#!/usr/bin/env python
# portable serial port access with python
# this is a wrapper module for different platform implementations
# (C) 2001-2010 Chris Liechti <cliechti@gmx.net>
# this is distributed under a free software license, see license.txt
VERSION = '2.5-rc2'
import sys
if sys.platform == 'cli':
from serialcli import *
import os
# chose an implementation, depending on os
if os.name == 'nt': #sys.platform == 'win32':
from serialwin32 import *
elif os.name == 'posix':
from serialposix import *
elif os.name == 'java':
from serialjava import *
raise Exception("Sorry: no implementation for your platform ('%s') available" % os.name)
def serial_for_url(url, *args, **kwargs):
"""Get a native, a RFC2217 or socket implementation of the Serial class,
depending on port/url. The port is not opened when the keyword parameter
'do_not_open' is true, by default it is."""
# check remove extra parameter to not confuse the Serial class
do_open = 'do_not_open' not in kwargs or not kwargs['do_not_open']
if 'do_not_open' in kwargs: del kwargs['do_not_open']
# the default is to use the native version
klass = Serial # 'native' implementation
# check port type and get class
url_nocase = url.lower()
except AttributeError:
# its not a string, use default
if url_nocase.startswith('rfc2217://'):
import rfc2217 # late import, so that users that don't use it don't have to load it
klass = rfc2217.Serial # RFC2217 implementation
elif url_nocase.startswith('socket://'):
import socket_connection # late import, so that users that don't use it don't have to load it
klass = socket_connection.Serial
elif url_nocase.startswith('loop://'):
import loopback_connection # late import, so that users that don't use it don't have to load it
klass = loopback_connection.Serial
klass = Serial # 'native' implementation
# instantiate and open when desired
instance = klass(None, *args, **kwargs)
instance.port = url
if do_open:
return instance