# GUI Application automation and testing library
# Copyright (C) 2006 Mark Mc Mahon
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place,
# Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
"""Functions to retrieve properties from a window handle
These are implemented in a procedural way so as to to be
useful to other modules with the least conceptual overhead
__revision__ = "$Revision: 727 $"
import ctypes
import win32functions
import win32defines
import win32structures
import findwindows # for children
def text(handle):
"Return the text of the window"
length = ctypes.c_long()
100, # .1 of a second
length = length.value
textval = ''
if length:
length += 1
buffer_ = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(length)
ret = win32functions.SendMessage(
handle, win32defines.WM_GETTEXT, length, ctypes.byref(buffer_))
if ret:
textval = buffer_.value
return textval
def classname(handle):
"Return the class name of the window"
class_name = (ctypes.c_wchar * 257)()
win32functions.GetClassName (handle, ctypes.byref(class_name), 256)
return class_name.value
def parent(handle):
"Return the handle of the parent of the window"
return win32functions.GetParent(handle)
def style(handle):
"Return the style of the window"
return win32functions.GetWindowLong (handle, win32defines.GWL_STYLE)
def exstyle(handle):
"Return the extended style of the window"
return win32functions.GetWindowLong (handle, win32defines.GWL_EXSTYLE)
def controlid(handle):
"Return the ID of the control"
return win32functions.GetWindowLong (handle, win32defines.GWL_ID)
def userdata(handle):
"Return the value of any userdata associated with the window"
return win32functions.GetWindowLong (handle, win32defines.GWL_USERDATA)
def contexthelpid(handle):
"Return the context help id of the window"
return win32functions.GetWindowContextHelpId (handle)
def iswindow(handle):
"Return True if the handle is a window"
return bool(win32functions.IsWindow(handle))
def isvisible(handle):
"Return True if the window is visible"
return bool(win32functions.IsWindowVisible(handle))
def isunicode(handle):
"Teturn True if the window is a unicode window"
return bool(win32functions.IsWindowUnicode(handle))
def isenabled(handle):
"Return True if the window is enabled"
return bool(win32functions.IsWindowEnabled(handle))
def clientrect(handle):
"Return the client rectangle of the control"
client_rect = win32structures.RECT()
win32functions.GetClientRect(handle, ctypes.byref(client_rect))
return client_rect
def rectangle(handle):
"Return the rectangle of the window"
rect = win32structures.RECT()
win32functions.GetWindowRect(handle, ctypes.byref(rect))
return rect
def font(handle):
"Return the font as a LOGFONTW of the window"
# get the font handle
font_handle = win32functions.SendMessage(
handle, win32defines.WM_GETFONT, 0, 0)
# if the fondUsed is 0 then the control is using the
# system font (well probably not - even though that is what the docs say)
# instead we switch to the default GUI font - which is more likely correct.
if not font_handle:
# So just get the default system font
font_handle = win32functions.GetStockObject(win32defines.DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
# if we still don't have a font!
# ----- ie, we're on an antiquated OS, like NT 3.51
if not font_handle:
# ----- On Asian platforms, ANSI font won't show.
if win32functions.GetSystemMetrics(win32defines.SM_DBCSENABLED):
# ----- was...(SYSTEM_FONT)
font_handle = win32functions.GetStockObject(
# ----- was...(SYSTEM_FONT)
font_handle = win32functions.GetStockObject(
fontval = win32structures.LOGFONTW()
ret = win32functions.GetObject(
font_handle, ctypes.sizeof(fontval), ctypes.byref(fontval))
# Get the Logfont structure of the font of the control
fontval = win32structures.LOGFONTW()
ret = win32functions.GetObject(
font_handle, ctypes.sizeof(fontval), ctypes.byref(fontval))
