# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# xmllangs 0.0.1
# 1) Create an instance of 'LangsParser' class. The only argument
# its constructor takes is the filename of the language xml file.
# 2) To find a language use the 'find_lang' method of the object
# created above. This method returns a 'Lang' class object.
# 3) To get all the languages readed from the XML file, use the
# 'get_all_langs' method from the 'LangsParser' class object.
# 4) To get a specific string from a 'Lang' class object, use the
# 'get_string' method. It takes only one parameter: the 'id' of
# the string.
# 5) To get the name of a language from a 'Lang' class object use
# the 'get_name' method. It returns a string.
# Language XML file structure
# <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
# <langs>
# <lang name="myLanguage">
# <string id="1">Here goes my first string</string>
# <string id="2">This is my second string</string>
# ...
# </lang>
# ...
# </langs>
# by Juan Grande
# juan.grande@gmail.com
from xml.sax.handler import ContentHandler
from xml import sax
# A string description
class String:
def __init__( self, id):
self.id = id
# Accessors an mutators
def set_string(self, string):
self.string = string
def get_string( self):
return self.string
def set_id( self, id):
self.id = id
def get_id(self):
return self.id
# A language description
class Lang:
def __init__(self, name):
# Adds a string to this language
def add_string(self, string):
self.strings.append( string)
# Returns a string with the name of the language
def get_name(self):
return self.name
# Returns the string with id=='id'
def get_string(self, id):
for s in self.strings:
if s.id==str(id):
return s.get_string()
return "(empty)"
# Language XML file parser
class LangHandler(ContentHandler):
def __init__(self):
def startElement( self, name, attrs):
if name=="lang":
temp_lang = Lang(attrs.getValue("name"))
if name=="string":
s = String( attrs.getValue("id"))
temp_lang = self.langs.pop()
self.langs.append( temp_lang)
def endElement( self, name):
def characters( self, content):
if content.strip()!="":
l = self.langs.pop()
s = l.strings.pop()
# The main class
class LangsParser:
def __init__(self, filename):
self.lh = LangHandler()
p = sax.parse( filename, self.lh)
print "xmllangs: XML file succesfully parsed"
print "xmllangs: Error parsing XML file."
# Returns a list of all 'Lang' objects
def get_all_langs( self):
return self.lh.langs
# Returns a 'Lang' class object where Lang.name==langname
def find_lang(self, langname):
for one_lang in self.lh.langs:
if one_lang.get_name()==langname:
return one_lang
return self.lh.langs[0]