import sys, os, glob, re
from Keywords import Keyword
from Prophet.Categories import *
from Prophet import msg
import Prophet
class App(Prophet.App) :
"""A simple application that may have different executables"""
pref = 30
def __new__(cls) :
try :
self = cls.__inst__
if not self :
raise Prophet.NotSet
except AttributeError :
self = cls.__inst__ = object.__new__(cls)
try :
except Prophet.NotSet :
cls.__inst__ = None
return self
def setKeywords(self) :
super(App, self).setKeywords()
self.keywords |= KwS(Legacy)
def setExename(self) :
# Obtain known executable names for the application
try :
exes = self.exes
except AttributeError :
# If none were explicitly specified, use self class name
exes = [self.__class__.__name__]
prefixes = self.getPrefixes()
paths = self.getPaths()
valids = []
for x in exes :
for pfx, bps in prefixes.binpaths.items() :
try :
exe = bps.which(x)
if self.valid(pfx, exe) :
valids.append((pfx, exe))
except Prophet.NotFound :
try :
self.prefix, self.exename =
except Prophet.NotFound :
raise Prophet.NotSet
def valid(self, pfx, exe) :
return True
def select(self, valids) :
if len(valids) :
return valids[0]
else :
raise Prophet.NotFound
class ConsoleApp(Prophet.App) :
"""Mixin class for the console application that must be run in terminal"""
def setKeywords(self) :
super(ConsoleApp, self).setKeywords()
self.keywords |= KwS(ConsoleOnly)
class X11App(Prophet.App) :
"""Mixin class for the X11 GUI application"""
class ZeroG(App) :
"""Application installed by the ZeroG LaunchAnywhere system.
This is usually a commercial Java application"""
registry = "~/.com.zerog.registry.xml"
def getPrefixes(self) :
prefixes = super(ZeroG, self).getPrefixes()
try :
zerog = file(os.path.expanduser(self.registry), "r")
pattern = re.compile(".*<product.*name=\"(%s)\".*location=\"(.*)\".*last_modified=\"(.*)\".*>.*" % self.magic)
found = []
for x in zerog :
rx = pattern.match(x)
if rx :
found.append( (,, )
prefixes = Prophet.PrefixSet([x[2] for x in found]) + prefixes
except IOError :
return prefixes
class DropIn(App) :
maxDepth = 3
dropRoots = ["~"]
class StopDescention(Exception) : pass
def getPrefixes(self) :
prefixes = super(DropIn, self).getPrefixes()
try :
for r in self.dropRoots :
self.descend(os.path.expanduser(r), 1)
except DropIn.StopDescention, path :
prefixes += path
return prefixes
def descend(self, path, depth) :
if depth > self.maxDepth :
try :
for x in os.listdir(path) :
dir = os.path.join(path, x)
if not x.startswith(".") and os.path.isdir(dir) :
self.descend(dir, depth + 1)
except OSError :
__legacy__ = ["Development", "Editor", "Emulator", "Multimedia", "Network", "Shell"]
entries = [] # List of all legacy entries found
def _register(module, this = True) :
"""Import and store the specified module along with all its submodules"""
try :
names = module.__legacy__
except AttributeError :
names = []
if this :
for k, v in module.__dict__.items() :
if not k.startswith("_") and type(v) == type and issubclass(v, Prophet.App) :
for x in names :
name = module.__name__ + "." + x
try :
except ImportError :
raise ImportError("No module named " + name)
imp = sys.modules[name]
def setup() :
_register(sys.modules[__name__], this = False)
def scan() :
result = []
msg(" legacy...", newline = False)
for x in entries :
try :
result.append( x() )
except Prophet.NotSet :
msg(" %d apps found" % len(result))
return result