# Copyright (C) 2007 by Johan De Taeye
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# file : $URL: https://frepple.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/frepple/tags/0.8.0/contrib/django/freppledb/output/views/demand.py $
# revision : $LastChangedRevision: 1141 $ $LastChangedBy: jdetaeye $
# date : $LastChangedDate: 2010-01-01 15:36:10 +0100 (Fri, 01 Jan 2010) $
from django.db import connection
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy
from django.contrib.admin.views.decorators import staff_member_required
from input.models import Item
from output.models import Demand
from common.db import *
from common.report import *
class OverviewReport(TableReport):
A report showing the independent demand for each item.
template = 'output/demand.html'
title = _('Demand report')
basequeryset = Item.objects.extra(where=('name in (select distinct item_id from demand union select distinct item_id from forecast)',))
model = Item
rows = (
'filter': FilterText(field='name'),
'order_by': 'name',
'title': _('item')
crosses = (
('forecast',{'title': _('net forecast')}),
('orders',{'title': _('orders')}),
('demand',{'title': _('total demand')}),
('supply',{'title': _('total supply')}),
('backlog',{'title': _('backlog')}),
columns = (
('bucket',{'title': _('bucket')}),
javascript_imports = ['/static/FusionCharts.js',]
def resultlist1(basequery, bucket, startdate, enddate, sortsql='1 asc'):
return basequery.values('name')
def resultlist2(basequery, bucket, startdate, enddate, sortsql='1 asc'):
basesql, baseparams = basequery.query.as_sql(with_col_aliases=True)
cursor = connection.cursor()
# Execute a query to get the backlog at the start of the horizon
startbacklogdict = {}
query = '''
select item, sum(quantity)
from out_demand import
where item in (select items.name from sitems import
and (plandate is null or plandate >= '%s')
and due < '%s'
group by item
''' % (basesql, startdate, startdate)
cursor.execute(query, baseparams)
for row in cursor.fetchall():
if row[0]: startbacklogdict[row[0]] = float(row[1])
# Execute the query
query = '''
select y.name as row1,
y.bucket as col1, y.startdate as col2, y.enddate as col3,
coalesce(sum(fcst.quantity * %s / %s),0),
from import
select x.name as name,
x.bucket as bucket, x.startdate as startdate, x.enddate as enddate,
coalesce(sum(demand.quantity),0) as orders,
min(x.planned) as planned
from import
select items.name as name,
d.bucket as bucket, d.startdate as startdate, d.enddate as enddate,
coalesce(sum(out_demand.quantity),0) as planned
from sitems import
-- Multiply with buckets
cross join (
select %s as bucket, %s_start as startdate, %s_end as enddate
from dates import
where day_start >= '%s' and day_start < '%s'
group by %s, %s_start, %s_end
) d
-- Planned quantity
left join out_demand
on items.name = out_demand.item
and d.startdate <= out_demand.plandate
and d.enddate > out_demand.plandate
-- Grouping
group by items.name, d.bucket, d.startdate, d.enddate
) x
-- Requested quantity
left join demand
on x.name = demand.item_id
and x.startdate <= demand.due
and x.enddate > demand.due
-- Grouping
group by x.name, x.bucket, x.startdate, x.enddate
) y
-- Forecasted quantity
left join (select forecast.item_id as item_id, out_forecast.startdate as startdate,
out_forecast.enddate as enddate, out_forecast.net as quantity
from out_forecastforecast import
where out_forecast.forecast = forecast.name
) fcst
on y.name = fcst.item_id
and fcst.enddate >= y.startdate
and fcst.startdate <= y.enddate
-- Ordering and grouping
group by y.name, y.bucket, y.startdate, y.enddate
order by %s, y.startdate
''' % (sql_overlap('fcst.startdate','fcst.enddate','y.startdate','y.enddate'),
# Build the python result
previtem = None
for row in cursor.fetchall():
if row[0] != previtem:
try: backlog = startbacklogdict[row[0]]
except: backlog = 0
previtem = row[0]
backlog += float(row[4]) + float(row[5]) - float(row[6])
yield {
'item': row[0],
'bucket': row[1],
'startdate': python_date(row[2]),
'enddate': python_date(row[3]),
'orders': row[4],
'forecast': row[5],
'demand': float(row[4]) + float(row[5]),
'supply': row[6],
'backlog': backlog,
class DetailReport(ListReport):
A list report to show delivery plans for demand.
template = 'output/demandplan.html'
title = _("Demand plan detail")
reset_crumbs = False
basequeryset = Demand.objects.all()
model = Demand
frozenColumns = 0
editable = False
rows = (
('demand', {
'filter': FilterText(),
'title': _('demand')
('item', {
'title': _('item'),
'filter': FilterText(),
('customer', {
'title': _('customer'),
'filter': FilterText(),
('quantity', {
'title': _('quantity'),
'filter': FilterNumber(),
('planquantity', {
'title': _('planned quantity'),
'filter': FilterNumber(),
('due', {
'title': _('due date'),
'filter': FilterDate(field='due'),
('plandate', {
'title': _('planned date'),
'filter': FilterDate(field='plandate'),
('operationplan', {'title': _('operationplan')}),
def GraphData(request, entity):
basequery = Item.objects.filter(pk__exact=entity)
(bucket,start,end,bucketlist) = getBuckets(request)
demand = []
supply = []
backlog = []
for x in OverviewReport.resultlist2(basequery, bucket, start, end):
context = {
'buckets': bucketlist,
'demand': demand,
'supply': supply,
'backlog': backlog,
'axis_nth': len(bucketlist) / 20 + 1,
return HttpResponse(
loader.render_to_string("output/demand.xml", context, context_instance=RequestContext(request)),