# Copyright (C) 2007 by Johan De Taeye
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# file : $URL: https://frepple.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/frepple/tags/0.8.0/contrib/django/freppledb/execute/load.py $
# revision : $LastChangedRevision: 1159 $ $LastChangedBy: jdetaeye $
# date : $LastChangedDate: 2010-01-20 10:48:28 +0100 (Wed, 20 Jan 2010) $
Load information from adatabasefrePPLememory. import
The code in this file is executed NOT by Django, but by the embedded Python
interpreter from thefrePPLeengine. import
It extracts the information fields from thedatabasethenusesthePython import
API of frePPLe to bring the data into the frePPLe C++ core engine.
from time import time
from xml.sax.saxutils import quoteattr
from threading import Thread
import inspect
from django.db import connection
from django.conf import settings
import frepple
header = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><plan xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">'
def loadPlan(cursor):
# Plan (limited to the first one only)
print 'Import plan...'
x = [ header ]
cursor.execute("SELECT currentdate, name, description FROM plan")
d = cursor.fetchone()
if not d: raise ValueError('Missing a record in the plan table')
frepple.settings.current = d[0]
frepple.settings.name = d[1]
frepple.settings.description = d[2]
def loadLocations(cursor):
print 'Importing locations...'
cnt = 0
starttime = time()
cursor.execute("SELECT name, description, owner_id, available_id, category, subcategory FROM location")
for i,j,k,l,m,n in cursor.fetchall():
cnt += 1
x = frepple.location(name=i, description=j, category=m, subcategory=n)
if k: x.owner = frepple.location(name=k)
if l: x.available = frepple.calendar(name=l)
except Exception, e: print "Error:", e
print 'Loaded %d locations in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime)
def loadCalendars(cursor):
print 'Importing calendars...'
cnt = 0
starttime = time()
cursor.execute("SELECT name, defaultvalue, type FROM calendar")
for i, j, k in cursor.fetchall():
cnt += 1
if k == "calendar_boolean":
frepple.calendar_boolean(name=i, default=j)
frepple.calendar_double(name=i, default=j)
except Exception, e: print "Error:", e
print 'Loaded %d calendars in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime)
# Bucket
print 'Importing buckets...'
cnt = 0
starttime = time()
cursor.execute("SELECT calendar_id, startdate, enddate, name, priority, value FROM bucket")
x = [ header ]
for i, j, k, l, m, n in cursor.fetchall():
cnt += 1
x.append('<calendar name=%s><buckets><bucket%s%s%s%s value="%f"/></buckets></calendar>' % (
(j and ' start="%s"' % j.isoformat()) or '',
(k and ' end="%s"' % k.isoformat()) or '',
(l and ' name=%s' % quoteattr(l)) or '',
(m and ' priority="%s"' % m) or '',
print 'Loaded %d calendar buckets in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime)
def loadCustomers(cursor):
print 'Importing customers...'
cnt = 0
starttime = time()
cursor.execute("SELECT name, description, owner_id, category, subcategory FROM customer")
for i, j, k, l, m in cursor.fetchall():
cnt += 1
x = frepple.customer(name=i, description=j, category=l, subcategory=m)
if k: x.owner = frepple.customer(name=k)
except Exception, e: print "Error:", e
print 'Loaded %d customers in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime)
def loadOperations(cursor):
print 'Importing operations...'
cnt = 0
starttime = time()
name, fence, pretime, posttime, sizeminimum, sizemultiple, sizemaximum,
type, duration, duration_per, location_id, cost, search, description,
category, subcategory
FROM operation
for i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x in cursor.fetchall():
cnt += 1
if not p or p == "operation_fixed_time":
x = frepple.operation_fixed_time(name=i, description=v, category=w, subcategory=x)
if q: x.duration = q
elif p == "operation_time_per":
x = frepple.operation_time_per(name=i, description=v, category=w, subcategory=x)
if q: x.duration = q
if r: x.duration_per = r
elif p == "operation_alternate":
x = frepple.operation_alternate(name=i, description=v, category=w, subcategory=x)
elif p == "operation_routing":
x = frepple.operation_routing(name=i, description=v, category=w, subcategory=x)
raise ValueError("Operation type '%s' not recognized" % p)
if j: x.fence = j
if k: x.pretime = k
if l: x.posttime = l
if m: x.size_minimum = m
if n: x.size_multiple = n
if o: x.size_maximum = o
if s: x.location = frepple.location(name=s)
if t: x.cost = t
if u: x.search = u
except Exception, e: print "Error:", e
print 'Loaded %d operations in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime)
def loadSuboperations(cursor):
print 'Importing suboperations...'
