# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
# GUI Application automation and testing library
# Copyright (C) 2006 Mark Mc Mahon
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place,
# Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
"""Module containing tests for XMLHelpers Module
>>> from SendKeys import *
>>> SendKeys("a\\r\\n")
>>> val = raw_input()
>>> print val
>>> SendKeys(u"\\r\\n")
>>> val = raw_input()
>>> print val
__revision__ = "$Revision: 236 $"
import sys
from pywinauto.SendKeysCtypes import *
#from SendKeys import *
import os
import unittest
from msvcrt import getch
class SendKeysTests(unittest.TestCase):
"Unit tests for the Sendkeys module"
def setUp(self):
"""Actualy does nothing!"""
def tearDown(self):
"delete the file we have created"
def __run_NormalCharacters_with_options(self, **args):
"Make sure that sending any character in range "
missed = []
for i in range(32, 127):
# skip characters that must be escaped
if chr(i) in (' ', '%', '^', '+', '(', ')', '{', '}', '~'):
SendKeys(chr(i) + "{ENTER}", pause = .001, **args)
received = raw_input()
self.assertEquals(i, ord(received))
# Space tests
def testNormalWithSpaces(self):
"Make sure that with spaces option works"
self.__run_NormalCharacters_with_options(with_spaces = True)
def testNormalWithoutSpaces(self):
"Make sure that with spaces option works"
self.__run_NormalCharacters_with_options(with_spaces = False)
def testSpaceWithSpaces(self):
"Make sure that with spaces option works"
SendKeys(" \t \t {ENTER}", pause = .001, with_spaces = True)
received = raw_input()
self.assertEquals(" ", received)
def testSpaceWithoutSpaces(self):
"Make sure that with spaces option works"
SendKeys(" \t \t {ENTER}", pause = .001, with_spaces = False)
received = raw_input()
self.assertEquals("", received)
# Tab tests
def testNormalWithTabs(self):
"Make sure that with spaces option works"
self.__run_NormalCharacters_with_options(with_tabs = True)
def testNormalWithoutTabs(self):
"Make sure that with spaces option works"
self.__run_NormalCharacters_with_options(with_tabs = False)
def testTabWithTabs(self):
"Make sure that with spaces option works"
SendKeys("\t \t \t{ENTER}", pause = .1, with_tabs = True)
received = raw_input()
self.assertEquals("\t\t\t", received)
def testTabWithoutTabs(self):
"Make sure that with spaces option works"
SendKeys("\t a\t b\t{ENTER}", pause = .1, with_tabs = False)
received = raw_input()
self.assertEquals("ab", received)
def testTab(self):
"Make sure that with spaces option works"
SendKeys("{TAB} {TAB} {ENTER}", pause = .3)
received = raw_input()
self.assertEquals("\t\t", received)
# Newline tests
def testNormalWithNewlines(self):
"Make sure that with spaces option works"
self.__run_NormalCharacters_with_options(with_newlines = True)
def testNormalWithoutNewlines(self):
"Make sure that with spaces option works"
self.__run_NormalCharacters_with_options(with_newlines = False)
def testNewlinesWithNewlines(self):
"Make sure that with spaces option works"
SendKeys("\t \t \t a~\tb\nc{ENTER}", pause = .1, with_newlines = True)
received = raw_input()
self.assertEquals("a", received)
received = raw_input()
self.assertEquals("b", received)
received = raw_input()
self.assertEquals("c", received)
def testNewlinesWithoutNewlines(self):
"Make sure that with spaces option works"
SendKeys("\t \t \t\na{ENTER}", pause = .01, with_newlines = False)
received = raw_input()
self.assertEquals("a", received)
def testANSIExtendedCharacters(self):
"Make sure that sending any character in range "
os.system("chcp 850")
matched = 0
extended_chars = u""
for char in extended_chars:
SendKeys(char + "{ENTER}", pause = .01)
received = raw_input().decode("cp850")
if char == received:
matched += 1
print "expected %s, recieved %s"% (
repr(char), repr(received))
self.assertEquals(matched, len(extended_chars))
if __name__ == "__main__":
#import doctest