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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# $SnapHashLicense:
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#$Id: 7781 2009-05-29 01:29:12Z dhiraj $

Simple HTML RP module.

Note that there is only a writer, not a reader. We cannot read


import urllib, cgi

from snaplogic.rp import _RPWriter
from snaplogic.common.snap_exceptions import *
from snaplogic.common import uri_prefix

from snaplogic.common.config import snap_config
from snaplogic.common.snap_crypt import output_obfuscate

CONTENT_TYPE = 'text/html'

class Writer(_RPWriter):
    Writes out Python objects as simply formatted HTML. All records are sent in the single HTML
    document representing a table.

    The Writer for the HTML RP understands some options:

        { "font" : "fixed-width" }

        { "table" : "no" }

        { "title" : <title of page> }

        { "enclosing_tags" : ( <HTML tags at the start>, <HTML tags at the end> ) }

        { "record_stream" : "no" }

        { "request_uri" : <URI of the request> }

        { "type" : "resdef" }

        { "mode_indicator" : <mode indicator string> }

    If 'font' is specified as option during the Writer creation, then the elements in the table
    output will be done with a fixed font.

    If 'table' is specified (as 'no') then the output records will not be written into individual
    table rows, but instead 'raw' into a single table cell. This is useful if huge lists are
    produced, which may just as well be printed in their raw form.

    If 'title' is specified, then the page title in the browser is going to be set, and a single
    header line with that title is printed above the output table.

    If 'enclosing_tags' is specified then the output will be preceded by the specified start
    HTML code and will end with the specified end HTML code.

    If 'record_stream' is specified (as 'yes') then lists objects are rendered the same way
    as tuples: As table elements, all in one line. This is needed when we look at record stream
    outputs (for example with pipe_to_http). Without that, record streams cannot easily be
    imported into Excel, for example. But for meta data browsing it is actually nice to have
    list elements rendered as bulleted items. So, we need to be able to do both, which is what
    we are doing here. Note that specifying this option will force a table tag at the start
    of the output so that each record itself can be rendered as just a single row, rather
    than a one-line table.

    The 'request_uri' options is mandatory if the human_req flag is set. Normally,
    the infrastructure code (especially the HttpReq object) set this automatically.
    It normally just consists of the 'http://' prefix and the host name, plus a trailing
    slash. For example: ""
    The 'type' option currently only understands 'resdef' as a value. This tells the RP that
    it needs to perform special actions and needs to interpret certain keynames in a special

    The 'obfuscate_dict' is a dictionary of parameter names and their obfuscation constraint
    value. This is only valid in the context of resdefs.

    The 'mode_indicator' string is a suffix that is added to the title and is also printed
    at the top of the page.
    def __init__(self, stream, version=None, human_req=False, options=None):
        super(Writer, self).__init__(stream, human_req, None, options)
        self.fixed          = False
        self.element_class  = ""
        self.make_table     = True
        self.title          = ""
        if options:
            # Encode option values:
            new_opts = {}
            for opt_key in options.keys():
                opt_val = options[opt_key]
                if type(opt_val) == unicode:
                    opt_val = opt_val.encode('utf-8')
                new_opts[opt_key] = opt_val
            self.options = options = new_opts
            if "type" in options  and  options["type"] == "resdef":
                self.is_resdef = True
                self.is_resdef = False
            self.obfuscate_dict = options.get("obfuscate_dict")
            self.obfuscate_dict = None
            self.is_resdef      = False

    def initialize(self, header = ""):
        Prepare the underlying stream for sending the data.

