# Copyright (C) 2007 by Johan De Taeye
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# file : $URL: https://frepple.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/frepple/tags/0.8.0/contrib/django/freppledb/execute/management/commands/frepple_createmodel.py $
# revision : $LastChangedRevision: 1151 $ $LastChangedBy: jdetaeye $
# date : $LastChangedDate: 2010-01-12 11:25:30 +0100 (Tue, 12 Jan 2010) $
import random
from optparse import make_option
from datetime import timedelta,datetime,date
from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand,CommandError
from django.db import connection,transaction
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.translation import ugettext
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from input.models import *
from common.models import Dates
from execute.models import log
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = '''
This script is a simple, generic model generator.
This test script is meant more as a sample for your own tests on
evaluating performance, memory size, database size, ...
The autogenerated supply network looks schematically as follows:
[ Operation -> buffer ] ... [ -> Operation -> buffer ] [ Delivery ]
[ Operation -> buffer ] ... [ -> Operation -> buffer ] [ Delivery ]
[ Operation -> buffer ] ... [ -> Operation -> buffer ] [ Delivery ]
[ Operation -> buffer ] ... [ -> Operation -> buffer ] [ Delivery ]
[ Operation -> buffer ] ... [ -> Operation -> buffer ] [ Delivery ]
... ...
Each row represents a cluster.
The operation+buffer are repeated as many times as the depth of the supply
path parameter.
In each cluster a single item is defined, and a parametrizable number of
demands is placed on the cluster.
option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
make_option('--user', dest='user', type='string',
help='User running the command'),
make_option('--cluster', dest='cluster', type="int",
help='Number of end items'),
make_option('--demand', dest='demand', type="int",
help='Demands per end item'),
make_option('--forecast_per_item', dest='forecast_per_item', type="int",
help='Monthly forecast per end item'),
make_option('--level', dest='level', type="int",
help='Depth of bill-of-material'),
make_option('--resource', dest='resource', type="int",
help='Number of resources'),
make_option('--resource_size', dest='resource_size', type="int",
help='Size of each resource'),
make_option('--components', dest='components', type="int",
help='Total number of components'),
make_option('--components_per', dest='components_per', type="int",
help='Number of components per end item'),
make_option('--deliver_lt', dest='deliver_lt', type="int",
help='Average delivery lead time of orders'),
make_option('--procure_lt', dest='procure_lt', type="int",
help='Average procurement lead time'),
make_option('--currentdate', dest='currentdate', type="string",
help='Current date of the plan in YYYY-MM-DD format'),
make_option('--nonfatal', action="store_true", dest='nonfatal',
default=False, help='Dont abort the execution upon an error'),
requires_model_validation = False
def get_version(self):
return settings.FREPPLE_VERSION
def handle(self, **options):
# Make sure the debug flag is not set!
# When it is set, the django database wrapper collects a list of all sql
# statements executed and their timings. This consumes plenty of memory
# and cpu time.
tmp_debug = settings.DEBUG
settings.DEBUG = False
# Pick up the options
if 'verbosity' in options: verbosity = int(options['verbosity'] or '1')
else: verbosity = 1
if 'user' in options: user = options['user']
else: user = ''
if 'cluster' in options: cluster = int(options['cluster'] or '100')
else: cluster = 100
if 'demand' in options: demand = int(options['demand'] or '30')
else: demand = 30
if 'forecast_per_item' in options: forecast_per_item = int(options['forecast_per_item'] or '50')
else: forecast_per_item = 50
if 'level' in options: level = int(options['level'] or '5')
else: level = 5
if 'resource' in options: resource = int(options['resource'] or '60')
else: resource = 60
if 'resource_size' in options: resource_size = int(options['resource_size'] or '5')
else: resource_size = 5
if 'components' in options: components = int(options['components'] or '200')
else: components = 200
if 'components_per' in options: components_per = int(options['components_per'] or '5')
else: components_per = 5
if 'deliver_lt' in options: deliver_lt = int(options['deliver_lt'] or '30')
else: deliver_lt = 30
if 'procure_lt' in options: procure_lt = int(options['procure_lt'] or '40')
else: procure_lt = 40
if 'currentdate' in options: currentdate = options['currentdate'] or '2009-01-01'
else: currentdate = '2009-01-01'
nonfatal = False
if 'nonfatal' in options: nonfatal = options['nonfatal']
random.seed(100) # Initialize random seed to get reproducible results
cnt = 100000 # A counter for operationplan identifiers
# Pick up the startdate
startdate = datetime.strptime(currentdate,'%Y-%m-%d')
except Exception, e:
raise CommandError("current date is not matching format YYYY-MM-DD")
# Check whether the database is empty
if Buffer.objects.count()>0 or Item.objects.count()>0:
raise CommandError("Database must be empty before creating a model")
# Logging the action
category='CREATE', theuser=user,
message = u'%s : %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d'
% (_('Start creating sample model with parameters'),
cluster, demand, forecast_per_item, level, resource,
resource_size, components, components_per, deliver_lt,
# Plan start date
if verbosity>0: print "Updating plan..."
