# GUI Application automation and testing library
# Copyright (C) 2006 Mark Mc Mahon
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place,
# Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
"""Provides functions for iterating and finding windows
__revision__ = "$Revision: 689 $"
import re
import ctypes
import win32functions
import win32structures
import handleprops
import findbestmatch
import controls
# todo: we should filter out invalid windows before returning
class WindowNotFoundError(Exception):
"No window could be found"
class WindowAmbiguousError(Exception):
"There was more then one window that matched"
def find_window(**kwargs):
"""Call findwindows and ensure that only one window is returned
Calls find_windows with exactly the same arguments as it is called with
so please see find_windows for a description of them."""
windows = find_windows(**kwargs)
if not windows:
raise WindowNotFoundError()
if len(windows) > 1:
#for w in windows:
# print "ambig", handleprops.classname(w), \
# handleprops.text(w), handleprops.processid(w)
exception = WindowAmbiguousError(
"There are %d windows that match the criteria %s"% (
exception.windows = windows
raise exception
return windows[0]
def find_windows(class_name = None,
class_name_re = None,
parent = None,
process = None,
title = None,
title_re = None,
top_level_only = True,
visible_only = True,
enabled_only = False,
best_match = None,
handle = None,
ctrl_index = None,
predicate_func = None,
active_only = False,
control_id = None,
"""Find windows based on criteria passed in
Possible values are:
* **class_name** Windows with this window class
* **class_name_re** Windows whose class match this regular expression
* **parent** Windows that are children of this
* **process** Windows running in this process
* **title** Windows with this Text
* **title_re** Windows whose Text match this regular expression
* **top_level_only** Top level windows only (default=True)
* **visible_only** Visible windows only (default=True)
* **enabled_only** Enabled windows only (default=True)
* **best_match** Windows with a title similar to this
* **handle** The handle of the window to return
* **ctrl_index** The index of the child window to return
* **active_only** Active windows only (default=False)
* **control_id** Windows with this control id
# allow a handle to be passed in
# if it is present - just return it
if handle is not None:
return [handle, ]
if top_level_only:
# find the top level windows
windows = enum_windows()
# if we have been given a parent
if parent:
windows = [win for win in windows
if handleprops.parent(win) == parent]
# looking for child windows
# if not given a parent look for all children of the desktop
if not parent:
parent = win32functions.GetDesktopWindow()
# look for all children of that parent
windows = enum_child_windows(parent)
# if the ctrl_index has been specified then just return
# that control
if ctrl_index is not None:
return [windows[ctrl_index]]
if control_id is not None and windows:
windows = [win for win in windows if
handleprops.controlid(win) == control_id]
if active_only:
gui_info = win32structures.GUITHREADINFO()
gui_info.cbSize = ctypes.sizeof(gui_info)
# get all the active windows (not just the specified process)
ret = win32functions.GetGUIThreadInfo(0, ctypes.byref(gui_info))
if not ret:
raise ctypes.WinError()
if gui_info.hwndActive in windows:
windows = [gui_info.hwndActive]
windows = []
if class_name is not None and windows:
windows = [win for win in windows
if class_name == handleprops.classname(win)]
if class_name_re is not None and windows:
class_name_regex = re.compile(class_name_re)
windows = [win for win in windows
if class_name_regex.match(handleprops.classname(win))]
if process is not None and windows:
windows = [win for win in windows
if handleprops.processid(win) == process]
if title is not None and windows:
windows = [win for win in windows
if title == handleprops.text(win)]
elif title_re is not None and windows:
title_regex = re.compile(title_re)
windows = [win for win in windows
if title_regex.match(handleprops.text(win))]
if visible_only and windows:
windows = [win for win in windows if handleprops.isvisible(win)]
if enabled_only and windows:
windows = [win for win in windows if handleprops.isenabled(win)]
if best_match is not None and windows:
wrapped_wins = []
for win in windows:
except controls.InvalidWindowHandle:
# skip invalid handles - they have dissapeared
# since the list of windows was retrieved
windows = findbestmatch.find_best_control_matches(
best_match, wrapped_wins)
# convert window back to handle
windows = [win.handle for win in windows]
if predicate_func is not None and windows:
windows = [win for win in windows if predicate_func(win)]
return windows
def enum_windows():
"Return a list of handles of all the top level windows"
windows = []
# The callback function that will be called for each HWND
# all we do is append the wrapped handle
def EnumWindowProc(hwnd, lparam):
"Called for each window - adds handles to a list"
return True
# define the type of the child procedure
enum_win_proc = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(
ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_long, ctypes.c_long)
# 'construct' the callback with our function
proc = enum_win_proc(EnumWindowProc)
# loop over all the children (callback called for each)
win32functions.EnumWindows(proc, 0)
# return the collected wrapped windows
return windows
def enum_child_windows(handle):
"Return a list of handles of the child windows of this handle"
# this will be filled in the callback function
child_windows = []
# callback function for EnumChildWindows
def EnumChildProc(hwnd, lparam):
"Called for each child - adds child hwnd to list"
# append it to our list
# return true to keep going
return True
# define the child proc type
enum_child_proc = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(
ctypes.c_int, # return type
win32structures.HWND, # the window handle
win32structures.LPARAM) # extra information
# update the proc to the correct type
proc = enum_child_proc(EnumChildProc)
# loop over all the children (callback called for each)
win32functions.EnumChildWindows(handle, proc, 0)
return child_windows