import re, os.path, glob, fnmatch, Prophet
from Paths import ValidPathSet
from Keywords import Keyword
from Prophet import NotSet
from Prophet.Categories import *
from Prophet import msg,verbose
class DebianSet(PS) :
def adopt(self, path) :
path = super(DebianSet, self).adopt(path)
if len(glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*"))) :
return path # Directory should not be empty
raise ValueError
dirs = DebianSet(("/etc/menu", "/usr/lib/menu", "/usr/share/menu", "/usr/share/menu/default", "~/.menu"))
# If dirs isn't empty then assume we're running Debian and therefore it's reasonable
# to use local menu entries instead of cached ones
if not len(dirs) :
dirs = DebianSet((os.path.join(__path__[0], "menu"),))
runDebian = False
else :
runDebian = True
def scan() :
"""Scan through all containers and return a list of found valid entries"""
result = []
msg(" debian...", newline = False)
for d in dirs :
for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(d, "*")) :
if verbose > 1 : msg("\nparsing " + f)
try :
entries = _parse(f)
except NotSet, e :
if verbose > 1 : msg("REJECTED : " + str(e))
else :
for e in entries :
try :
except Prophet.NotSet, e :
if verbose > 1 : msg("REJECTED : " + str(e))
msg(" %d apps found" % len(result))
return result
def _parse(debmenu) :
try :
file = open(debmenu)
except IOError :
raise NotSet("couldn't read the file " + debmenu)
entry = ""
entries = []
next = False
try :
for x in file :
x = x.strip()
if next :
if not len(x) :
next = False
if not x.startswith("#") :
if x.endswith("\\") :
entry += " " + x.rstrip("\\")
next = True
else :
entry += " " + x
next = False
else :
if not len(x) :
if not x.startswith("#") and x.startswith("?") :
if len(entry) :
entries += _parseEntry(entry)
if x.endswith("\\") :
entry = x.rstrip("\\")
next = True
else :
entry = x
next = False
except IOError :
raise NotSet("i/o error while reading the file " + debmenu)
except StopIteration :
if len(entry) :
entries += _parseEntry(entry)
return entries
_package = re.compile('^\?\s*?package\s*?\((.*?)\)\s*?\:')
_key = re.compile('(\w+)\s*=\s*(".*?"|\S+)')
def _parseEntry(s) :
entry = {}
x = _package.match(s)
if x :
entry["package"] =
for x in re.findall(_key, s) :
entry[ x[0] ] = x[1].strip('"')
return [entry]
class App(Prophet.App) :
pref = 10
def __new__(cls, entry) :
self = object.__new__(cls)
return self
def __setup__(self, entry) :
self.entry = entry
super(App, self).__setup__()
del self.entry
# TODO : filter out GNOME/KDE apps since they should be picked up by the .desktop scanner anyways
# To accomplish this scan title/longtitle/description/whatever for the clues (gnome-*, "Calculator for GNOME", etc.)
def setName(self) :
try : = self.entry["title"]
except KeyError :
super(App, self).setName()
def setComment(self) :
try :
self.comment = self.entry["longtitle"]
except KeyError :
try :
self.comment = self.entry["description"]
except KeyError :
super(App, self).setComment()
def setKeywords(self) :
try :
sect = self.entry["section"]
except KeyError :
sect = ""
try :
hint = self.entry["hints"]
except KeyError :
hint = ""
kws = _deb2kws(sect, hint)
if not len(kws) :
raise Prophet.NotSet("no keywords guessed")
self.keywords = kws
def setTerminal(self) :
try :
needs = Kw(self.entry["needs"])
if needs == Kw("X11") :
self.terminal = False
elif needs == Kw("text") :
self.terminal = True
else :
raise Prophet.NotSet("unsupported needs entry (%s)" % needs)
except KeyError :
super(App, self).setTerminal()
def setExename(self) :
try :
cmd = self.entry["command"]
except KeyError :
raise Prophet.NotSet("no command entry found")
scmd = cmd.split(" ", 1)
if len(scmd) >= 2 :
cmd = scmd[0].strip()
args = scmd[1].strip()
for x in args.split() :
if fnmatch.fnmatch(x, "*/*/*") and not os.path.exists(x) :
# An argument specified in the command line looks like a path. If it
# doesn't exist, the entire command is likely to be worthless, so throw it off
raise Prophet.NotSet("nonexistent path %s as command argument")
self.exeargs = args
if not runDebian :
# If we're not running Debian specified command may be located
# elsewhere therefore we have to scan PATH for it
cmd = os.path.basename(cmd)
if cmd in ("sh", "bash", "csh", "tcsh", "zsh", "ls", "killall", "echo", "nice", "xmessage", "xlock") : # List of globs of unwanted commands