p = Plan.objects.all()[0]
p.currentdate = startdate
# No plan exists yet
p = Plan(name="frePPLe", currentdate=startdate)
# Update the user horizon
userprofile = User.objects.get(username=user).get_profile()
userprofile.startdate = startdate.date()
userprofile.enddate = (startdate + timedelta(365)).date()
pass # It's not important if this fails
# Planning horizon
# minimum 10 daily buckets, weekly buckets till 40 days after current
if verbosity>0: print "Updating horizon telescope..."
updateTelescope(10, 40)
# Working days calendar
if verbosity>0: print "Creating working days..."
workingdays = Calendar.objects.create(name="Working Days",type= "calendar_boolean")
weeks = Calendar.objects.create(name="Weeks")
cur = None
cur2 = None
for i in Dates.objects.all():
curdate = datetime(i.day_start.year, i.day_start.month, i.day_start.day)
dayofweek = int(curdate.strftime("%w")) # day of the week, 0 = sunday, 1 = monday, ...
if dayofweek == 1:
# A bucket for the working week: monday through friday
if cur:
cur.enddate = curdate
if cur2:
cur2.enddate = curdate
cur = Bucket(startdate=curdate, value=1, calendar=workingdays)
cur2 = Bucket(startdate=curdate, value=1, calendar=weeks)
elif dayofweek == 6:
# A bucket for the weekend
if cur:
cur.enddate = curdate
if cur2:
cur2.enddate = curdate
cur = Bucket(startdate=curdate, value=0, calendar=workingdays)
cur2 = Bucket(startdate=curdate, value=0, calendar=weeks)
if cur: cur.save()
if cur2: cur2.save()
# Create a random list of categories to choose from
categories = [ 'cat A','cat B','cat C','cat D','cat E','cat F','cat G' ]
# Create customers
if verbosity>0: print "Creating customers..."
cust = []
for i in range(100):
c = Customer.objects.create(name = 'Cust %03d' % i)
# Create resources and their calendars
if verbosity>0: print "Creating resources and calendars..."
res = []
for i in range(resource):
loc = Location(name='Loc %05d' % int(random.uniform(1,cluster)))
cal = Calendar(name='capacity for res %03d' %i, category='capacity')
bkt = Bucket(startdate=startdate, value=resource_size, calendar=cal)
r = Resource.objects.create(name = 'Res %03d' % i, maximum=cal, location=loc)
# Create the components
if verbosity>0: print "Creating raw materials..."
comps = []
comploc = Location.objects.create(name='Procured materials')
for i in range(components):
it = Item.objects.create(name = 'Component %04d' % i, category='Procured')
ld = abs(round(random.normalvariate(procure_lt,procure_lt/3)))
c = Buffer.objects.create(name = 'Component %04d' % i,
location = comploc,
category = 'Procured',
item = it,
type = 'buffer_procure',
min_inventory = 20,
max_inventory = 100,
size_multiple = 10,
leadtime = str(ld * 86400),
onhand = str(round(forecast_per_item * random.uniform(1,3) * ld / 30)),
# Loop over all clusters
durations = [ 86400, 86400*2, 86400*3, 86400*5, 86400*6 ]
for i in range(cluster):
if verbosity>0: print "Creating supply chain for end item %d..." % i
# location
loc, created = Location.objects.get_or_create(name='Loc %05d' % i)
loc.available = workingdays
# Item and delivery operation
oper = Operation.objects.create(name='Del %05d' % i, sizemultiple=1, location=loc)
it = Item.objects.create(name='Itm %05d' % i, operation=oper, category=random.choice(categories))
