# Copyright (C) 2007 by Johan De Taeye
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# file : $URL: https://frepple.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/frepple/tags/0.8.0/test/python_3/python.py $
# revision : $LastChangedRevision: 1109 $ $LastChangedBy: jdetaeye $
# date : $LastChangedDate: 2009-12-07 18:05:48 +0100 (Mon, 07 Dec 2009) $
This test shows how we can use Python to create a frePPLe model: we can
create objects, access existing objects and change objects.
import datetime
from inspect import *
from types import *
def printModel(filename):
A function that prints out all models to a file.
# Open the output file
output = open(filename,"wt")
# Global settings
print >>output, "Echoing global settings"
print >>output, "Plan name:", frepple.settings.name
print >>output, "Plan description:", frepple.settings.description
print >>output, "Plan current:", frepple.settings.current
# Solvers
print >>output, "\nEchoing solvers:"
for b in frepple.solvers():
print >>output, " Solver:", b.name, b.loglevel, getattr(b,'constraints',None)
# Calendars
print >>output, "\nEchoing calendars:"
for b in frepple.calendars():
print >>output, " Calendar:", b.name, getattr(b,'default',None)
for j in b.buckets:
print >>output, " Bucket:", getattr(j,'value',None), j.start, j.end, j.priority
# Customers
print >>output, "\nEchoing customers:"
for b in frepple.customers():
print >>output, " Customer:", b.name, b.description, b.category, b.subcategory, b.owner
# Locations
print >>output, "\nEchoing locations:"
for b in frepple.locations():
print >>output, " Location:", b.name, b.description, b.category, b.subcategory, b.owner
# Items
print >>output, "\nEchoing items:"
for b in frepple.items():
print >>output, " Item:", b.name, b.description, b.category, b.subcategory, b.owner, b.operation
# Resources
print >>output, "\nEchoing resources:"
for b in frepple.resources():
print >>output, " Resource:", b.name, b.description, b.category, b.subcategory, b.owner
for l in b.loads:
print >>output, " Load:", l.operation.name, l.quantity, l.effective_start, l.effective_end
for l in b.loadplans:
print >>output, " Loadplan:", l.operationplan.id, l.operationplan.operation.name, l.quantity, l.startdate, l.enddate
# Buffers
print >>output, "\nEchoing buffers:"
for b in frepple.buffers():
print >>output, " Buffer:", b.name, b.description, b.category, b.subcategory, b.owner
for l in b.flows:
print >>output, " Flow:", l.operation.name, l.quantity, l.effective_start, l.effective_end
for l in b.flowplans:
print >>output, " Flowplan:", l.operationplan.id, l.operationplan.operation.name, l.quantity, l.date
# Operations
print >>output, "\nEchoing operations:"
for b in frepple.operations():
print >>output, " Operation:", b.name, b.description, b.category, b.subcategory
for l in b.loads:
print >>output, " Load:", l.resource.name, l.quantity, l.effective_start, l.effective_end
for l in b.flows:
print >>output, " Flow:", l.buffer.name, l.quantity, l.effective_start, l.effective_end
if isinstance(b, frepple.operation_alternate):
for l in b.alternates:
print >>output, " Alternate:", l.name
if isinstance(b, frepple.operation_routing):
for l in b.steps:
print >>output, " Step:", l.name
# Demands
print >>output, "\nEchoing demands:"
for b in frepple.demands():
print >>output, " Demand:", b.name, b.due, b.item.name, b.quantity
for i in b.operationplans:
print >>output, " Operationplan:", i.id, i.operation.name, i.quantity, i.end
# Operationplans
print >>output, "\nEchoing operationplans:"
for b in frepple.operationplans():
print >>output, " Operationplan:", b.operation.name, b.quantity, b.start, b.end
for s in b.operationplans:
print >>output, " ", s.operation.name, s.quantity, s.start, s.end
# Problems
print >>output, "\nPrinting problems"
for i in frepple.problems():
print >>output, " Problem:", i.entity, i.name, i.description, i.start, i.end, i.weight
def printExtensions():
Echoes all entities in our extension module.
Useful to create documentation.
