"""This module provides a webinterface to the user's preferences
Here you can change username, signature etc"""
from bobomailrc import prefs_template
from string import lower
from bobomod import *
import main
PREFS_CHANGED = len(main.status_message)
main.status_message.append(i18n("Preferences changed"))
class Preferences(BoboMailModule):
"Preferences class for BoboMail"
def index_html(self, REQUEST):
"Show preferences page"
auth = self.bobomail.Authentication(REQUEST["SESSION"])
if not auth.relogin(): return self.authError()
return self.genHTML(REQUEST, open(prefs_template),
title=i18n("Preferences"), user=auth.user)
def Change(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE,
username="", signature="", inlineimages="", maxlistsize=20):
"Change preferences"
auth = self.bobomail.Authentication(REQUEST["SESSION"])
if not auth.relogin(): return self.authError()
auth.user.name = username
auth.user.signature = signature
auth.user.inlineimages = (lower(inlineimages) == "on")
auth.user.maxlistsize = maxlistsize
"%s/MailBox/index_html?message:int=%s" % (