# GUI Application automation and testing library
# Copyright (C) 2006 Mark Mc Mahon
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place,
# Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
"Wraps various standard windows controls"
__revision__ = "$Revision: 699 $"
import time
import ctypes
import HwndWrapper
from pywinauto import win32functions
from pywinauto import win32defines
from pywinauto import win32structures
#from pywinauto import findbestmatch
from pywinauto import controlproperties
from pywinauto import tests
from pywinauto.timings import Timings
class ButtonWrapper(HwndWrapper.HwndWrapper):
"Wrap a windows Button control"
friendlyclassname = "Button"
windowclasses = [
can_be_label = True
def __init__(self, hwnd):
"Initialize the control"
super(ButtonWrapper, self).__init__(hwnd)
def _set_if_needs_image(self, value):
"Does nothing see _get_if_needs_image"
def _get_if_needs_image(self):
"Set the _NeedsImageProp attribute if it is an image button"
# optimization call Style once and work with that rather than
# calling HasStyle a number of times
style = self.Style()
if self.IsVisible() and (\
style & win32defines.BS_BITMAP == style or \
style & win32defines.BS_ICON == style or \
style & win32defines.BS_OWNERDRAW == style):
#self._NeedsImageProp = True
return True
return False
_NeedsImageProp = property(_get_if_needs_image, _set_if_needs_image)
def FriendlyClassName(self):
"""Return the friendly class name of the button
Windows controls with the class "Button" can look like different
controls based on their style. They can look like the following
- Buttons, this method returns "Button"
- CheckBoxes, this method returns "CheckBox"
- RadioButtons, this method returns "RadioButton"
- GroupBoxes, this method returns "GroupBox"
# get the least significant BIT
style_lsb = self.Style() & 0xF
f_class_name = 'Button'
vb_buttons = {
"ThunderOptionButton": "RadioButton",
"ThunderCheckBox": "CheckBox",
"ThunderCommandButton": "Button"
if self.Class() in vb_buttons:
f_class_name = vb_buttons[self.Class()]
if style_lsb == win32defines.BS_3STATE or \
style_lsb == win32defines.BS_AUTO3STATE or \
style_lsb == win32defines.BS_AUTOCHECKBOX or \
style_lsb == win32defines.BS_CHECKBOX:
f_class_name = "CheckBox"
elif style_lsb == win32defines.BS_RADIOBUTTON or \
style_lsb == win32defines.BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON:
f_class_name = "RadioButton"
elif style_lsb == win32defines.BS_GROUPBOX:
f_class_name = "GroupBox"
if self.Style() & win32defines.BS_PUSHLIKE:
f_class_name = "Button"
return f_class_name
def GetCheckState(self):
"""Return the check state of the checkbox
The check state is represented by an integer
0 - unchecked
1 - checked
2 - indeterminate
The following constants are defined in the win32defines module
return self.SendMessage(win32defines.BM_GETCHECK)
def Check(self):
"Check a checkbox"
# return this control so that actions can be chained.
return self
def UnCheck(self):
"Uncheck a checkbox"
# return this control so that actions can be chained.
return self
def SetCheckIndeterminate(self):
"Set the checkbox to indeterminate"
