# Programmer: Daniel Pozmanter
# E-mail: drpython@bluebottle.com
# Note: You must reply to the verification e-mail to get through.
# Copyright 2003-2007 Daniel Pozmanter
# Distributed under the terms of the GPL (GNU Public License)
# DrPython is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# Requirements(Dependencies): Install Python, and wxPython.
# Tested On Windows, Linux, Mac OS X
# Icons taken from "Klassic New Crisp Icons" by Asif Ali Rizwaan (therizwaan) from the KDE-LOOK site (some edited a bit).
# A humble and excellent artist.
# Oh, the python icon is taken from wxPython.
# The basic design of the program is meant to roughly (ROUGHLY) mimick DrScheme.
# The purpose is the same, to provide a simple IDE(integrated development environment) ideal for teaching.
# The DrPython icon itself was based on the DrScheme icon, with a slightly edited wxpython icon inserted(note yellow tongue, googly eyes).
# This program could not have been written without the wonderful work of the people behind
# python and wxPython, in particular the Styled Text Control. Thank you. Hopefully this tool will be of use.
#This is a module for a gui for importing / exporting preferences.
import wx
import drZip
import drFileDialog
class drSetupPreferencesDialog(wx.Dialog):
def __init__(self, parent):
wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, 'Setup Preferences', style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.MAXIMIZE_BOX | wx.THICK_FRAME | wx.RESIZE_BORDER)
self.parent = parent
self.drframe = parent.drframe
self.ID_EXPORT_ALL = 501
self.ID_IMPORT_ALL = 502
self.ID_EXPORT_PREFS = 503
self.ID_IMPORT_PREFS = 504
self.btnExportAll = wx.Button(self, self.ID_EXPORT_ALL, 'Export Preferences, Plugins, DrScripts To Zip')
self.btnImportAll = wx.Button(self, self.ID_IMPORT_ALL, 'Import Preferences, Plugins, DrScripts From Zip')
self.btnExportPrefs = wx.Button(self, self.ID_EXPORT_PREFS, 'Export Preferences To Zip')
self.btnImportPrefs = wx.Button(self, self.ID_IMPORT_PREFS, 'Import Preferences From Zip')
self.btnExportPlugins = wx.Button(self, self.ID_EXPORT_PLUGINS, 'Export Plugins To Zip')
self.btnImportPlugins = wx.Button(self, self.ID_IMPORT_PLUGINS, 'Import Plugins From Zip')
self.btnExportDrScripts = wx.Button(self, self.ID_EXPORT_DRSCRIPTS, 'Export DrScripts To Zip')
self.btnImportDrScripts = wx.Button(self, self.ID_IMPORT_DRSCRIPTS, 'Import DrScripts From Zip')
self.btnExit = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CANCEL, 'Exit')
self.theSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
self.theSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, ' '), 1, wx.EXPAND)
self.theSizer.Add(self.btnExportAll, 0, wx.SHAPED | wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
self.theSizer.Add(self.btnImportAll, 0, wx.SHAPED | wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
self.theSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, ' '), 1, wx.EXPAND)
self.theSizer.Add(self.btnExportPrefs, 0, wx.SHAPED | wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
self.theSizer.Add(self.btnImportPrefs, 0, wx.SHAPED | wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
self.theSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, ' '), 1, wx.EXPAND)
self.theSizer.Add(self.btnExportPlugins, 0, wx.SHAPED | wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
self.theSizer.Add(self.btnImportPlugins, 0, wx.SHAPED | wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
self.theSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, ' '), 1, wx.EXPAND)
self.theSizer.Add(self.btnExportDrScripts, 0, wx.SHAPED | wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
self.theSizer.Add(self.btnImportDrScripts, 0, wx.SHAPED | wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
self.theSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, ' '), 1, wx.EXPAND)
self.theSizer.Add(self.btnExit, 0, wx.SHAPED | wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
