscal_quarter'] = u'N'
r['is_last_fiscal_quarter'] = u'N'
if fy_today == fy:
r['is_this_fiscal_year'] = u'Y'
if fq_today == fq:
r['is_this_fiscal_quarter'] = u'Y'
elif fq_today - fq == 1:
r['is_last_fiscal_quarter'] = u'Y'
if fy_today - fy == 1:
r['is_last_fiscal_year'] = u'Y'
if (fq_today == 1) and (fq == 4):
r['is_last_fiscal_quarter'] = u'Y'
# Write the record to output view.
# Go to the next day.
now += next_day
# Closing the output stream when all done
def _get_quarter_number(self, mon):
Get the quarter that the given month belongs to.
@param mon: The given month.
@type mon: int
@return: The quarter number, from 1 to 4.
@rtype: int
return ((mon - 1) / 3) + 1
def _get_quarter_starting_month(self, mon):
Get the starting month of the quarter that the given month belongs to.
@param mon: The given month.
@type mon: int
@return: The starting month of the quarter.
@rtype: int
return (((mon - 1) / 3) * 3) + 1
def upgrade_1_0_to_1_1(self):
No-op upgrade only to change component doc URI during the upgrade
which will be by cc_info before calling this method.