# return this control so that actions can be chained.
return self
def IsDialog(self):
"Buttons are never dialogs so return False"
return False
def Click(self, *args, **kwargs):
"Click the Button control"
# import win32functions
# win32functions.WaitGuiThreadIdle(self)
# self.NotifyParent(win32defines.BN_CLICKED)
HwndWrapper.HwndWrapper.Click(self, *args, **kwargs)
# win32functions.WaitGuiThreadIdle(self)
#def IsSelected (self):
# (for radio buttons)
def _get_multiple_text_items(wrapper, count_msg, item_len_msg, item_get_msg):
"Helper function to get multiple text items from a control"
texts = []
# find out how many text items are in the combobox
num_items = wrapper.SendMessage(count_msg)
# get the text for each item in the combobox
for i in range(0, num_items):
text_len = wrapper.SendMessage (item_len_msg, i, 0)
text = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(text_len + 1)
wrapper.SendMessage(item_get_msg, i, ctypes.byref(text))
return texts
class ComboBoxWrapper(HwndWrapper.HwndWrapper):
"Wrap a windows ComboBox control"
friendlyclassname = "ComboBox"
windowclasses = [
has_title = False
def __init__(self, hwnd):
"Initialize the control"
super(ComboBoxWrapper, self).__init__(hwnd)
def DroppedRect(self):
"Get the dropped rectangle of the combobox"
dropped_rect = win32structures.RECT()
# we need to offset the dropped rect from the control
dropped_rect -= self.Rectangle()
return dropped_rect
def ItemCount(self):
"Return the number of items in the combobox"
return self.SendMessage(win32defines.CB_GETCOUNT)
def SelectedIndex(self):
"Return the selected index"
return self.SendMessage(win32defines.CB_GETCURSEL)
def _get_item_index(self, ident):
"Get the index for the item with this 'ident'"
if isinstance(ident, (int, long)):
if ident >= self.ItemCount():
raise IndexError(
"Combobox has %d items, you requested item %d (0 based)"%
# negative index
if ident < 0:
# convert it to a positive index
ident = (self.ItemCount() + ident)
elif isinstance(ident, basestring):
# todo - implement fuzzy lookup for ComboBox items
# todo - implement appdata lookup for combobox items
ident = self.ItemTexts().index(ident)
return ident
def ItemData(self, item):
"Returns the item data associated with the item if any"
index = self._get_item_index(item)
return self.SendMessage(win32defines.CB_GETITEMDATA, index)
def ItemTexts(self):
"Return the text of the items of the combobox"
return _get_multiple_text_items(
def Texts(self):
"Return the text of the items in the combobox"
texts = [self.WindowText()]
return texts
def GetProperties(self):
"Return the properties of the control as a dictionary"
props = HwndWrapper.HwndWrapper.GetProperties(self)
#props['ItemData'] = []
#for i in range(self.ItemCount()):
# props['ItemData'].append(self.ItemData(i))
return props
def Select(self, item):
"""Select the ComboBox item
item can be either a 0 based index of the item to select
or it can be the string that you want to select
index = self._get_item_index(item)
# change the selected item
self.SendMessageTimeout(win32defines.CB_SETCURSEL, index)
# Notify the parent that we are finished selecting
# Notify the parent that we have changed
# simple combo boxes don't have drop downs so they do not recieve
# this notification
if self.HasStyle(win32defines.CBS_DROPDOWN):
# Notify the parent that the drop down has closed
# return this control so that actions can be chained.
return self
#def Deselect(self, item):
# Not implemented because it doesn't make sense for combo boxes.
#TODO def EditControl(self): # return the edit control of the Combobox
#TODO def ListControl(self): # return the list control of the combobox
#TODO def ItemText(self, index): # get the test of item XX?
#TODO def EditText(self): # or should this be self.EditControl.Text()?
class ListBoxWrapper(HwndWrapper.HwndWrapper):
"Wrap a windows ListBox control"
friendlyclassname = "ListBox"
windowclasses = [
has_title = False
def __init__(self, hwnd):
"Initialize the control"
super(ListBoxWrapper, self).__init__(hwnd)
def SelectedIndices(self):
"The currently selected indices of the listbox"
num_selected = self.SendMessage(win32defines.LB_GETSELCOUNT)
# if we got LB_ERR then it is a single selection list box
if num_selected == win32defines.LB_ERR:
items = (self.SendMessage(win32defines.LB_GETCURSEL), )
# otherwise it is a multiselection list box
items = (ctypes.c_int * num_selected)()
win32defines.LB_GETSELITEMS, num_selected, ctypes.byref(items))
# Need to convert from Ctypes array to a python tuple
items = tuple(items)
return items
def _get_item_index(self, ident):
"Return the index of the item 'ident'"
if isinstance(ident, (int, long)):
if ident >= self.ItemCount():
raise IndexError(
"ListBox has %d items, you requested item %d (0 based)"%
# negative index
if ident < 0:
ident = (self.ItemCount() + ident)
elif isinstance(ident, basestring):
# todo - implement fuzzy lookup for ComboBox items
# todo - implement appdata lookup for combobox items
ident = self.ItemTexts().index(ident) #-1
return ident
def ItemCount(self):
"Return the number of items in the ListBox"
return self.SendMessage(win32defines.LB_GETCOUNT)
def ItemData(self, i):
"Return the ItemData if any associted with the item"
index = self._get_item_index(i)
return self.SendMessage(win32defines.LB_GETITEMDATA, index)
def ItemTexts(self):
"Return the text of the items of the listbox"
return _get_multiple_text_items(
def Texts(self):
"Return the texts of the control"
texts = [self.WindowText()]
return texts
# #-----------------------------------------------------------
# def GetProperties(self):
# "Return the properties as a dictionary for the control"
# props = HwndWrapper.HwndWrapper.GetProperties(self)
# props['ItemData'] = []
# for i in range(self.ItemCount()):
# props['ItemData'].append(self.ItemData(i))
# return props
def Select(self, item):
"""Select the ListBox item
item can be either a 0 based index of the item to select
or it can be the string that you want to select
# Make sure we have an index so if passed in a
# string then find which item it is
index = self._get_item_index(item)
# change the selected item
self.SendMessageTimeout(win32defines.LB_SETCURSEL, index)
# Notify the parent that we have changed
return self
def SetItemFocus(self, item):
"Set the ListBox focus to the item at index"
index = self._get_item_index(item)
# if it is a multiple selection dialog
if self.HasStyle(win32defines.LBS_EXTENDEDSEL) or \
self.SendMessageTimeout(win32defines.LB_SETCARETINDEX, index)
self.SendMessageTimeout(win32defines.LB_SETCURSEL, index)
