# GUI Application automation and testing library
# Copyright (C) 2006 Mark Mc Mahon
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place,
# Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
"Definition of Windows structures"
__revision__ = "$Revision: 560 $"
import ctypes
from ctypes import \
c_int, c_uint, c_long, c_ulong, c_void_p, c_wchar, c_char, \
c_ubyte, c_ushort, c_wchar_p, \
POINTER, sizeof, alignment, Union
class Structure(ctypes.Structure):
"Override the Structure class from ctypes to add printing and comparison"
def __str__(self):
"""Print out the fields of the ctypes Structure
fields in exceptList will not be printed"""
lines = []
for f in self._fields_:
name = f[0]
lines.append("%20s\t%s"% (name, getattr(self, name)))
return "\n".join(lines)
def __eq__(self, other_struct):
"return true if the two structures have the same coordinates"
if isinstance(other_struct, ctypes.Structure):
# pretend they are two structures - check that they both
# have the same value for all fields
are_equal = True
for field in self._fields_:
name = field[0]
if getattr(self, name) != getattr(other_struct, name):
are_equal = False
return are_equal
except AttributeError:
return False
if isinstance(other_struct, (list, tuple)):
# Now try to see if we have been passed in a list or tuple
are_equal = True
for i, field in enumerate(self._fields_):
name = field[0]
if getattr(self, name) != other_struct[i]:
are_equal = False
return are_equal
return False
return False
#def PrintCtypesStruct(struct, exceptList = []):
# """Print out the fields of the ctypes Structure
# fields in exceptList will not be printed"""
# for f in struct._fields_:
# name = f[0]
# if name in exceptList:
# continue
# print "%20s "% name, getattr(struct, name)
# allow ctypes structures to be pickled
# set struct.__reduce__ = _reduce
# e.g. RECT.__reduce__ = _reduce
def _construct(typ, buf):
#print "construct", (typ, buf)
obj = typ.__new__(typ)
ctypes.memmove(ctypes.addressof(obj), buf, len(buf))
return obj
def _reduce(self):
return (_construct, (self.__class__, str(buffer(self))))
BOOL = c_int
BYTE = c_ubyte
CHAR = c_char
DWORD = c_ulong
HANDLE = c_void_p
HBITMAP = c_long
LONG = c_long
LPVOID = c_void_p
PVOID = c_void_p
UINT = c_uint
WCHAR = c_wchar
WORD = c_ushort
class POINT(Structure):
_fields_ = [
# C:/PROGRA~1/MIAF9D~1/VC98/Include/windef.h 307
('x', LONG),
('y', LONG),
assert sizeof(POINT) == 8, sizeof(POINT)
assert alignment(POINT) == 4, alignment(POINT)
class RECT(Structure):
"Wrap the RECT structure and add extra functionality"
_fields_ = [
# C:/PROGRA~1/MIAF9D~1/VC98/Include/windef.h 287
('left', LONG),
('top', LONG),
('right', LONG),
('bottom', LONG),
def __init__(self, otherRect_or_left = 0, top = 0, right = 0, bottom = 0):
"""Provide a constructor for RECT structures
A RECT can be constructed by:
- Another RECT (each value will be copied)
- Values for left, top, right and bottom
e.g. my_rect = RECT(otherRect)
or my_rect = RECT(10, 20, 34, 100)
if isinstance(otherRect_or_left, RECT):
self.left = otherRect_or_left.left
self.right = otherRect_or_left.right
self.top = otherRect_or_left.top
self.bottom = otherRect_or_left.bottom
#if not isinstance(otherRect_or_left, (int, long)):
# print type(self), type(otherRect_or_left), otherRect_or_left
self.left = long(otherRect_or_left)
self.right = long(right)
self.top = long(top)
self.bottom = long(bottom)
# #----------------------------------------------------------------
# def __eq__(self, otherRect):
# "return true if the two rectangles have the same coordinates"
# try:
# return \
# self.left == otherRect.left and \
# self.top == otherRect.top and \
# self.right == otherRect.right and \
# self.bottom == otherRect.bottom
# except AttributeError:
# return False
def __str__(self):