cnt = 0
starttime = time()
SELECT operation_id, suboperation_id, priority, effective_start, effective_end, operation.type
FROM suboperation, operation
WHERE suboperation.operation_id = operation.name
ORDER BY operation_id, priority
curopername = None
for i, j, k, l, m, n in cursor.fetchall():
cnt += 1
if i != curopername:
curopername = i
if n == 'operation_alternate':
curoper = frepple.operation_alternate(name=curopername)
curoper = frepple.operation_routing(name=curopername)
if isinstance(curoper,frepple.operation_routing):
if l:
if m:
elif m:
except Exception, e: print "Error:", e
print 'Loaded %d suboperations in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime)
def loadItems(cursor):
print 'Importing items...'
cnt = 0
starttime = time()
name, description, operation_id, owner_id,
price, category, subcategory
FROM item''')
for i,j,k,l,m,n,o in cursor.fetchall():
cnt += 1
x = frepple.item(name=i, description=j, category=n, subcategory=o)
if k: x.operation = frepple.operation(name=k)
if l: x.owner = frepple.item(name=l)
if m: x.price = m
except Exception, e: print "Error:", e
print 'Loaded %d items in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime)
def loadBuffers(cursor):
print 'Importing buffers...'
cnt = 0
starttime = time()
cursor.execute('''SELECT name, description, location_id, item_id, onhand,
minimum_id, producing_id, type, leadtime, min_inventory,
max_inventory, min_interval, max_interval, size_minimum,
size_multiple, size_maximum, fence, carrying_cost,
category, subcategory FROM buffer''')
for i,j,k,l,m,n,o,q,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9,p,r,s in cursor.fetchall():
cnt += 1
if q == "buffer_procure":
b = frepple.buffer_procure(
name=i, description=j, item=frepple.item(name=l), onhand=m,
category=r, subcategory=s
if f1: b.leadtime = f1
if f2: b.mininventory = f2
if f3: b.maxinventory = f3
if f4: b.mininterval = f4
if f5: b.maxinterval = f5
if f6: b.size_minimum = f6
if f7: b.size_multiple = f7
if f8: b.size_maximum = f8
if f9: b.fence = f9
elif q == "buffer_infinite":
b = frepple.buffer_infinite(
name=i, description=j, item=frepple.item(name=l), onhand=m,
category=r, subcategory=s
elif not q:
b = frepple.buffer(
name=i, description=j, item=frepple.item(name=l), onhand=m,
category=r, subcategory=s
raise ValueError("Buffer type '%s' not recognized" % q)
if k: b.location = frepple.location(name=k)
if n: b.minimum = frepple.calendar(name=n)
if o: b.producing = frepple.operation(name=o)
if p: b.carrying_cost = p
print 'Loaded %d buffers in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime)
def loadSetupMatrices(cursor):
print 'Importing setup matrix rules...'
cnt = 0
starttime = time()
cursor.execute('''SELECT setupmatrix_id, priority, fromsetup, tosetup, duration, cost
FROM setuprule
order by setupmatrix_id, priority desc''')
for i, j, k, l, m, n in cursor.fetchall():
cnt += 1
r = frepple.setupmatrix(name=i).addRule(priority=j)
if k: r.fromsetup = k
if l: r.tosetup = l
if m: r.duration = m
if n: r.cost = n
except Exception, e: print "Error:", e
print 'Loaded %d setup matrix rules in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime)
def loadResources(cursor):
print 'Importing resources...'