# Debian seems to have lots of shell commands. While it would be nice
# to try to analyze them, this isn't a priority since they're often
# too Debian-specific.
raise Prophet.NotSet("%s blacklisted" % cmd)
self.exename = cmd
_secs = {
Kw("Appearance") : (Settings, DesktopSettings),
Kw("AI") : (Science,),
Kw("Databases") : (Database, Office),
Kw("Editors") : (TextEditor, Utility),
Kw("Educational") : (Education,),
Kw("Emulators") : (Emulator,),
Kw("Games") : (Game,),
Kw("Adventure") : (AdventureGame, Game),
Kw("Arcade") : (ArcadeGame, Game),
Kw("Board") : (BoardGame, Game),
Kw("Card") : (CardGame, Game),
Kw("Puzzles") : (LogicGame, Game),
Kw("Simulation") : (Simulation, Game),
Kw("Sports") : (SportsGame, Game),
Kw("Strategy") : (StrategyGame, Game),
Kw("Tetris-like") : (BlocksGame, Game),
Kw("Graphics") : (Graphics,),
Kw("Hamradio") : (HamRadio, Network),
Kw("Math") : (Math, Science),
Kw("Misc") : (Utility,), # ???
Kw("Net") : (Network,),
Kw("Analog") : (Engineering, Network),
Kw("Headlines") : (News, Network),
Kw("Programming") : (Development,),
Kw("Shells") : (Shell, ConsoleOnly), # ???
Kw("Sound") : (Audio, AudioVideo),
Kw("System") : (System,),
Kw("Admin") : (Settings, System),
# Kw("GNOME") : (GNOME, GTK),
Kw("Technical") : (Engineering,),
Kw("Text") : (TextEditor, Utility),
Kw("Tools") : (Utility,),
Kw("Viewers") : (Viewer, Graphics),
Kw("XawTV") : (TV, Viewer, Video, AudioVideo),
Kw("Toys") : (Amusement,),
Kw("Help") : (Utility, Kw("X-Help")),
Kw("Screen") : (Utility,), # ???
# Kw("Lock") : (Utility, Kw("X-Lock")),
Kw("Saver") : (Screensaver, Utility),
Kw("System") : (System,),
Kw("XShells") : (Shell,)
_hints = {
Kw("3D") : (ActionGame, Game), # ???
Kw("Bitmap") : (RasterGraphics, x2DGraphics, Graphics),
Kw("Boot") : (System, Utility),
Kw("Bug reporting") : (Development,),
Kw("Calculators") : (Calculator, Utility),
Kw("Clocks") : (Clock, Utility),
Kw("Config") : (Settings,),
Kw("Debuggers") : (Debugger, Development),
Kw("Documents") : (Office,),
Kw("Doom") : (ActionGame, Game),
Kw("Drawing") : (RasterGraphics, x2DGraphics, Graphics),
Kw("Vector") : (VectorGraphics, Graphics),
Kw("Equation") : (Math, Science),
Kw("Editor") : (WordProcessor, Office),
Kw("Formula") : (Presentation, Office),
Kw("Fonts") : (DesktopSettings, Settings),
Kw("Mail") : (Email, Office, Network),
Kw("Calendar") : (Calendar, Office),
Kw("Monitoring") : (Monitor, System),
Kw("IRC") : (IRCClient, Network),
Kw("ISDN") : (Telephony, Dialup, Network), # ???
Kw("Images") : (x2DGraphics, Graphics),
Kw("Internet") : (Network,),
Kw("HTML") : (Network,),
Kw("Mahjongg") : (LogicGame, Game),
Kw("Mines") : (LogicGame, Game),
Kw("Mixers") : (Mixer, Audio),
Kw("Real-time") : (StrategyGame, Game),
Kw("Parallel") : (Math, Science, Network),
Kw("Distributed") : (Math, Science, Network),
Kw("PostScript") : (Presentation, Office),
Kw("Presentation") : (Presentation, Office),
Kw("SameGame") : (LogicGame, Game),
Kw("Screenshot") : (Graphics, Utility),
Kw("Setup") : (System,),
Kw("Install") : (System,),
Kw("Config") : (Settings,),
Kw("Spreadsheets") : (Spreadsheet, Office),
Kw("Terminal") : (TerminalEmulator),
Kw("Translation") : (Languages, Education),
Kw("Dictionary") : (Languages, Education),
Kw("Time") : (Clock, Utility),
Kw("Users") : (System, Settings),
Kw("VNC") : (Network,),
Kw("Video") : (Video, AudioVideo),
Kw("Web Browsers") : (WebBrowser, Network),
Kw("Word Processors") : (WordProcessor, Office)
_rejs = (
Kw("Modules"), Kw("WindowManagers"), Kw("WorkSpace"), Kw("Lock"), Kw("GNOME")
def _deb2kws(sec, hint) :
"""Convert Debian style section/hints entries to an equivalent keyword set"""
kws = []
for x in sec.split("/") :
x = Kw(x)
if x in _rejs :
raise Prophet.NotSet("section %s rejected" % x)
try :
kws += _secs[x]
except KeyError :
for x in hint.split(",") :
x = Kw(x)
try :
kws += _hints[x]
except KeyError :
return KwS(*kws)