#!/usr/bin/env python
import Qwt5.iqt
except ImportError:
raise SystemExit, 'Grab.py requires the Qwt5.iqt module'
from qt import QPixmap
# a list of .py files defining a function make()
# make() must initialize, show and return:
# a QWidget
# or:
# a tuple of QWidgets
jobs = [
# 'CPUplot',
# 'CurveDemo2',
# 'CurveDemo3',
# 'DataDemo',
# 'DialDemo',
# 'EventFilterDemo',
def expose(jobs, cache = {}):
for job in jobs:
result = __import__(job).make()
if type(result) == type(()):
for i in range(len(result)):
cache['%s%s' % (job, i)] = result[i]
cache[job] = result
return cache
# expose()
def save(cache):
for name, widget in cache.items():
pixmap = QPixmap.grabWidget(widget)
pixmap.save(name+'.png', 'PNG')
# save()
def main():
cache = expose(jobs)
raw_input("Are all widgets looking HAPPY? ")
# main()
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Local Variables: ***
# mode: python ***
# End: ***