# return this control so that actions can be chained.
return self
def GetItemFocus(self):
"Retrun the index of current selection in a ListBox"
# if it is a multiple selection dialog
if self.HasStyle(win32defines.LBS_EXTENDEDSEL) or \
return self.SendMessage(win32defines.LB_GETCARETINDEX)
return self.SendMessage(win32defines.LB_GETCURSEL)
class EditWrapper(HwndWrapper.HwndWrapper):
"Wrap a windows Edit control"
friendlyclassname = "Edit"
windowclasses = [
has_title = False
def __init__(self, hwnd):
"Initialize the control"
super(EditWrapper, self).__init__(hwnd)
def LineCount(self):
"Return how many lines there are in the Edit"
return self.SendMessage(win32defines.EM_GETLINECOUNT)-1
def LineLength(self, line_index):
"Return how many characters there are in the line"
# need to first get a character index of that line
char_index = self.SendMessage(win32defines.EM_LINEINDEX, line_index)
# now get the length of text on that line
return self.SendMessage (
win32defines.EM_LINELENGTH, char_index, 0)
def GetLine(self, line_index):
"Return the line specified"
text_len = self.LineLength(line_index)
# create a buffer and set the length at the start of the buffer
text = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(text_len+3)
text[0] = unichr(text_len)
# retrieve the line itself
win32defines.EM_GETLINE, line_index, ctypes.byref(text))
return text.value
def Texts(self):
"Get the text of the edit control"
texts = [self.WindowText(), ]
for i in range(0, self.LineCount()+1):
return texts
def TextBlock(self):
"Get the text of the edit control"
length = self.SendMessage(win32defines.WM_GETTEXTLENGTH)
text = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(length + 1)
self.SendMessage(win32defines.WM_GETTEXT, length+1, ctypes.byref(text))
#text = text.value.replace("\r\n", "\n")
return text.value
def SelectionIndices(self):
"The start and end indices of the current selection"
start = ctypes.c_int()
end = ctypes.c_int()
win32defines.EM_GETSEL, ctypes.byref(start), ctypes.byref(end))
return (start.value, end.value)
def SetWindowText(self, text, append = False):
"""Override SetWindowText for edit controls because it should not be
used for Edit controls.
Edit Controls should either use SetEditText() or TypeKeys() to modify
the contents of the edit control."""
HwndWrapper.HwndWrapper.SetWindowText(self, text, append)
raise UserWarning(
"SetWindowText() should probably not be called for Edit Controls")
def SetEditText(self, text, pos_start = None, pos_end = None):
"Set the text of the edit control"
# allow one or both of pos_start and pos_end to be None
if pos_start is not None or pos_end is not None:
# if only one has been specified - then set the other
# to the current selection start or end
start, end = self.SelectionIndices()
if pos_start is None:
pos_start = start
if pos_end is None:
pos_end = end
# set the selection if either start or end has
# been specified
self.Select(pos_start, pos_end)
# replace the selection with
text = ctypes.c_wchar_p(unicode(text))
self.SendMessageTimeout(win32defines.EM_REPLACESEL, True, text)
