#!/usr/bin/env python
# $Id: setup.py,v 1.34 2010/04/09 21:28:15 mrnolta Exp $
# Copyright (C) 2001-10 :
# Berthold Hollmann <bhoel@starship.python.net>
# Mike Nolta <mrnolta@users.sourceforge.net>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
# License along with this program; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# distutils setup file for biggles originally contributed
# by Berthold Hollmann.
from distutils.core import setup,Extension
from distutils.command.install_data import install_data
from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_inc
import distutils.log
import sys, os, os.path
# include/library directories
# if None, setup will try to discover the correct value automatically
plot_h_dir = None # dir containing plot.h (from plotutils)
libplot_dir = None # dir containing libplot.so (from plotutils)
libX11_dir = None # dir containing libX11.so
def search_for_file( name, dirs ):
for dir in dirs:
if not os.path.isdir( dir ):
fn = os.path.join( dir, name )
if os.path.exists(fn):
return dir
#print "%s not found" % name
return None
def search_for_library( name, dirs ):
extns = ['a','so','dylib']
for extn in extns:
dir = search_for_file( 'lib'+name+'.'+extn, dirs )
if dir is not None:
return dir
#print "lib%s not found" % name
return None
def dir_ends_in( dir, x ):
# returns True is dir is of the form "/../../x"
head,tail = os.path.split( dir )
if tail == '':
head,tail = os.path.split( head )
if tail == x:
return True
return False
_biggles_module_inc_dirs = []
libplot_module_inc_dirs = []
libplot_module_lib_dirs = []
if sys.platform == "win32":
libplot_module_libs = ["plot.dll"]
import numpy
numpy_inc_dir = numpy.get_include()
_biggles_module_inc_dirs.append( numpy_inc_dir )
libplot_module_inc_dirs.append( numpy_inc_dir )
print "numpy module not found; add /path/to/numpy to PYTHONPATH"
candidate_dirs = [
if 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' in os.environ:
for dir in os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'].split(':'):
head,tail = os.path.split( dir )
if tail == '':
head,tail = os.path.split( head )
if tail == 'lib' or tail == 'lib64':
candidate_dirs.append( head )
candidate_dirs.append( '/usr/local' )
candidate_lib_dirs = []
for dir in candidate_dirs:
candidate_lib_dirs.append( os.path.join(dir,'lib') )
candidate_lib_dirs.append( os.path.join(dir,'lib64') )
candidate_inc_dirs = []
for dir in candidate_dirs:
candidate_inc_dirs.append( os.path.join(dir,'include') )
if plot_h_dir is None:
plot_h_dir = search_for_file( 'plot.h', candidate_inc_dirs )
print "found plot.h in %s" % plot_h_dir
if libplot_dir is None:
libplot_dir = search_for_library( 'plot', candidate_lib_dirs )
print "found libplot in %s" % libplot_dir
if libX11_dir is None:
libX11_dir = search_for_library( 'X11', candidate_lib_dirs )
print "found libX11 in %s" % libX11_dir
if plot_h_dir is not None:
libplot_module_inc_dirs.append( plot_h_dir )
print 'unable to find plot.h; add "-I/path/to/plot.h"'
if libplot_dir is not None:
libplot_module_lib_dirs.append( libplot_dir )
print 'unable to find libplot; add "-L/path/to/libplot"'
if libX11_dir is not None:
libplot_module_lib_dirs.append( libX11_dir )
print 'unable to find plot.h; add "-L/path/to/libX11"'
#_biggles_module_inc_dirs = [ numpy_inc_dir ]
#libplot_module_inc_dirs = [ plot_h_dir, numpy_inc_dir ]
#libplot_module_lib_dirs = [ libplot_dir, libX11_dir ]
libplot_module_libs = ["plot","Xaw","Xmu","Xt","SM","ICE","Xext","X11"]
# own install_data class to allow installation of data file
# (config.ini) to biggles directory
class my_install_data( install_data ):
def finalize_options( self ):
self.set_undefined_options( "install", \
( "install_lib", "install_dir" ), \
( "root", "root" ), \
( "force", "force" ), \
long_description = """\
Biggles is a Python module for creating publication-quality 2D scientific
plots. It supports multiple output formats (postscript, x11, png, svg, gif),
understands simple TeX, and sports a high-level, elegant interface. It's
intended for technical users with sophisticated plotting needs.
# Distribution meta-data
name = "python2-biggles",
version = "1.6.6",
author = "Mike Nolta",
author_email = "mike@nolta.net",
url = "http://biggles.sourceforge.net/",
license = "GPL",
description = "scientific plotting module",
long_description= long_description,
# Description of the modules and packages in the distribution
packages = [ "biggles", "biggles.libplot" ],
package_dir = { "biggles" : "src" },
ext_package = "biggles",
ext_modules = [
Extension( "_biggles",
include_dirs = _biggles_module_inc_dirs ),
Extension( "libplot.libplot",
include_dirs = libplot_module_inc_dirs,
library_dirs = libplot_module_lib_dirs,
libraries = libplot_module_libs ),
cmdclass = { "install_data" : my_install_data },
data_files = [ ("biggles", ["src/config.ini"]) ]
# vim: sts=8 sw=8 noexpandtab