cnt = 0
starttime = time()
name, description, maximum_id, location_id, type, cost,
maxearly, setup, setupmatrix_id, category, subcategory
FROM %s''' % connection.ops.quote_name('resource'))
for i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s in cursor.fetchall():
cnt += 1
if m == "resource_infinite":
x = frepple.resource_infinite(name=i,description=j,category=r,subcategory=s)
elif not m:
x = frepple.resource(name=i,description=j,maximum=frepple.calendar(name=k),category=r,subcategory=s)
if o: x.maxearly = o
raise ValueError("Resource type '%s' not recognized" % m)
if l: x.location = frepple.location(name=l)
if n: x.cost = n
if p: x.setup = p
if q: x.setupmatrix = frepple.setupmatrix(name=q)
except Exception, e: print "Error:", e
print 'Loaded %d resources in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime)
def loadFlows(cursor):
print 'Importing flows...'
cnt = 0
starttime = time()
# Note: The sorting of the flows is not really necessary, but helps to make
# the planning progress consistent across runs and database engines.
operation_id, thebuffer_id, quantity, type, effective_start,
effective_end, name, priority, search
FROM flow
WHERE alternate IS NULL OR alternate = ''
ORDER BY operation_id, thebuffer_id
curbufname = None
for i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q in cursor.fetchall():
cnt += 1
if j != curbufname:
curbufname = j
curbuf = frepple.buffer(name=curbufname)
curflow = frepple.flow(operation=frepple.operation(name=i), type=l, buffer=curbuf, quantity=k)
if m: curflow.effective_start = m
if n: curflow.effective_end = n
if o: curflow.name = o
if p: curflow.priority = p
if q: curflow.search = q
except Exception, e: print "Error:", e
operation_id, thebuffer_id, quantity, type, effective_start,
effective_end, name, alternate, priority, search
FROM flow
WHERE alternate IS NOT NULL AND alternate <> ''
ORDER BY operation_id, thebuffer_id
curbufname = None
for i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r in cursor.fetchall():
cnt += 1
if j != curbufname:
curbufname = j
curbuf = frepple.buffer(name=curbufname)
curflow = frepple.flow(operation=frepple.operation(name=i), type=l, buffer=curbuf, quantity=k)
if m: curflow.effective_start = m
if n: curflow.effective_end = n
if o: curflow.name = o
if p: curflow.alternate = p
if q: curflow.priority = q
if r: curflow.search = r
except Exception, e: print "Error:", e
print 'Loaded %d flows in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime)
def loadLoads(cursor):
print 'Importing loads...'
cnt = 0
starttime = time()
# Note: The sorting of the loads is not really necessary, but helps to make
# the planning progress consistent across runs and database engines.
operation_id, resource_id, quantity, effective_start, effective_end, name,
priority, setup, search
FROM resourceload
WHERE alternate IS NULL OR alternate = ''
ORDER BY operation_id, resource_id
curresname = None
for i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q in cursor.fetchall():
cnt += 1
if j != curresname:
curresname = j
curres = frepple.resource(name=curresname)
curload = frepple.load(operation=frepple.operation(name=i), resource=curres, quantity=k)
if l: curload.effective_start = l
if m: curload.effective_end = m
if n: curload.name = n
if o: curload.priority = o
if p: curload.setup = p
if q: curload.search = q
# todo: duplicate load crashes the application
#curload2 = frepple.load(operation=frepple.operation(name=i), resource=curres, quantity=k)
except Exception, e: print "Error:", e
operation_id, resource_id, quantity, effective_start, effective_end,
name, alternate, priority, setup, search
FROM resourceload
WHERE alternate IS NOT NULL AND alternate <> ''
ORDER BY operation_id, resource_id
curresname = None
for i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r in cursor.fetchall():
cnt += 1
if j != curresname:
curresname = j
curres = frepple.resource(name=curresname)
curload = frepple.load(operation=frepple.operation(name=i), resource=curres, quantity=k)
if l: curload.effective_start = l
if m: curload.effective_end = m
if n: curload.name = n
if o: curload.alternate = o
if p: curload.priority = p
if q: curload.setup = q
if r: curload.search = r
except Exception, e: print "Error:", e
print 'Loaded %d loads in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime)
def loadOperationPlans(cursor):
print 'Importing operationplans...'