"Return a string representation of the RECT"
return "(L%d, T%d, R%d, B%d)" % (
self.left, self.top, self.right, self.bottom)
def __repr__(self):
"Return some representation of the RECT"
return "<RECT L%d, T%d, R%d, B%d>" % (
self.left, self.top, self.right, self.bottom)
def __sub__(self, other):
"Return a new rectangle which is offset from the one passed in"
newRect = RECT()
newRect.left = self.left - other.left
newRect.right = self.right - other.left
newRect.top = self.top - other.top
newRect.bottom = self.bottom - other.top
return newRect
def __add__(self, other):
"Allow two rects to be added using +"
newRect = RECT()
newRect.left = self.left + other.left
newRect.right = self.right + other.left
newRect.top = self.top + other.top
newRect.bottom = self.bottom + other.top
return newRect
def width(self):
"Return the width of the rect"
return self.right - self.left
def height(self):
"Return the height of the rect"
return self.bottom - self.top
def mid_point(self):
"Return a POINT structure representing the mid point"
pt = POINT()
pt.x = int(self.left + self.width()/2)
pt.y = int(self.top + self.height()/2)
return pt
#def __hash__(self):
# return hash (self.left, self.top, self.right, self.bottom)
RECT.__reduce__ = _reduce
assert sizeof(RECT) == 16, sizeof(RECT)
assert alignment(RECT) == 4, alignment(RECT)
class LVCOLUMNW(Structure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
# C:/_tools/Python24/Lib/site-packages/ctypes/wrap/test/commctrl.h 2982
('mask', UINT),
('fmt', c_int),
('cx', c_int),
('pszText', c_long), #LPWSTR),
('cchTextMax', c_int),
('iSubItem', c_int),
('iImage', c_int),
('iOrder', c_int),
class LVITEMW(Structure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
# C:/_tools/Python24/Lib/site-packages/ctypes/wrap/test/commctrl.h 2679
('mask', UINT),
('iItem', c_int),
('iSubItem', c_int),
('state', UINT),
('stateMask', UINT),
('pszText', c_long), #LPWSTR),
('cchTextMax', c_int),
('iImage', c_int),
('lParam', LPARAM),
('iIndent', c_int),
assert sizeof(LVITEMW) == 40, sizeof(LVITEMW)
assert alignment(LVITEMW) == 1, alignment(LVITEMW)
class TVITEMW(Structure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
# C:/_tools/Python24/Lib/site-packages/ctypes/wrap/test/commctrl.h 3755
('mask', UINT),
('hItem', HTREEITEM),
('state', UINT),
('stateMask', UINT),
('pszText', c_long), #LPWSTR),
('cchTextMax', c_int),
('iImage', c_int),
('iSelectedImage', c_int),
('cChildren', c_int),
('lParam', LPARAM),
assert sizeof(TVITEMW) == 40, sizeof(TVITEMW)
assert alignment(TVITEMW) == 1, alignment(TVITEMW)
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/winuser.h 2225
class NMHDR(Structure):
_fields_ = [
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/winuser.h 2225
('hwndFrom', HWND),
('idFrom', UINT),
('code', UINT),
assert sizeof(NMHDR) == 12, sizeof(NMHDR)
assert alignment(NMHDR) == 4, alignment(NMHDR)
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/commctrl.h 4275
class NMTVDISPINFOW(Structure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/commctrl.h 4275
('hdr', NMHDR),
('item', TVITEMW),
assert sizeof(NMTVDISPINFOW) == 52, sizeof(NMTVDISPINFOW)
assert alignment(NMTVDISPINFOW) == 1, alignment(NMTVDISPINFOW)
class LOGFONTW(Structure):
_fields_ = [
# C:/PROGRA~1/MIAF9D~1/VC98/Include/wingdi.h 1090
('lfHeight', LONG),
('lfWidth', LONG),
('lfEscapement', LONG),
('lfOrientation', LONG),
('lfWeight', LONG),
('lfItalic', BYTE),
('lfUnderline', BYTE),
('lfStrikeOut', BYTE),
('lfCharSet', BYTE),
('lfOutPrecision', BYTE),
('lfClipPrecision', BYTE),
('lfQuality', BYTE),
('lfPitchAndFamily', BYTE),
('lfFaceName', WCHAR * LF_FACESIZE),
def __str__(self):
return "('%s' %d)" % (self.lfFaceName, self.lfHeight)