# return this control so that actions can be chained.
return self
# set SetText as an alias to SetEditText
SetText = SetEditText
def Select(self, start = 0, end = None):
"Set the edit selection of the edit control"
# if we have been asked to select a string
if isinstance(start, basestring):
string_to_select = start
start = self.TextBlock().index(string_to_select)
if end is None:
end = start + len(string_to_select)
if end is None:
end = -1
self.SendMessageTimeout(win32defines.EM_SETSEL, start, end)
# give the control a chance to catch up before continuing
# return this control so that actions can be chained.
return self
class StaticWrapper(HwndWrapper.HwndWrapper):
"Wrap a windows Static control"
friendlyclassname = "Static"
windowclasses = [
can_be_label = True
def __init__(self, hwnd):
"Initialize the control"
super(StaticWrapper, self).__init__(hwnd)
# if the control is visible - and it shows an image
if self.IsVisible() and (
self.HasStyle(win32defines.SS_ICON) or \
self.HasStyle(win32defines.SS_BITMAP) or \
self.HasStyle(win32defines.SS_CENTERIMAGE) or \
self._NeedsImageProp = True
# the main reason for this is just to make sure that
# a Dialog is a known class - and we don't need to take
# an image of it (as an unknown control class)
class DialogWrapper(HwndWrapper.HwndWrapper):
"Wrap a dialog"
friendlyclassname = "Dialog"
#windowclasses = ["#32770", ]
can_be_label = True
def __init__(self, hwnd):
"""Initialize the DialogWrapper
The only extra functionality here is to modify self.friendlyclassname
to make it "Dialog" if the class is "#32770" otherwise to leave it
the same as the window class.
HwndWrapper.HwndWrapper.__init__(self, hwnd)
if self.Class() == "#32770":
self.friendlyclassname = "Dialog"
self.friendlyclassname = self.Class()
def RunTests(self, tests_to_run = None, ref_controls = None):
"Run the tests on dialog"
# get all the controls
controls = [self] + self.Children()
# add the reference controls
if ref_controls is not None:
matched_flags = controlproperties.SetReferenceControls(
controls, ref_controls)
# todo: allow some checking of how well the controls matched
# matched_flags says how well they matched
# 1 = same number of controls
# 2 = ID's matched
# 4 = control classes matched
# i.e. 1 + 2 + 4 = perfect match
return tests.run_tests(controls, tests_to_run)
def WriteToXML(self, filename):
"Write the dialog an XML file (requires elementtree)"
controls = [self] + self.Children()
props = [ctrl.GetProperties() for ctrl in controls]
from pywinauto import XMLHelpers
XMLHelpers.WriteDialogToFile(filename, props)
def ClientAreaRect(self):
"""Return the client area rectangle
The client area of a control is the bounds of the control, minus the
nonclient elements such as scroll bars, borders, title bars, and
rect = win32structures.RECT(self.Rectangle())
self.SendMessage(win32defines.WM_NCCALCSIZE, 0, ctypes.byref(rect))
return rect
# #-----------------------------------------------------------
# def ReadControlsFromXML(self, filename):
# from pywinauto import XMLHelpers
# [controlproperties.ControlProps(ctrl) for
# ctrl in XMLHelpers.ReadPropertiesFromFile(handle)]
# #-----------------------------------------------------------
# def AddReference(self, reference):
# if len(self.Children() != len(reference)):
# raise "different number of reference controls"
# for i, ctrl in enumerate(reference):
# # loop over each of the controls
# # and set the reference
# if isinstance(ctrl, dict):
# ctrl = CtrlProps(ctrl)
# self.
# if ctrl.Class() != self.Children()[i+1].Class():
# print "different classes"
# the main reason for this is just to make sure that
# a Dialog is a known class - and we don't need to take
# an image of it (as an unknown control class)
class PopupMenuWrapper(HwndWrapper.HwndWrapper):
"Wrap a Popup Menu"
friendlyclassname = "PopupMenu"
windowclasses = ["#32768", ]
has_title = False
def IsDialog(self):
"Return whether it is a dialog"
return True
def _menu_handle(self):
"Get the menu handle for the popup menu menu"
mbi = win32structures.MENUBARINFO()
mbi.cbSize = ctypes.sizeof(mbi)
ret = win32functions.GetMenuBarInfo(
if not ret:
raise ctypes.WinError()
return mbi.hMenu