# A simple SPF milter.
# You must install pyspf for this to work.
# http://www.sendmail.org/doc/sendmail-current/libmilter/docs/installation.html
# Author: Stuart D. Gathman <stuart@bmsi.com>
# Copyright 2007 Business Management Systems, Inc.
# This code is under GPL. See COPYING for details.
import sys
import Milter
import spf
import syslog
import anydbm
from Milter.config import MilterConfigParser
from Milter.utils import iniplist,parse_addr
class Config(object):
"Hold configuration options."
def read_config(list):
"Return new config object."
cp = MilterConfigParser()
if cp.has_option('milter','datadir'):
conf = Config()
conf.socketname = cp.getdefault('milter','socketname', '/tmp/spfmiltersock')
conf.miltername = cp.getdefault('milter','name','pyspffilter')
conf.trusted_relay = cp.getlist('milter','trusted_relay')
conf.internal_connect = cp.getlist('milter','internal_connect')
if cp.has_option('spf','trusted_forwarder'):
conf.trusted_forwarder = cp.getlist('spf','trusted_forwarder')
else: # backward compatibility with config typo
conf.trusted_forwarder = cp.getlist('spf','trusted_relay')
conf.access_file = cp.getdefault('spf','access_file',None)
return conf
class SPFPolicy(object):
"Get SPF policy by result from sendmail style access file."
def __init__(self,sender,access_file=None):
self.sender = sender
self.domain = sender.split('@')[-1].lower()
if access_file:
try: acf = anydbm.open(access_file,'r')
except: acf = None
else: acf = None
self.acf = acf
def getPolicy(self,pfx):
acf = self.acf
if not acf: return None
return acf[pfx + self.sender]
except KeyError:
return acf[pfx + self.domain]
except KeyError:
return acf[pfx]
except KeyError:
return None
class spfMilter(Milter.Base):
"Milter to check SPF. Each connection gets its own instance."
def log(self,*msg):
syslog.syslog('[%d] %s' % (self.id,' '.join([str(m) for m in msg])))
def __init__(self):
self.mailfrom = None
self.id = Milter.uniqueID()
# we don't want config used to change during a connection
self.conf = config
# addheader can only be called from eom(). This accumulates added headers
# which can then be applied by alter_headers()
def add_header(self,name,val,idx=-1):
self.log('%s: %s' % (name,val))
def connect(self,hostname,unused,hostaddr):
self.internal_connection = False
self.trusted_relay = False
self.hello_name = None
# sometimes people put extra space in sendmail config, so we strip
self.receiver = self.getsymval('j').strip()
if hostaddr and len(hostaddr) > 0:
ipaddr = hostaddr[0]
if iniplist(ipaddr,self.conf.internal_connect):
self.internal_connection = True
if iniplist(ipaddr,self.conf.trusted_relay):
self.trusted_relay = True
else: ipaddr = ''
self.connectip = ipaddr
if self.internal_connection:
connecttype = 'INTERNAL'
connecttype = 'EXTERNAL'
if self.trusted_relay:
connecttype += ' TRUSTED'
self.log("connect from %s at %s %s" % (hostname,hostaddr,connecttype))
return Milter.CONTINUE
def hello(self,hostname):
self.hello_name = hostname
self.log("hello from %s" % hostname)
return Milter.CONTINUE
# multiple messages can be received on a single connection
# envfrom (MAIL FROM in the SMTP protocol) seems to mark the start
# of each message.
def envfrom(self,f,*str):
self.log("mail from",f,str)
self.new_headers = []
if not self.hello_name:
self.log('REJECT: missing HELO')
self.setreply('550','5.7.1',"It's polite to say helo first.")