# The function could not get the font - this is probably
# because the control does not have associated Font/Text
# So we should make sure the elements of the font are zeroed.
if not ret:
fontval = win32structures.LOGFONTW()
# if it is a main window
if is_toplevel_window(handle):
if "MS Shell Dlg" in fontval.lfFaceName or \
fontval.lfFaceName == "System":
# these are not usually the fonts actaully used in for
# title bars so we need to get the default title bar font
# get the title font based on the system metrics rather
# than the font of the control itself
ncms = win32structures.NONCLIENTMETRICSW()
ncms.cbSize = ctypes.sizeof(ncms)
# with either of the following 2 flags set the font of the
# dialog isthe small one (but there is normally no difference!
if has_style(handle, win32defines.WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) or \
has_style(handle, win32defines.WS_EX_PALETTEWINDOW):
fontval = ncms.lfSmCaptionFont
fontval = ncms.lfCaptionFont
return fontval
def processid(handle):
"Retrun the ID of process that controls this window"
process_id = ctypes.c_int()
win32functions.GetWindowThreadProcessId(handle, ctypes.byref(process_id))
return process_id.value
def children(handle):
"Return a list of handles to the children of this window"
return findwindows.enum_child_windows(handle)
def has_style(handle, tocheck):
"Return True if the control has style tocheck"
hwnd_style = style(handle)
return tocheck & hwnd_style == tocheck
def has_exstyle(handle, tocheck):
"Return True if the control has extended style tocheck"
hwnd_exstyle = exstyle(handle)
return tocheck & hwnd_exstyle == tocheck
def is_toplevel_window(handle):
"Return whether the window is a top level window or not"
# only request the style once - this is an optimization over calling
# (handle, style) for each style I wan to check!
style_ = style(handle)
if (style_ & win32defines.WS_OVERLAPPED == win32defines.WS_OVERLAPPED or \
style_ & win32defines.WS_CAPTION == win32defines.WS_CAPTION) and \
not (style_ & win32defines.WS_CHILD == win32defines.WS_CHILD):
return True
return False
#def get_button_friendlyclassname(handle):
# "Return the friendly class name of a button control"
# # get the least significant bit
# style_lsb = style(handle) & 0xF
# # default to "Button"
# f_classname = "Button"
# if style_lsb == win32defines.BS_3STATE or \
# style_lsb == win32defines.BS_AUTO3STATE or \
# style_lsb == win32defines.BS_AUTOCHECKBOX or \
# style_lsb == win32defines.BS_CHECKBOX:
# f_classname = "CheckBox"
# elif style_lsb == win32defines.BS_RADIOBUTTON or \
# style_lsb == win32defines.BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON:
# f_classname = "RadioButton"
# elif style_lsb == win32defines.BS_GROUPBOX:
# f_classname = "GroupBox"
# if style(handle) & win32defines.BS_PUSHLIKE:
# f_classname = "Button"
# return f_classname
#def friendlyclassname(handle):
# """Return the friendly class name of the window
# The friendly class name might be subjective, but it
# tries to be what a normal user would call a window
# rather then the windows class name for the window.
# """
# import warnings
# warnings.warn("handleprops.friendlyclassname() is deprecated. Please use"
# "FriendlyClassMethod() of HwndWrapper",
# DeprecationWarning)
# # if it's a dialog then return that
# if is_toplevel_window(handle) and classname(handle) == "#32770":
# return "Dialog"
# # otherwise ask the wrapper class for the friendly class name
# class_name = classname(handle)
# from controls import wraphandle
# info = wraphandle._find_wrapper(class_name)
# if info:
# return info.friendlyclassname
# else:
# return class_name
# # Check if the class name is in the known classes
# for cls_name, f_cls_name in _class_names.items():
# # OK we found it
# if re.match(cls_name, classname(handle)):
# # If it is a string then just return it
# if isinstance(f_cls_name, basestring):
# return f_cls_name
# # otherwise it is a function so call it
# else:
# return f_cls_name(handle)
# # unknown class - just return it's classname
# return classname(handle)
def dumpwindow(handle):
"Dump a window to a set of properties"
props = {}
for func in (
props[func.__name__] = func(handle)
return props