from mimetools import choose_boundary,encode
from string import split,join,replace,strip
import mimetypes, os
from lib.util import StringIO
from Message import Message
from bobomailrc import *
if smtp_host[0] == "/":
from lib.pipesmtp import SMTP
from smtplib import SMTP
mimetypes.init(["/etc/mime.types", bm_mimetypes])
def makePart(body, encoding):
msg = Message(StringIO())
msg["Content-Transfer-Encoding"] = encoding
out = StringIO()
if encoding != "base64":
encode(StringIO(replace(body,"\r","")), out, encoding)
encode(StringIO(body), out, encoding)
msg.body = out.getvalue()
if encoding == "quoted-printable":
lines = split(msg.body, "\n")
for i in xrange(len(lines)):
if lines[i] and lines[i][:5] == 'From ':
lines[i] = "=%02x" % ord("F") + lines[i][1:]
msg.body = join(lines, "\n")
return msg
class SentFailed:
def __init__(self, e, c, r):, self.code, self.reason = e, c, r
def __repr__(self):
return str((self.code, self.reason,
def sendmail(From, To, Cc=None, Bcc=None, Subject="",
Body="", File=None, Filename="", InReplyTo=None):
text = makePart(Body, "quoted-printable")
if File is not None:
data =
if data:
attach = makePart(data, "base64")
ext = os.path.splitext(Filename)[1]
ctype = mimetypes.guess_type(ext)[0] or "application/octet-stream"
attach["Content-Type"] = ctype
Filename = os.path.split(Filename)[1]
attach["Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="%s"' % Filename
msg = Message(StringIO())
msg.boundary = choose_boundary()
msg["Content-Type"] = 'multipart/mixed; boundary="%s"' % msg.boundary[text, attach])
else: msg = text
else: msg = text
msg["From"] = From
msg["To"] = To
if Cc: msg["Cc"] = Cc
if Bcc: msg["Bcc"] = Bcc
if InReplyTo: msg["In-Reply-To"] = InReplyTo
msg["Subject"] = Subject or ""
msg["Mime-Version"] = "1.0"
text["Content-Type"] = "text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1"
msg["X-Mailer"] = XMailer
Recipients = msg.getaddrlist("to") + msg.getaddrlist("cc") + msg.getaddrlist("bcc")
for i in range(len(Recipients)):
Recipients[i] = Recipients[i][1]
return sendMessage(From, Recipients, msg)
def sendMessage(From, ToList, msg):
errors = [] #XXX handle smtplib.SMTPSenderRefused
s = SMTP(smtp_host)
failed = s.sendmail(From, ToList, str(msg))
for email, (code, reason) in failed.items():
errors.append(SentFailed(email, code, reason))
return errors
if __name__ == "__main__":
print sendmail(
"", "henning@localhost", None, None, "Testmail",
"From Hallo Leute\nGru Henning",
open("/home/henning/src/bobomail/images/bobomail.jpg"), "bobomail.jpg")
#print sendmail("", "root@localhost", "benno@localhost", "henning@localhost",
# "Testml", "From Someone\nGru Henning")