        @param header:  An optional header for the output stream.
        @type  header:  string

        @return:        String representation of what we wrote to
                        the output stream (could be used by the
                        caller for caching, for example).
        @rtype:         string

        # See if there is something for us in the options....
        self.start_tags = self.end_tags = ""
        self.record_stream = False
        if self.options:
            if self.options.has_key('font'):
                if self.options['font'] == 'fixed-width':
                    self.fixed          = True
                    self.element_class  = " class=\"sf\""
            if self.options.has_key('table'):
                if self.options['table'] == 'no':
                    self.make_table = False
            if self.options.has_key('record_stream'):
                if self.options['record_stream'] == 'yes':
                    self.record_stream = True
                    # Record streams are never rendered with our special decorations.
                    # Just plain HTML.
                    self.human_readable = False
            if self.options.has_key('title'):
                self.title = self.options['title']
            if self.options.has_key('enclosing_tags'):
                (self.start_tags, self.end_tags) = self.options['enclosing_tags']
            if self.options.has_key('mode_indicator'):
                self.title += " (%s)" % self.options['mode_indicator']

        # Some more options may be processed before we decide about
        # the in-table rendering or not...

        if self.make_table:
            self.table_prefix  = "%s" % self.start_tags
            self.table_postfix = "%s" % self.end_tags
            self.row_prefix    = "<tr>"
            self.row_postfix   = "</tr>\n"
            if not self.record_stream:
                # If we are outputting a record stream then each record will
                # be its own table row. But if not, we don't know yet how
                # each element will be rendered, so we need to prepare each
                # row for just being dumped (and rendered). Therefore, we are
                # adding table-cell tags here.
                self.row_prefix += '<td valign="top" %s>' % self.element_class
                self.row_postfix = "</td>" + self.row_postfix
            self.table_prefix  = '<tr><td valign="top" %s>%s' % (self.element_class, self.start_tags)
            self.table_postfix = "%s</td></tr>" % self.end_tags
            self.row_prefix    = ""
            if "<pre>" in self.start_tags.lower():
                self.row_postfix = ""
                self.row_postfix   = "<br>"

        s = "<html><head>\n"
        s += '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />\n'
        if self.human_readable:
            # Add parameter to explorer URI mapping back to this server using the request URI
            explorer_uri = snap_config.get_instance().get_section('main')['explorer_uri']
            explorer_uri += "&dataserver=" + urllib.quote(self.options['request_uri'])
            s += """
a, td {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  font-weight: normal;
  font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
th {
  margin: 5;
  padding-bottom: 20;
  font-weight: normal;
  font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
  font-size: 1.2em;
td.sf {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  font-weight: normal;
  font-family: courier;
  font-size: 0.8em;
h1 {
  margin: 5;
  padding-bottom: 15;
  font-weight: bold;
  font-style: italic;
  font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
  font-size: 1.4em;
h2 {
  margin: 5;
  padding-bottom: 15;
  font-weight: bold;
  font-style: italic;
  font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
  font-size: 1.3em;
h3 {
  margin: 5;
  padding-bottom: 10;
  font-weight: bold;
  font-style: italic;
  font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
  font-size: 1.1em;
h4 {
  margin: 5;
  padding-bottom: 10;
  font-weight: bold;
  font-style: italic;
  font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
  font-size: 1.0em;
<img src=\"%s/snaplogic_logo.gif\"><br>&nbsp;<br>
<a href=\"/\">Home</a> &nbsp;
<img src=\"%s/SnapLogic_gear.gif\">
<a href=\"%s\">SnapLogicExplorer</a><br><hr><br>""" % (self.title, uri_prefix.STATIC, uri_prefix.STATIC, explorer_uri)
            s += "</head><body>"

        s += "<table>\n"
        if header:
            encoded_data = self._encode(header)
            if encoded_data:
                s += '<tr><th align="left"><b><i>%s</i></b></th></tr>\n' % encoded_data
        elif self.title  and  self.human_readable:
            encoded_data = self._encode(self.title)
            if encoded_data:
                s = '%s<tr><th align="left"><b><i>%s</i></b></th></tr>\n' % (s, encoded_data)
        s += self.table_prefix
        return s

    def _dict_encode(self, o, first_field=None, obfuscate_list=None):
        Encode a dictionary into HTML.

        This is recursive in that every single element in the dictionary
        is being separately encoded by the top-level encode() function.