cnt = 0
starttime = time()
cursor.execute("SELECT id, operation_id, quantity, startdate, enddate, locked FROM operationplan order by id asc")
x = [ header , '<operationplans>' ] # todo use python api to create operationplan
for i, j, k, l, m, n in cursor.fetchall():
cnt += 1
x.append('<operationplan id="%d" operation=%s quantity="%s">' % (i, quoteattr(j), k))
if l: x.append( '<start>%s</start>' % l.isoformat())
if m: x.append( '<end>%s</end>' % m.isoformat())
if n: x.append( '<locked>true</locked>')
print 'Loaded %d operationplans in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime)
def loadForecast(cursor):
# Detect whether the forecast module is available
if not 'demand_forecast' in [ a for a, b in inspect.getmembers(frepple) ]:
print 'Importing forecast...'
cnt = 0
starttime = time()
cursor.execute('''SELECT name, customer_id, item_id, priority,
operation_id, minshipment, calendar_id, discrete, maxlateness,
FROM forecast''')
for i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s in cursor.fetchall():
cnt += 1
fcst = frepple.demand_forecast(name=i, priority=l, category=r, subcategory=s)
if j: fcst.customer = frepple.customer(name=j)
if k: fcst.item = frepple.item(name=k)
if m: fcst.operation = frepple.operation(name=m)
if n: fcst.minshipment = n
if o: fcst.calendar = frepple.calendar(name=o)
if not p: fcst.discrete = False
if q != None: fcst.maxlateness = q
print 'Loaded %d forecasts in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime)
def loadForecastdemand(cursor):
# Detect whether the forecast module is available
if not 'demand_forecast' in [ a for a, b in inspect.getmembers(frepple) ]:
print 'Importing forecast demand...'
cnt = 0
starttime = time()
cursor.execute("SELECT forecast_id, startdate, enddate, quantity FROM forecastdemand")
x = [ header, '<demands>' ] # todo use python api to read forecast buckets
for i, j, k, l in cursor.fetchall():
cnt += 1
x.append('<demand name=%s><buckets><bucket start="%sT00:00:00" end="%sT00:00:00" total="%s"/></buckets></demand>' % (quoteattr(i), j.isoformat(), k.isoformat(), l))
print 'Loaded %d forecast demands in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime)
def loadDemand(cursor):
print 'Importing demands...'
cnt = 0
starttime = time()
cursor.execute('''SELECT name, due, quantity, priority, item_id,
operation_id, customer_id, owner_id, minshipment, maxlateness,
category, subcategory
FROM demand''')
for i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t in cursor.fetchall():
cnt += 1
x = frepple.demand( name=i, due=j, quantity=k, priority=l, item=frepple.item(name=m),category=s,subcategory=t)
if n: x.operation = frepple.operation(name=n)
if o: x.customer = frepple.customer(name=o)
if p: x.owner = frepple.demand(name=p)
if q: x.minshipment = q
if r != None: x.maxlateness = r
except Exception, e: print "Error:", e
print 'Loaded %d demands in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime)
class DatabaseTask(Thread):
An auxiliary class that allows us to run a function with its own
database connection in its own thread.
def __init__(self, *f):
super(DatabaseTask, self).__init__()
self.functions = f
def run(self):
# Create a database connection
cursor = connection.cursor()
# Run the functions sequentially
for f in self.functions:
try: f(cursor)
except Exception, e: print e
def loadfrepple():
This function is expected to be run by the python interpreter in the
frepple application.
It loads data from thedatabaseintothefrepplememory. import
cursor = connection.cursor()
# Make sure the debug flag is not set!
# When it is set, the django database wrapper collects a list of all sql
# statements executed and their timings. This consumes plenty of memory
# and cpu time.
settings.DEBUG = False
if True:
# Sequential load of all entities
# Loading of entities in a number of 'groups'.
# The groups are executed in sequence, while the tasks within a group
# are executed in parallel.
# The entities are grouped based on their relations.
# The parallel loading is currently in a "experimental" state only.
# Reason being that so far parallel loading doesn't bring a clear
# performance gain.
# Unclear what the limiting bottleneck is: python or frepple, definately
# not the database...
tasks = (
DatabaseTask(loadCalendars, loadLocations),
for i in tasks: i.start()
for i in tasks: i.join()
tasks = (
for i in tasks: i.start()
for i in tasks: i.join()
tasks = (
DatabaseTask(loadSetupMatrices, loadResources, loadLoads),
for i in tasks: i.start()
for i in tasks: i.join()
tasks = (
for i in tasks: i.start()
for i in tasks: i.join()
# Finalize
print 'Done'