# This script creates a Windows .def file containing all the functions
# and static class variables to be exported by a DLL. The symbols are
# extracted from the output of dumpbin.
# To use this script, first generate a normal .lib library file, with
# no special command line options. Then create a .def file with this
# script:
# makedeffile.py foo.lib foo 1.0 foo.def
# The command line arguments are the name of the .lib file, the
# library name, the library version, and the name of the .def file to
# output.
# Once you have a .def file, you can build a .dll, specifying the .def
# to the linker.
# An example of building a .dll from foo.cc:
# 1. Compile the source:
# cl -c -O2 -MD -GX -Fofoo.o -Tpfoo.cc
# 2. Build a static library (It probably won't work on its own due to
# the -MD switch to cl, but we just need it to get the symbols
# out):
# lib -out:foo_static.lib foo.o
# 3. Use this script to build a .def file:
# makedeffile.py foo_static.lib foo 1.0 foo.def
# 4. Build the .dll and .lib with the def file.
# link -out:foo.dll -dll -def:foo.def -implib:foo.lib foo.o
# If you are using this script so you can put omniORB stubs in a DLL,
# you also need to set some defines to correctly import symbols into
# the application. See chapter 12 of the omniORB manual for details.
# The way this script works is to process the output of dumpbin.
# The function symbols are extracted from the output using the
# following template:
# ... ........ SECT.. notype () External | ?..................
# The static class variable symbols are extracted using the following
# template:
# ... ........ SECT.. notype External | ?[^?]..............
# Default destructors generated by the compiler and the symbols inside
# an anonymous namespace are excluded.
# Class variable and function symbols start with two ?? and class
# static variable and static function symbols start with one ?.
import re, sys, os, os.path, string
def usage(argv):
sys.stderr.write("%s <lib file> <library name> <version> <def file>\n" %
def main(argv):
_, libfile, binname, version, deffile = argv
except ValueError:
cmd = "DUMPBIN.EXE /SYMBOLS %s /OUT:%s" % (libfile, deffile)
print cmd
dumped = open(deffile, "r")
definitions = {}
linere1 = re.compile(r"^[^ ]+ +[^ ]+ +SECT[^ ]+ +[^ ]+ +\(\) +External +\| +(\?[^ ]*)(.*)\n")
linere2 = re.compile(r"^[^ ]+ +[^ ]+ +SECT[^ ]+ +[^ ]+ +External +\| +(\?[^?][^ ]*)(.*)\n")
exclude = re.compile(r"deleting destructor[^(]+\(unsigned int\)|anonymous namespace")
while 1:
line = dumped.readline()
if line == "":
match = linere1.search(line) or linere2.search(line)
if match:
symbol = match.group(1)
args = match.group(2)
if exclude.search(args):
definitions[symbol] = None
symbols = definitions.keys()
print "Output %d symbols." % len(symbols)
out = open(deffile, "w")
if string.lower(binname[4:]) == ".exe":
out.write("NAME %s\n" % binname)
out.write("LIBRARY %s\n" % binname)
out.write("VERSION %s\n" % version)
for s in symbols:
out.write(s + "\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":