        Note that we perform an ordering of the returned elements. We want
        to display first:

            1. name
            2. label
            3. description
            4. overview

        The 'name' field is not always called 'name'. It could be 'resource_name',
        'component_name', 'input_view_name' or just 'name'. Thus, we first search
        for the shortest element whose name ends with 'name' and display that first.
        Then we look for something called 'description' and finally for 'overview'.

        @param o:           A dictionary object.
        @type  o:           dict

        @param first_field: If a dictionary is to be printed, then the
                            field specified here is printed first.
        @type  first_field: string

        @param obfuscate_list: Dictionary of field names who's value needs to be obfuscated.
        @type  obfuscate_list: dict

        @return:            Encoding of the dictionary in HTML.
        @rtype:             string


        # Determine the order in which the elements are displayed.
        keys = o.keys()
        fields = []

        # If the first_field was specified, we look for it and if present print
        # it first.
        if first_field and first_field in keys:

        # Get all the '*name' entries and sort them by length (shortest first)...
        names_keys = [ k for k in keys if k.endswith('name') ]
        names_keys.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(len(x), len(y)))
        # ... the shortest name is the winner and becomes first in our slot
        # Also select all the other known fields that we want to have at
        # the beginning.
        if names_keys:

        if 'label' in keys:

        if 'description' in keys:
                if o['description'].startswith("__"):
                    # Items that have a description string starting with "__" are
                    # considered 'private' and should not be displayed in this
                    # output at all.
                    return None
                # Catch any problems silently, since description is not always a string

        if 'overview' in keys:

        # Get all the remaining fields...
        remaining_fields = [ k for k in keys if k not in fields ]
        # ... and sort them alphabetically


        s = "<table>\n"

        if not obfuscate_list:
            obfuscate_list = {}

        for k in fields:
            if self.is_resdef  and  k == "prop_values":
                encoded_data_2 = self._encode(o[k], obfuscate_list=self.obfuscate_dict)
                if k in obfuscate_list  and  not isinstance(o[k], list)  and  not isinstance(o[k], tuple)  and not isinstance(o[k], dict):
                    # Only simple types are obfuscated
                    val = output_obfuscate(o[k], obfuscate_list[k])
                    val = o[k]
                encoded_data_2 = self._encode(val)
            encoded_data_1 = self._encode(k)
            if encoded_data_1  and  encoded_data_2 is not None:
                s += "<tr><td valign=\"top\"><b><i>%s:</i></b></td><td valign=\"top\">%s</td></tr>\n" % (encoded_data_1, encoded_data_2)
        s += "</table>\n"
        return s

    def _list_encode(self, o, vertical=True):
        Encode a list into HTML.

        @param o:        An iterable object to be encoded.
        @type o:         list or tuple

        @param vertical: Flag indicating whether this iterable item
                         should be encoded as a bullet list, or as
                         a one-line table, each in its own table cell.
                         Note that if self.record_stream is True then
                         this flag here will be ignored, and the list
                         will always be encoded as a one line table.
        @type  vertical: bool

        @return:         Encoding of the list in HTML.
        @rtype:          string

        if vertical  and  not self.record_stream:
            s = "<ul>\n"
            for i in o:
                encoded_data = self._encode(i)
                if encoded_data:
                    s += "<li>%s</li>\n" % encoded_data
            s += "</ul>\n"
            s = ""
            for i in o:
                encoded_data = self._encode(i)
                s += '<td valign="top">%s</td>' % encoded_data
            if not self.record_stream:
                # Records are rendered directly as rows into the outer table.
                # But everything else is rendred in different ways, and thus
                # needs to be enclosed in its own table tags.
                s = "<table><tr>%s</tr></table>\n" % s
                s = "%s" % s
        return s

    def _encode(self, o, first_field=None, obfuscate_list=None):
        Encode an object into HTML.

        This recursively calls specialized encoders for lists or
        dictionaries, as necessary.

