import os.path, Prophet
from Prophet.Legacy import App
from Keywords import Keyword
from Prophet.Categories import *
from Keywords import Keyword
from Prophet.Categories import *
class abook(_App, _ConsoleApp) :
name = "Abook"
comment = "Address book"
keywords = KwS(ContactManagement)
class alicq(_App, _X11App) :
name = "ALICQ"
comment = "ICQ client for X"
keywords = KwS(Network, InstantMessaging)
class althea(_App, _X11App) :
name = "Althea"
comment = "E-mail client for X"
keywords = KwS(Network, Email)
class aria(_App, _X11App) :
name = "Aria"
comment = "Download manager"
keywords = KwS(Network, FileTransfer, P2P)
class BitchX(_App, _ConsoleApp) : # FIXME : versioned
name = "Bitch X"
comment = "IRC client"
keywords = KwS(Network, IRCClient)
class cadaver(_App, _ConsoleApp) : # FIXME ????
name = "Cadaver"
comment = "WebDAV client"
keywords = KwS(Network)
# TODO : camstream, gqcam
class centericq(_App, _ConsoleApp) :
name = "CenterICQ"
comment = "Console instant messenger"
keywords = KwS(Network, InstantMessaging)
class dillo(_App, _X11App) :
name = "Dillo"
comment = "Small & agile web browser"
keywords = KwS(Network, WebBrowser, GTK)
class elinks(_App, _ConsoleApp) :
name = "ELinks"
comment = "Text-mode web browser"
keywords = KwS(Network, WebBrowser)
class elm(_App, _ConsoleApp) :
name = "Elm"
comment = "Console mailer"
keywords = KwS(Network, Email)
class everybuddy(_App, _X11App) :
name = "EveryBuddy"
comment = "X11 instant messenger"
keywords = KwS(Network, InstantMessaging)
# TODO : better detection
class firefox(_App, _X11App) :
name = "FireFox"
comment = "Mozilla-derived web browser"
keywords = KwS(Network, WebBrowser, GTK)
exes = ["MozillaFirefox", "mozilla-firefox", "firefox"]
class ftp(_App, _ConsoleApp) :
name = "FTP"
comment = "Console FTP client"
keywords = KwS(Network, FileTransfer, Core)
class icqnix(_App, _X11App) :
name = "ICQnix"
comment = "ICQ client for X"
keywords = KwS(Network, InstantMessaging)
class irssi(_App, _ConsoleApp) :
name = "Irssi"
comment = "IRC client"
keywords = KwS(Network, IRCClient)
class licq(_App, _X11App) :
name = "Licq"
comment = "ICQ client for X"
keywords = KwS(Network, InstantMessaging)
class links(_App, _ConsoleApp) :
name = "Links"
comment = "Text-mode web browser"
keywords = KwS(Network, WebBrowser)
class LinNeighbohrhood(_App, _X11App) :
name = "Lin... SAMBA browser"
comment = "LinNxxx SAMBA browser"
keywords = KwS(Network, FileTransfer, RemoteAccess)
class linpopup(_App, _X11App) :
name = "LinPopUp"
comment = "Program to communicate with Windows"
keywords = KwS(Network, RemoteAccess)
exes = ["LinPopUp", "linpopup"]
class lftp(_App, _ConsoleApp) :
name = "LFTP"
comment = "Console FTP client"
keywords = KwS(Network, FileTransfer)
class lynx(_App, _ConsoleApp) :
name = "Lynx"
comment = "Text-mode web browser"
keywords = KwS(Network, WebBrowser)
class mail(_App, _ConsoleApp) :
name = "Mail"
comment = "Console mailer"
keywords = KwS(Network, Email, Core)
# TODO : better detection
class mozilla(_App, _X11App) :
name = "Mozilla"
comment = "Mozilla web suite"
keywords = KwS(Network, WebBrowser, Email, WebDevelopment, GTK)
class mutt(_App, _ConsoleApp) :
name = "Mutt"
comment = "Mail user agent"
keywords = KwS(Network, Email)
class ncftp(_App, _ConsoleApp) :
name = "NcFTP"
comment = "Improved FTP client"
keywords = KwS(Network, FileTransfer)
class netscape(_App, _X11App) :
name = "Netscape"
comment = "Netscape web suite"
keywords = KwS(Network, WebBrowser, Email, WebDevelopment)
class opera(_DropIn, _X11App) :
name = "Opera"
comment = "Opera browser"
keywords = KwS(WebBrowser, Email)
def relevant(self, path) :
if Prophet.isExe(os.path.join(path, "opera")) :
raise opera.StopDescention(path)
class paddress(_App, _X11App) :
name = "Paddress"
comment = "Address book"
keywords = KwS(ContactManagement)
class pan(_App, _X11App) :
name = "Pan"
comment = "News agent"
keywords = KwS(Network, News)
class pine(_App, _ConsoleApp) :
name = "Pine"
comment = "Mail/news agent"
keywords = KwS(Network, Email, News)
class postilion(_App, _X11App) :
name = "Postilion"
comment = "Tcl/Tk mail client"
keywords = KwS(Network, Email)
class skipstone(_App, _X11App) :
name = "Skipstone"
comment = "Mozilla-derived web browser"
keywords = KwS(Network, WebBrowser)
class spruce(_App, _X11App) :
name = "Spruce"
comment = "X11 mail client"
keywords = KwS(Network, Email)
class slrn(_App, _X11App) :
name = "SLRN"
comment = "USENET newreader"
keywords = KwS(Network, News)
class talk(_App, _ConsoleApp) : # FIXME : is it text-mode?
name = "Talk"
comment = "Talk communication client"
keywords = KwS(Network, IRCClient)
class telnet(_App, _ConsoleApp) :
name = "Telnet"
comment = "Standard Telnet client"
keywords = KwS(Network, Shell, Core)
class thunderbird(_App, _X11App) :
name = "Thunderbird"
comment = "Mozilla news/mail client"
keywords = KwS(Network, News, Email)
exes = ["MozillaThunderbird", "thunderbird"]
class tkpppoe(_App, _X11App) :
name = "TkPPPoE"
comment = "PPP frontend"
keywords = KwS(Network, Dialup)
class tkrat(_App, _X11App) :
name = "TkRat"
comment = "Tcl/Tk mail client"
keywords = KwS(Network, Email)
class w3m(_App, _ConsoleApp) :
name = "W3m"
comment = "Text-mode web browser"
keywords = KwS(Network, WebBrowser)
class xarchie(_App, _X11App) :
name = "Xarchie"
comment = "Archie client"
keywords = KwS(Network)
class xchat(_App, _X11App) :
name = "X-Chat"
comment = "Powerful chat client"
keywords = KwS(Network, InstantMessaging)
class xmailbox(_App, _X11App) :
name = "Xmailbox"
comment = "Mail delivery notifier"
keywords = KwS(Network, Email)
class ytalk(_App, _ConsoleApp) :
name = "Ytalk"
comment = "Talk compatible communication client"
keywords = KwS(Network, IRCClient)