def __repr__(self):
return "<LOGFONTW '%s' %d>" % (self.lfFaceName, self.lfHeight)
LOGFONTW.__reduce__ = _reduce
assert sizeof(LOGFONTW) == 92, sizeof(LOGFONTW)
assert alignment(LOGFONTW) == 4, alignment(LOGFONTW)
class TEXTMETRICW(Structure):
_pack_ = 2
_fields_ = [
# C:/PROGRA~1/MIAF9D~1/VC98/Include/wingdi.h 878
('tmHeight', LONG),
('tmAscent', LONG),
('tmDescent', LONG),
('tmInternalLeading', LONG),
('tmExternalLeading', LONG),
('tmAveCharWidth', LONG),
('tmMaxCharWidth', LONG),
('tmWeight', LONG),
('tmOverhang', LONG),
('tmDigitizedAspectX', LONG),
('tmDigitizedAspectY', LONG),
('tmFirstChar', WCHAR),
('tmLastChar', WCHAR),
('tmDefaultChar', WCHAR),
('tmBreakChar', WCHAR),
('tmItalic', BYTE),
('tmUnderlined', BYTE),
('tmStruckOut', BYTE),
('tmPitchAndFamily', BYTE),
('tmCharSet', BYTE),
assert sizeof(TEXTMETRICW) == 58, sizeof(TEXTMETRICW)
assert alignment(TEXTMETRICW) == 2, alignment(TEXTMETRICW)
_pack_ = 2
_fields_ = [
# C:/PROGRA~1/MIAF9D~1/VC98/Include/winuser.h 8767
('cbSize', UINT),
('iBorderWidth', c_int),
('iScrollWidth', c_int),
('iScrollHeight', c_int),
('iCaptionWidth', c_int),
('iCaptionHeight', c_int),
('lfCaptionFont', LOGFONTW),
('iSmCaptionWidth', c_int),
('iSmCaptionHeight', c_int),
('lfSmCaptionFont', LOGFONTW),
('iMenuWidth', c_int),
('iMenuHeight', c_int),
('lfMenuFont', LOGFONTW),
('lfStatusFont', LOGFONTW),
('lfMessageFont', LOGFONTW),
assert alignment(NONCLIENTMETRICSW) == 2, alignment(NONCLIENTMETRICSW)
# C:/PROGRA~1/MIAF9D~1/VC98/Include/wingdi.h 1025
class LOGBRUSH(Structure):
_fields_ = [
# C:/PROGRA~1/MIAF9D~1/VC98/Include/wingdi.h 1025
('lbStyle', UINT),
('lbColor', COLORREF),
('lbHatch', LONG),
assert sizeof(LOGBRUSH) == 12, sizeof(LOGBRUSH)
assert alignment(LOGBRUSH) == 4, alignment(LOGBRUSH)
# C:/PROGRA~1/MIAF9D~1/VC98/Include/winuser.h 5147
class MENUITEMINFOW(Structure):
_pack_ = 2
_fields_ = [
# C:/PROGRA~1/MIAF9D~1/VC98/Include/winuser.h 5147
('cbSize', UINT),
('fMask', UINT),
('fType', UINT),
('fState', UINT),
('wID', UINT),
('hSubMenu', HMENU),
('hbmpChecked', HBITMAP),
('hbmpUnchecked', HBITMAP),
('dwItemData', DWORD),
('dwTypeData', c_wchar_p), #LPWSTR),
('cch', UINT),
assert sizeof(MENUITEMINFOW) == 44, sizeof(MENUITEMINFOW)
assert alignment(MENUITEMINFOW) == 2, alignment(MENUITEMINFOW)
class MENUBARINFO(Structure):
_fields_ = [
('cbSize', DWORD),
('rcBar', RECT), # rect of bar, popup, item
('hMenu', HMENU), # real menu handle of bar, popup
('hwndMenu', HWND), # hwnd of item submenu if one
('fBarFocused', BOOL, 1), # bar, popup has the focus
('fFocused', BOOL, 1), # item has the focus
class MSG(Structure):
_fields_ = [
# C:/PROGRA~1/MIAF9D~1/VC98/Include/winuser.h 1226
('hwnd', HWND),
('message', UINT),
('wParam', WPARAM),
('lParam', LPARAM),
('time', DWORD),
('pt', POINT),
assert sizeof(MSG) == 28, sizeof(MSG)
assert alignment(MSG) == 4, alignment(MSG)
# C:/_tools/Python24/Lib/site-packages/ctypes/wrap/test/commctrl.h 1865
class TOOLINFOW(Structure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
# C:/_tools/Python24/Lib/site-packages/ctypes/wrap/test/commctrl.h 1865
('cbSize', UINT),
('uFlags', UINT),
('hwnd', HWND),
('uId', UINT),
('rect', RECT),
('hinst', HINSTANCE),
('lpszText', c_long),#LPWSTR),
('lParam', LPARAM),
assert sizeof(TOOLINFOW) == 44, sizeof(TOOLINFOW)
assert alignment(TOOLINFOW) == 1, alignment(TOOLINFOW)
# C:/_tools/Python24/Lib/site-packages/ctypes/wrap/test/commctrl.h 2068
class NMTTDISPINFOW(Structure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
# C:/_tools/Python24/Lib/site-packages/ctypes/wrap/test/commctrl.h 2068
('hdr', NMHDR),
('lpszText', LPWSTR),
('szText', WCHAR * 80),
('hinst', HINSTANCE),
('uFlags', UINT),
('lParam', LPARAM),