        @param o:           Any object.
        @type  o:           object

        @param first_field: If a dictionary is to be printed, then the
                            field specified here is printed first.
        @type  first_field: string

        @param obfuscate_list: Dictionary of field names who's value needs to be obfuscated.
                               This is only passed on to dictionaries.
        @type  obfuscate_list: dict

        @return:            Encoded object in HTML.
        @rtype:             string

        if isinstance(o, list):
            # A list is encoded differently...
            return self._list_encode(o, True)
        elif isinstance(o, tuple):
            # ... than a tuple
            return self._list_encode(o, False)
        elif isinstance(o, dict):
            return self._dict_encode(o, first_field, obfuscate_list)
            if o is None:
                return ''
            elif isinstance(o, unicode):
                o = o.encode('utf-8')
            elif not isinstance(o,str):
                o = str(o)
            s = cgi.escape(o)
            # Do something special for stuff that looks like a hyperlink or path.
            if s.startswith("http://") or s.startswith("https://")  or  s.startswith("/"):
                s = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (s, s)
            return s

    def write(self, raw_record, options=None):
        Write an object to the underlying stream.

        @param raw_record:  A python object that needs to be encoded.
        @type  raw_record:  object

        @param options:     A per object options dictionary. The HTML RP understands
                            the 'hlevel' option: A value of '1' is a large headline,
                            a value of '2' is medium and '3' is small.
        @type  options:     dict
        @return:            String representation of what we wrote to
                            the output stream (could be used by the
                            caller for caching, for example).
        @rtype:             string
        # Check if this was defined as a headline.
        first_field = None
        s = ""
            # The 'first_field' option influences the sort order.
            # If the field name that's specified here is in a
            # dictionary that needs to be printed, then this field
            # will be printed first.
            first_field = self.options['first_field']
            first_field = None
        if options and 'hlevel' in options:
            h_start_tag = "<h%s>" % options['hlevel']
            h_end_tag   = "</h%s>" % options['hlevel']
            if "<pre>" in self.start_tags.lower():
                # Sometimes, bulk output is delivered as pre-formatted data.
                # Especially log files. Therefore, when we do a headline,
                # we need to get out and then back into the pre-formatted
                # mode.
                h_start_tag = "</pre>" + h_start_tag
                h_end_tag   += "\n<pre>"
            # Some modules produce headlines that start with some number of '=' characters.
            # Since we are using human-readable HTML formatting for headlines, we will remove
            # these characters in that case.
            if type(raw_record) == str:
                if raw_record.startswith("="):
                    num = raw_record.count("=", 0, raw_record.find(" "))
                    # Strip it off (one more character from the end, because of the '\n' there.
                    raw_record = raw_record[num:-(num+1)]
            encoded = self._encode(raw_record, first_field)
            s = "%s%s%s%s%s" % (self.row_prefix, h_start_tag, encoded, h_end_tag, self.row_postfix)
            # No headline, no other options just a normal record.
            encoded = self._encode(raw_record, first_field)  
            s = "%s%s%s" % (self.row_prefix, encoded, self.row_postfix)
        return s

    def end(self, footer=""):
        End the output stream.

        This can also write an optional footer as a table row.

        @param footer:  An optional footer for the output stream.
        @type  footer:  string

        @return:        String representation of what we wrote to
                        the output stream (could be used by the
                        caller for caching, for example).
        @rtype:         string

        s = self.table_postfix
        if footer:
            s += "<tr><td><b><i>%s</i></b></th></tr>" % self._encode(footer)
        s += "</table>\n"

        if self.human_readable:
            s += "<br><hr><a href=\"/\">Home</a> &nbsp; <img src=\"%s/SnapLogic_gear.gif\">" % uri_prefix.STATIC
            # Add parameter to explorer URI mapping back to this server using the request URI
            explorer_uri = snap_config.get_instance().get_section('main')['explorer_uri']
            explorer_uri += "&dataserver=" + urllib.quote(self.options['request_uri'])
            s += "<a href=\"%s\">SnapLogicExplorer</a><br>" % (explorer_uri)

        s += "</body></html>"
        return s | Contact Us
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