print " Types:"
for name, o in getmembers(frepple):
if not isclass(o) or issubclass(o,Exception) or hasattr(o,"__iter__"): continue
print " %s: %s" % (o.__name__, getdoc(o))
print " Methods:"
for name, o in getmembers(frepple):
if not isroutine(o): continue
print " %s: %s" % (o.__name__, getdoc(o))
print " Exceptions:"
for name, o in getmembers(frepple):
if not isclass(o) or not issubclass(o,Exception): continue
print " %s" % (o.__name__)
print " Iterators:"
for name, o in getmembers(frepple):
if not isclass(o) or not hasattr(o,"__iter__"): continue
print " %s: %s" % (o.__name__, getdoc(o))
print " Other:"
for name, o in getmembers(frepple):
# Negating the exact same filters as in the previous blocks
if not(not isclass(o) or issubclass(o,Exception) or hasattr(o,"__iter__")): continue
if isroutine(o): continue
if not(not isclass(o) or not issubclass(o,Exception)): continue
if not(not isclass(o) or not hasattr(o,"__iter__")): continue
print " %s: %s" % (name, o)
print "\nUpdating global settings"
frepple.settings.name = "demo model"
frepple.settings.description = unicode("demo description in unicode object")
frepple.settings.current = datetime.datetime(2009,1,1)
print "\nCreating operations"
shipoper = frepple.operation_fixed_time(name="delivery end item", duration=86400)
choice = frepple.operation_alternate(name="make or buy item")
makeoper = frepple.operation_routing(name="make item")
makeoper.addStep(frepple.operation_fixed_time(name="make item - step 1", duration=4*86400))
makeoper.addStep(frepple.operation_fixed_time(name="make item - step 2", duration=3*86400))
buyoper = frepple.operation_fixed_time(name="buy item", duration=86400)
choice.addAlternate(operation=makeoper, priority=1)
choice.addAlternate(operation=buyoper, priority=2)
print "\nCreating calendars"
c = frepple.calendar_boolean(name="boolcal", default=False)
c.setValue(datetime.datetime(2009,1,1), datetime.datetime(2009,3,1), True)
c.setValue(datetime.datetime(2009,2,1), datetime.datetime(2009,5,1), True)
c.setValue(datetime.datetime(2009,2,1), datetime.datetime(2009,3,1), False)
frepple.calendar(name="doublecal", default=1.23)
c = frepple.calendar_operation(name="operationcal", default=choice)
c.setValue(datetime.datetime(2009,1,1), datetime.datetime(2009,3,1), makeoper)
c.setValue(datetime.datetime(2009,6,1), datetime.datetime(2009,9,1), buyoper)
print "\nTesting the calendar iterator"
print"calendar events:"
for date, value in c.events():
print " ", date, value
print "\nDeleting a calendar"
frepple.calendar(name="voidcal", action="R")
# Load some data - These things can't be done yet from Python
frepple.readXMLdata('''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<plan xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<resource name="Resource">
<maximum name="Capacity" xsi:type="calendar_double">
<bucket start="2009-01-01T00:00:00">
<operation name="make item - step 1" />
<operation name="make item - step 2" />
<flow xsi:type="flow_start">
<operation name="delivery end item" />
<buffer name="end item" />
<flow xsi:type="flow_end">
<operation name="make or buy item" />
<buffer name="end item" />
print "\nCreating operationplans"
opplan = frepple.operationplan(operation="make item", quantity=9, end=datetime.datetime(2011,1,1))
opplan.locked = True
print "\nCreating items"
item = frepple.item(name="end item", operation=shipoper)
itemlist = [ frepple.item(name="item %d" % i) for i in range(10) ]
print "\nTesting the comparison operator"
print "makoper < shipoper", makeoper < shipoper
print "shipoper < makeoper", shipoper < makeoper
print "shipoper != makeoper", shipoper != makeoper
print "shipoper == makeoper", shipoper == makeoper
print "shipoper == shipoper", shipoper == shipoper
print "makeoper == item", makeoper == item
except Exception, e:
print "Catching exception %s: %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, e)
print "\nCreating a resource"
frepple.resource(name="machine", maximum=frepple.calendar(name="doublecal"))
print "\nCreating customers"
mycustomer = frepple.customer(name="client")
print "\nCreating locations"
locA = frepple.location(name="locA")
locB = frepple.location(name="locB")
print "\nCreating some buffers"
buf = frepple.buffer(name="end item", producing=choice, item=item)
buf1 = frepple.buffer_procure(name="buffer1",
description="My description",
category="My category",
print buf1, buf1.__class__, buf1.location, isinstance(buf1, frepple.buffer), \
isinstance(buf1, frepple.buffer_default), \
isinstance(buf1, frepple.buffer_procure), \
isinstance(buf1, frepple.buffer_infinite)
buf2 = frepple.buffer(name="buffer2", owner=buf1)
print buf2, buf2.__class__, buf2.location, isinstance(buf2, frepple.buffer), \
isinstance(buf2, frepple.buffer_default), \
isinstance(buf2, frepple.buffer_procure), \
isinstance(buf2, frepple.buffer_infinite)
print "\nCatching some exceptions"
print buf1.crazyfield
except Exception, e:
print "Catching exception %s: %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, e)
buf1.crazyfield = "doesn't exist"
except Exception, e:
print "Catching exception %s: %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, e)
buf1.owner = buf2
except Exception, e:
print "Catching exception %s: %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, e)
print "\nCreating demands"
order1 = frepple.demand(name="order 1", item=item, quantity=10, priority=1, \
due=datetime.datetime(2009,3,2,9), customer=mycustomer, maxlateness=0)
order2 = frepple.demand(name="order 2", item=item, quantity=10, priority=2, \
due=datetime.datetime(2009,3,2,8,30,0), customer=mycustomer, maxlateness=0)
order3 = frepple.demand(name="order 3", item=item, quantity=10, priority=3, \
due=datetime.datetime(2009,3,2,20,0,0), customer=mycustomer, maxlateness=0)
print "\nCreating a solver and running it"
frepple.solver_mrp(name="MRP", constraints=7, loglevel=0).solve()
print "\nEchoing the model to a file"
print "\nSaving the model to an XML-file"
print "\nPrinting some models in XML format"
print mycustomer.toXML()
print locA.toXML()
print opplan.toXML()
print item.toXML()
print order1.toXML()
print buf1.toXML()
print makeoper.toXML()
for i in frepple.problems():
print i.toXML()
print "\nPrinting some models in XML format to a file"
output = open("output.3.xml","wt")
print >>output, mycustomer.toXML()
print >>output, locA.toXML()
print >>output, opplan.toXML()
print >>output, item.toXML()
print >>output, order1.toXML()
print >>output, buf1.toXML()
print >>output, makeoper.toXML()
for i in frepple.problems():
print >>output, i.toXML()
print "\nDocumenting all available Python entities defined by frePPLe:"