assert sizeof(NMTTDISPINFOW) == 188, sizeof(NMTTDISPINFOW)
assert alignment(NMTTDISPINFOW) == 1, alignment(NMTTDISPINFOW)
class HDITEMW(Structure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
# C:/_tools/Python24/Lib/site-packages/ctypes/wrap/test/commctrl.h 617
('mask', UINT),
('cxy', c_int),
('pszText', c_long),#LPWSTR),
('hbm', HBITMAP),
('cchTextMax', c_int),
('fmt', c_int),
('lParam', LPARAM),
('iImage', c_int),
('iOrder', c_int),
assert sizeof(HDITEMW) == 36, sizeof(HDITEMW)
assert alignment(HDITEMW) == 1, alignment(HDITEMW)
# C:/_tools/Python24/Lib/site-packages/ctypes/wrap/test/commctrl.h 4456
class COMBOBOXEXITEMW(Structure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
# C:/_tools/Python24/Lib/site-packages/ctypes/wrap/test/commctrl.h 4456
('mask', UINT),
('iItem', c_int),
('pszText', c_long),#LPWSTR),
('cchTextMax', c_int),
('iImage', c_int),
('iSelectedImage', c_int),
('iOverlay', c_int),
('iIndent', c_int),
('lParam', LPARAM),
assert sizeof(COMBOBOXEXITEMW) == 36, sizeof(COMBOBOXEXITEMW)
assert alignment(COMBOBOXEXITEMW) == 1, alignment(COMBOBOXEXITEMW)
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/commctrl.h 4757
class TCITEMHEADERW(Structure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/commctrl.h 4757
('mask', UINT),
('lpReserved1', UINT),
('lpReserved2', UINT),
('pszText', LPWSTR),
('cchTextMax', c_int),
('iImage', c_int),
assert sizeof(TCITEMHEADERW) == 24, sizeof(TCITEMHEADERW)
assert alignment(TCITEMHEADERW) == 1, alignment(TCITEMHEADERW)
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/commctrl.h 4804
class TCITEMW(Structure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/commctrl.h 4804
('mask', UINT),
('dwState', DWORD),
('dwStateMask', DWORD),
('pszText', c_long), #LPWSTR),
('cchTextMax', c_int),
('iImage', c_int),
('lParam', LPARAM),
assert sizeof(TCITEMW) == 28, sizeof(TCITEMW)
assert alignment(TCITEMW) == 1, alignment(TCITEMW)
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/commctrl.h 1308
class TBBUTTONINFOW(Structure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/commctrl.h 1308
('cbSize', UINT),
('dwMask', DWORD),
('idCommand', c_int),
('iImage', c_int),
('fsState', BYTE),
('fsStyle', BYTE),
('cx', WORD),
('lParam', DWORD),
('pszText', LPWSTR),
('cchText', c_int),
assert sizeof(TBBUTTONINFOW) == 32, sizeof(TBBUTTONINFOW)
assert alignment(TBBUTTONINFOW) == 1, alignment(TBBUTTONINFOW)
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/commctrl.h 953
class TBBUTTON(Structure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/commctrl.h 953
('iBitmap', c_int),
('idCommand', c_int),
('fsState', BYTE),
('fsStyle', BYTE),
('bReserved', BYTE * 2),
('dwData', DWORD),
('iString', c_int),
assert sizeof(TBBUTTON) == 20, sizeof(TBBUTTON)
assert alignment(TBBUTTON) == 1, alignment(TBBUTTON)
class REBARBANDINFOW(Structure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/commctrl.h 1636
('cbSize', UINT),
('fMask', UINT),
('fStyle', UINT),
('clrFore', COLORREF),
('clrBack', COLORREF),
('lpText', LPWSTR),
('cch', UINT),
('iImage', c_int),
('hwndChild', HWND),
('cxMinChild', UINT),
('cyMinChild', UINT),
('cx', UINT),
('hbmBack', HBITMAP),
('wID', UINT),
('cyChild', UINT),
('cyMaxChild', UINT),
('cyIntegral', UINT),
('cxIdeal', UINT),
('lParam', LPARAM),
('cxHeader', UINT),
assert sizeof(REBARBANDINFOW) == 80, sizeof(REBARBANDINFOW)
assert alignment(REBARBANDINFOW) == 1, alignment(REBARBANDINFOW)
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/winbase.h 223
_fields_ = [
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/winbase.h 223
('nLength', DWORD),
('lpSecurityDescriptor', LPVOID),
('bInheritHandle', BOOL),
assert alignment(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) == 4, alignment(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/winbase.h 3794