# Forecast
fcst = Forecast.objects.create( \
name='Forecast item %05d' % i,
maxlateness=60*86400, # Forecast can only be planned 2 months late
priority=3, # Low priority: prefer planning orders over forecast
# This method will take care of distributing a forecast quantity over the entire
# horizon, respecting the bucket weights.
fcst.setTotal(startdate, startdate + timedelta(365), forecast_per_item * 12)
# Level 0 buffer
buf = Buffer.objects.create(name='Buf %05d L00' % i,
fl = Flow.objects.create(operation=oper, thebuffer=buf, quantity=-1)
# Demand
for j in range(demand):
dm = Demand.objects.create(name='Dmd %05d %05d' % (i,j),
# Exponential distribution of due dates, with an average of deliver_lt days.
due = startdate + timedelta(days=round(random.expovariate(float(1)/deliver_lt/24))/24),
# Orders have higher priority than forecast
# Create upstream operations and buffers
ops = []
for k in range(level):
if k == 1 and res:
# Create a resource load for operations on level 1
oper = Operation.objects.create(name='Oper %05d L%02d' % (i,k),
if resource < cluster and i < resource:
# When there are more cluster than resources, we try to assure
# that each resource is loaded by at least 1 operation.
Load.objects.create(resource=res[i], operation=oper)
Load.objects.create(resource=random.choice(res), operation=oper)
oper = Operation.objects.create(
name='Oper %05d L%02d' % (i,k),
buf.producing = oper
# Some inventory in random buffers
if random.uniform(0,1) > 0.8: buf.onhand=int(random.uniform(5,20))
Flow(operation=oper, thebuffer=buf, quantity=1, type="flow_end").save()
if k != level-1:
# Consume from the next level in the bill of material
buf = Buffer.objects.create(
name='Buf %05d L%02d' % (i,k+1),
category='%02d' % (k+1)
Flow.objects.create(operation=oper, thebuffer=buf, quantity=-1)
# Consume raw materials / components
c = []
for j in range(components_per):
o = operation = random.choice(ops)
b = random.choice(comps)
while (o,b) in c:
# A flow with the same operation and buffer already exists
o = operation = random.choice(ops)
b = random.choice(comps)
c.append( (o,b) )
fl = Flow.objects.create(
operation = o, thebuffer = b,
quantity = random.choice([-1,-1,-1,-2,-3]))
# Commit the current cluster
# Log success
log(category='CREATE', theuser=user,
message=_('Finished creating sample model')).save()
except Exception, e:
# Log failure and rethrow exception
try: log(category='CREATE', theuser=user,
message=u'%s: %s' % (_('Failure creating sample model'),e)).save()
except: pass
if nonfatal: raise e
else: raise CommandError(e)
# Commit it all, even in case of exceptions
settings.DEBUG = tmp_debug
def updateTelescope(min_day_horizon=10, min_week_horizon=40):
Update for the telescopic horizon.
The first argument specifies the minimum number of daily buckets. Additional
daily buckets will be appended till we come to a monday. At that date weekly
buckets are starting.
The second argument specifies the minimum horizon with weeks before the
monthly buckets. The last weekly bucket can be a partial one: starting on
monday and ending on the first day of the next calendar month.
# Make sure the debug flag is not set!
# When it is set, the django database wrapper collects a list of all sql
# statements executed and their timings. This consumes plenty of memory
# and cpu time.
tmp_debug = settings.DEBUG
settings.DEBUG = False
first_date = Dates.objects.all()[0].day_start
current_date = Plan.objects.all()[0].currentdate
limit = current_date + timedelta(min_day_horizon)
mode = 'day'
m = []
for i in Dates.objects.all():
if i.day_start < current_date:
# A single bucket for all dates in the past
i.standard = 'past'
i.standard_start = first_date
i.standard_end = current_date
elif mode == 'day':
# Daily buckets
i.standard = str(i.day_start.date())[2:] # Leave away the leading century, ie "20"
i.standard_start = i.day_start
i.standard_end = i.day_end
if i.day_start >= limit and i.dayofweek == 0:
mode = 'week'
limit = (current_date + timedelta(min_week_horizon)).date()
limit = datetime(limit.year+limit.month/12, limit.month+1-12*(limit.month/12), 1)
elif i.day_start < limit:
# Weekly buckets
i.standard = i.week
i.standard_start = i.week_start
i.standard_end = (i.week_end > limit and limit) or i.week_end
# Monthly buckets
i.standard = i.month
i.standard_start = i.month_start
i.standard_end = i.month_end
# Needed to create a temporary list of the objects to save, since the
# database table is locked during the iteration
for i in m: i.save()
settings.DEBUG = tmp_debug