import types, sys, os, os.path, stat, string, fnmatch, re
from Paths import ValidPathSet
from Keywords import Set
from Categories import *
verbose = 0
omitExecPath = True # Omit (whenever possible) the path to the executable if the latter is in the PATH
skipMissExec = True # Skip the entries whose executables are not found
class NotFound(Exception) :
"""Raised when an appropriate file is not found"""
class NotSet(Exception) :
"""Raised when getter fails to return any meaningful result"""
def msg(s, newline = True) :
if verbose :
if newline :
def warn(s, newline = True) :
if newline :
def fatal(s, newline = True, code = 1) :
if newline :
def isExe(exe) :
"""Check whether the specified name can be considered executable"""
# Exec's have x-bit set for current uid, aren't directories, and don't have leading dot
try :
st = os.stat(exe)
return (stat.S_IMODE(st[stat.ST_MODE]) & 0100) \
and not stat.S_ISDIR(st[stat.ST_MODE]) \
and not os.path.basename(exe).startswith(".")
except OSError :
return False
class PathSet(VPS) :
def adopt(self, path) :
path = super(PathSet, self).adopt(path)
try :
for exe in os.listdir(path) :
if isExe(os.path.join(path, exe)) :
return path
except OSError :
raise ValueError
def which(self, exe) :
if os.path.isabs(exe) :
exe = os.path.basename(exe)
for p in self :
x = os.path.join(p, exe)
if isExe(x) :
return x
raise NotFound
class PrefixSet(VPS) :
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds) :
self.binpaths = {}
self.bins = ["bin", "sbin", "", "games"]
super(PrefixSet, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
def adopt(self, path) :
path = super(PrefixSet, self).adopt(path)
for bin in self.bins :
dir = os.path.join(path, bin)
# A valid bindir contains at least one executable
try :
for x in os.listdir(dir) :
if isExe(os.path.join(dir, x)) :
self.binpaths[path] = PathSet([os.path.join(path, x) for x in self.bins])
return path
except OSError :
raise ValueError
# Set of valid directories containing executables extracted from PATH
paths = PathSet(os.environ["PATH"].split(":"))
# Set of valid prefixes
prefixes = PrefixSet([os.path.dirname(x) for x in paths]) \
+ ["~", "/", "/usr", "/usr/local", "/usr/X11", "/usr/X11R7", "/usr/X11R6", "/usrX11R5", "/opt", "$QTDIR", "$KDEDIR"]
# Match the most widespread shells
# TODO : detect absolute paths
_shStart = re.compile("^\s*(a|b|ba|c|k|pdk|tc|z)?sh\s+")
# Match complex shell command (i.e. with pipelines, and's or's etc.)
_shComplexCmd = re.compile("(;.*){2,}|\||&&|\(|\)|\{|\}")
class App(object) :
"""Single application that has specific executable and thus can be put into a menu"""
Console = Kw("Console")
XWindow = Kw("XWindow")
KDE = Kw("KDE")
Xfce = Kw("Xfce")
GNUstep = Kw("GNUstep")
def getPrefixes(self) :
return prefixes
def getPaths(self) :
return paths
def setKeywords(self) :
# Make sure the keywords field always exists
try :
except AttributeError :
self.keywords = KwS()
def setName(self) :
try :
except AttributeError :
# Deduce name from the executable = os.path.basename(self.exename).capitalize()
def setExecmd(self) :
# If an absolute path is given, check it
# otherwise try to locate the executable via the PATH envar
path = self.exename
paths = self.getPaths()
if os.path.isabs(path) :
if skipMissExec and not isExe(path) :
raise NotSet("%s is not executable" % path)
if omitExecPath :
try :
# Check whether the specified filename is that one accessible via the PATH
located = paths.which(path)
try :
if os.path.samefile(path, located) :
path = os.path.basename(path)
except OSError :
except NotFound :
else :
# Here and forth we're given a relative path
try :
located = paths.which(path)
# There is no reason to check for located<->path identity; we simply
# make sure the executable can be accessed via PATH
if not omitExecPath :
# Sice we're initially given a relative path, make it full
# by consuming the result of locateExec()
path = located
except NotFound :
if skipMissExec :
raise NotSet("executable %s not found in PATH" % path)
# Execmd is fully formatted command line for the application
try :
self.execmd = path + " " + self.exeargs # exeargs may be missing, it's OK
except AttributeError :
self.execmd = path
def setTerminal(self) :
try :
except AttributeError :
self.terminal = len(self.keywords & KwS(ConsoleOnly)) > 0
def setNativenv(self) :
try :
except AttributeError :
if self.terminal :
self.nativenv = App.Console
else :
self.nativenv = App.XWindow
for x in self.keywords :
if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(x, "*GNOME*") :
self.nativenv = App.GNOME
elif fnmatch.fnmatchcase(x, "*KDE*") :
self.nativenv = App.KDE
elif fnmatch.fnmatchcase(x, "*XFCE*") :
self.nativenv = App.Xfce
# TODO : GNUstep???
# Attributes to set, mandatory(+), optional(-) :
# +exename -- executable, with or w/o path
# -exeargs -- arguments that follow the exename
# +execmd -- a fully formatted command line for the app
# +keywords -- a set of keywords, must not be empty
# +terminal -- True if the app requires console support
# +nativenv -- the environment required by the app
# -name -- short description of the app
# -comment -- a more detailed description
# NOTE : When determining whether the application should be run in terminal,
# consult the self.terminal and _not_ the self.nativenv
def testGoodness(self, cmd) :
# Raise NotSet if cmd is not "good enough" and thus isn't worth further consideration
# Current implementation filters out complex commands and commands
# that are started with ?sh (a frequent Debian case)
if or :
raise NotSet("not good enough : " + cmd)
def __setup__(self) :
try :
except AttributeError :
# Skip unwanted entries
if skip[self.nativenv] :
raise NotSet("unwanted %s environment" % self.nativenv)
try :
except AttributeError :
skip = {App.Console : False, App.XWindow : False, App.GNOME : False, App.KDE : False, App.Xfce : False}
def merge(entries) :
"""Removes repeating entries from the list using fuzzy matching technique"""
# NOTE : this is the deliberate violation of the immutability principle
# __matched attribute is set for the entries that have been successfully matched before
# Such entries should be skipped
# It is thought that this approach is faster than keeping them in separate list
msg("* merging...", newline = False)
result = []
esz = len(entries)
for i in range(0, esz - 1) :
e = entries[i]
if hasattr(e, "__matched") :
matching = [e] # List containing matching entries
for j in range(i + 1, esz) :
x = entries[j]
if hasattr(x, "__matched") :
# Matching e and x
if os.path.basename(e.exename) == os.path.basename(x.exename) :
# The main criteria is the considence of the executables
try :
eargs = e.exeargs
except AttributeError :
eargs = None
try :
xargs = x.exeargs
except AttributeError :
xargs = None
if not eargs and not xargs :
# Both entries don't have arguments, consider them matching
elif eargs and xargs :
# Both entries do have arguments, match them
if Kw(eargs) == Kw(xargs) :
# Squeeze the spaces and don't consider the case of the characters
if len(matching) < 2 :
# Only one candidate, no choice
winner = e
else :
# Several candidates, must choose the most relevant
winner = None
for m in matching :
if winner :
if m.pref > winner.pref :
winner = m
elif m.pref == winner.pref :
# For now the longer name is the better
if len( > len( :
winner = m
else :
winner = m
# This is done in the last step to mark e which was put in matching
for m in matching :
m.__matched = True
msg(" %d coincidings detected" % (len(entries) - len(result)))
return result