# This file is part of pyDC software
# Copyright 2002-2003 Anakim Border <aborder@users.sourceforge.net>
# pyDC is released under the terms of GPL licence.
from wxPython.wx import *
from socket import error
import sys
from MainWnd import *
from DCSettings import *
from DCHublistRetriever import *
from DCQueueItem import IllegalItem
import DCWorker
wnd = None
print "+----------------------------------------------------------+"
print "| pyDC |"
print "| Direct Connect client written in Python. |"
print "| |"
print "| Written by Anakim Border <aborder@users.sourceforge.net> |"
print "| Version 0.6 |"
print "+----------------------------------------------------------+"
class App(wxApp):
def OnInit(self):
global wnd
worker = DCWorker.getWorker()
try: worker.loadSettings("settings.xml")
except ParseError, e:
print e
return 0
except IllegalItem:
print 'The file \'queue.pk\' is corrupted. Please remove it and restart pyDC.'
return 0
except error:
print 'Address already in use. Maybe there\'s another pyDC instance already running.\nIf not, please wait a minute and retry.'
return 0
sys.modules['__main__'].hublist = []
wnd = MainWnd(None, -1, "pyDC")
#Start the show...
return 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = App(0)