self.theSizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, ' '), 1, wx.EXPAND)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnExportAll, id=self.ID_EXPORT_ALL)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnImportAll, id=self.ID_IMPORT_ALL)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnExportPrefs, id=self.ID_EXPORT_PREFS)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnImportPrefs, id=self.ID_IMPORT_PREFS)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnExportPlugins, id=self.ID_EXPORT_PLUGINS)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnImportPlugins, id=self.ID_IMPORT_PLUGINS)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnExportDrScripts, id=self.ID_EXPORT_DRSCRIPTS)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnImportDrScripts, id=self.ID_IMPORT_DRSCRIPTS)
def OnExportAll(self, event):
dlg = drFileDialog.FileDialog(self.drframe, "Export Preferences, Plugins, and DrScripts To", 'Zip File (*.zip)|*.zip', IsASaveDialog=True)
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
filename = dlg.GetPath().replace("\\", "/")
drZip.ExportPreferencesTo(self.drframe.pluginsdirectory, self.drframe.preferencesdirectory,
self.drframe.datdirectory, filename)
def OnExportDrScripts(self, event):
dlg = drFileDialog.FileDialog(self.drframe, "Export DrScripts To", 'Zip File (*.zip)|*.zip', IsASaveDialog=True)
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
filename = dlg.GetPath().replace("\\", "/")
drZip.ExportDrScriptsTo(self.drframe.preferencesdirectory, filename)
def OnExportPlugins(self, event):
dlg = drFileDialog.FileDialog(self.drframe, "Export Plugins To", 'Zip File (*.zip)|*.zip', IsASaveDialog=True)
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
filename = dlg.GetPath().replace("\\", "/")
drZip.ExportDirectoryTo(self.drframe.pluginsdirectory, filename, 'plugins')
def OnExportPrefs(self, event):
dlg = drFileDialog.FileDialog(self.drframe, "Export Preferences To", 'Zip File (*.zip)|*.zip', IsASaveDialog=True)
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
filename = dlg.GetPath().replace("\\", "/")
drZip.ExportPreferencesTo(self.drframe.pluginsdirectory, self.drframe.preferencesdirectory,
self.drframe.datdirectory, filename, plugins=False, drscripts=False)
def OnImportAll(self, event):
if self.drframe.Ask('This will permanently overwrite all of your preferences, plugins, and drscript file.\n\nProceed?', 'Warning'):
dlg = drFileDialog.FileDialog(self.drframe, "Import Preferences, Plugins, and DrScripts From", 'Zip File (*.zip)|*.zip')
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
filename = dlg.GetPath().replace("\\", "/")
drZip.ImportPreferencesFrom(self.drframe.preferencesdirectory, filename)
self.drframe.ShowMessage('Successfully imported preferences, plugins, and drscripts.', 'Import Success')
def OnImportDrScripts(self, event):
if self.drframe.Ask('This will permanently overwrite all of your drscript file.\n\nProceed?', 'Warning'):
dlg = drFileDialog.FileDialog(self.drframe, "Import DrScripts From", 'Zip File (*.zip)|*.zip')
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
filename = dlg.GetPath().replace("\\", "/")
drZip.ImportDrScriptsFrom(self.drframe.preferencesdirectory, filename)
self.drframe.ShowMessage('Successfully imported drscripts.', 'Import Success')
def OnImportPlugins(self, event):
if self.drframe.Ask('This will permanently overwrite all of your plugins.\n\nProceed?', 'Warning'):
dlg = drFileDialog.FileDialog(self.drframe, "Import Plugins From", 'Zip File (*.zip)|*.zip')
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
filename = dlg.GetPath().replace("\\", "/")
drZip.ImportPluginsFrom(self.drframe.preferencesdirectory, filename)
self.drframe.ShowMessage('Successfully imported plugins.', 'Import Success')
def OnImportPrefs(self, event):
if self.drframe.Ask('This will permanently overwrite all of your preferences.\n\nProceed?', 'Warning'):
dlg = drFileDialog.FileDialog(self.drframe, "Import Preferences From", 'Zip File (*.zip)|*.zip')
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
filename = dlg.GetPath().replace("\\", "/")
drZip.ImportJustPreferencesFrom(self.drframe.preferencesdirectory, filename)
self.drframe.ShowMessage('Successfully imported preferences.', 'Import Success')