return Milter.REJECT
self.mailfrom = f
t = parse_addr(f)
if len(t) == 2: t[1] = t[1].lower()
self.canon_from = '@'.join(t)
if not (self.internal_connection or self.trusted_relay) and self.connectip:
rc = self.check_spf()
if rc != Milter.CONTINUE: return rc
return Milter.CONTINUE
def eom(self):
for name,val,idx in self.new_headers:
self.addheader(name,val) # older sendmail can't insheader
return Milter.CONTINUE
def check_spf(self):
receiver = self.receiver
for tf in self.conf.trusted_forwarder:
q = spf.query(self.connectip,'',tf,receiver=receiver,strict=False)
res,code,txt = q.check()
if res == 'pass':
q = spf.query(self.connectip,self.canon_from,self.hello_name,
'SPF fail: see http://openspf.org/why.html?sender=%s&ip=%s' % (q.s,q.i))
res,code,txt = q.check()
if res not in ('pass','temperror'):
if self.mailfrom != '<>':
# check hello name via spf unless spf pass
h = spf.query(self.connectip,'',self.hello_name,receiver=receiver)
hres,hcode,htxt = h.check()
if hres in ('deny','fail','neutral','softfail'):
self.log('REJECT: hello SPF: %s 550 %s' % (hres,htxt))
"The hostname given in your MTA's HELO response is not listed",
"as a legitimate MTA in the SPF records for your domain. If you",
"get this bounce, the message was not in fact a forgery, and you",
"should IMMEDIATELY notify your email administrator of the problem."
return Milter.REJECT
hres,hcode,htxt = res,code,txt
else: hres = None
p = SPFPolicy(q.s,self.conf.access_file)
if res == 'fail':
policy = p.getPolicy('spf-fail:')
if not policy or policy == 'REJECT':
self.log('REJECT: SPF %s %i %s' % (res,code,txt))
# A proper SPF fail error message would read:
# forger.biz [] is not allowed to send mail with the domain
# "forged.org" in the sender address. Contact <postmaster@forged.org>.
return Milter.REJECT
if res == 'softfail':
policy = p.getPolicy('spf-softfail:')
if policy and policy == 'REJECT':
self.log('REJECT: SPF %s %i %s' % (res,code,txt))
# A proper SPF fail error message would read:
# forger.biz [] is not allowed to send mail with the domain
# "forged.org" in the sender address. Contact <postmaster@forged.org>.
return Milter.REJECT
elif res == 'permerror':
policy = p.getPolicy('spf-permerror:')
if not policy or policy == 'REJECT':
self.log('REJECT: SPF %s %i %s' % (res,code,txt))
# latest SPF draft recommends 5.5.2 instead of 5.7.1
'There is a fatal syntax error in the SPF record for %s' % q.o,
'We cannot accept mail from %s until this is corrected.' % q.o
return Milter.REJECT
elif res == 'temperror':
policy = p.getPolicy('spf-temperror:')
if not policy or policy == 'REJECT':
self.log('TEMPFAIL: SPF %s %i %s' % (res,code,txt))
return Milter.TEMPFAIL
elif res == 'neutral' or res == 'none':
policy = p.getPolicy('spf-neutral:')
if policy and policy == 'REJECT':
self.log('REJECT NEUTRAL:',q.s)
"%s requires and SPF PASS to accept mail from %s. [http://openspf.org]"
% (receiver,q.s))
return Milter.REJECT
elif res == 'pass':
policy = p.getPolicy('spf-pass:')
if policy and policy == 'REJECT':
self.log('REJECT PASS:',q.s)
"%s has been blacklisted by %s." % (q.s,receiver))
return Milter.REJECT
if hres and q.h != q.o:
return Milter.CONTINUE
if __name__ == "__main__":
Milter.factory = spfMilter
Milter.set_flags(Milter.CHGHDRS + Milter.ADDHDRS)
global config
config = read_config(['spfmilter.cfg','/etc/mail/spfmilter.cfg'])
miltername = config.miltername
socketname = config.socketname
print """To use this with sendmail, add the following to sendmail.cf:
O InputMailFilters=%s
X%s, S=local:%s
See the sendmail README for libmilter.
sample spfmilter startup""" % (miltername,miltername,socketname)
print "sample spfmilter shutdown"