class STARTUPINFOW(Structure):
_fields_ = [
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/winbase.h 3794
('cb', DWORD),
('lpReserved', LPWSTR),
('lpDesktop', LPWSTR),
('lpTitle', LPWSTR),
('dwX', DWORD),
('dwY', DWORD),
('dwXSize', DWORD),
('dwYSize', DWORD),
('dwXCountChars', DWORD),
('dwYCountChars', DWORD),
('dwFillAttribute', DWORD),
('dwFlags', DWORD),
('wShowWindow', WORD),
('cbReserved2', WORD),
('lpReserved2', LPBYTE),
('hStdInput', HANDLE),
('hStdOutput', HANDLE),
('hStdError', HANDLE),
assert sizeof(STARTUPINFOW) == 68, sizeof(STARTUPINFOW)
assert alignment(STARTUPINFOW) == 4, alignment(STARTUPINFOW)
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/winbase.h 229
_fields_ = [
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/winbase.h 229
('hProcess', HANDLE),
('hThread', HANDLE),
('dwProcessId', DWORD),
('dwThreadId', DWORD),
assert alignment(PROCESS_INFORMATION) == 4, alignment(PROCESS_INFORMATION)
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/commctrl.h 3417
class NMLISTVIEW(Structure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/commctrl.h 3417
('hdr', NMHDR),
('iItem', c_int),
('iSubItem', c_int),
('uNewState', UINT),
('uOldState', UINT),
('uChanged', UINT),
('ptAction', POINT),
('lParam', LPARAM),
assert sizeof(NMLISTVIEW) == 44, sizeof(NMLISTVIEW)
assert alignment(NMLISTVIEW) == 1, alignment(NMLISTVIEW)
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/commctrl.h 235
class NMMOUSE(Structure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/commctrl.h 235
('hdr', NMHDR),
('dwItemSpec', DWORD),
('dwItemData', DWORD),
('pt', POINT),
('dwHitInfo', DWORD),
assert sizeof(NMMOUSE) == 32, sizeof(NMMOUSE)
assert alignment(NMMOUSE) == 1, alignment(NMMOUSE)
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/winuser.h 4283
class MOUSEINPUT(Structure):
_pack_ = 2
_fields_ = [
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/winuser.h 4283
('dx', LONG),
('dy', LONG),
('mouseData', DWORD),
('dwFlags', DWORD),
('time', DWORD),
('dwExtraInfo', DWORD),
assert sizeof(MOUSEINPUT) == 24, sizeof(MOUSEINPUT)
assert alignment(MOUSEINPUT) == 2, alignment(MOUSEINPUT)
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/winuser.h 4292
class KEYBDINPUT(Structure):
_pack_ = 2
_fields_ = [
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/winuser.h 4292
('wVk', WORD),
('wScan', WORD),
('dwFlags', DWORD),
('time', DWORD),
('dwExtraInfo', DWORD),
assert sizeof(KEYBDINPUT) == 16, sizeof(KEYBDINPUT)
assert alignment(KEYBDINPUT) == 2, alignment(KEYBDINPUT)
class HARDWAREINPUT(Structure):
_pack_ = 2
_fields_ = [
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/winuser.h 4300
('uMsg', DWORD),
('wParamL', WORD),
('wParamH', WORD),
assert sizeof(HARDWAREINPUT) == 8, sizeof(HARDWAREINPUT)
assert alignment(HARDWAREINPUT) == 2, alignment(HARDWAREINPUT)
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/winuser.h 4314
_fields_ = [
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/winuser.h 4314
assert sizeof(UNION_INPUT_STRUCTS) == 24, sizeof(UNION_INPUT_STRUCTS)
assert alignment(UNION_INPUT_STRUCTS) == 2, alignment(UNION_INPUT_STRUCTS)
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/winuser.h 4310
class INPUT(Structure):
_pack_ = 2
_fields_ = [
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/winuser.h 4310
('type', DWORD),
# Unnamed field renamed to '_'
assert sizeof(INPUT) == 28, sizeof(INPUT)
assert alignment(INPUT) == 2, alignment(INPUT)
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/commctrl.h 2415
class NMUPDOWN(Structure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/commctrl.h 2415
('hdr', NMHDR),
('iPos', c_int),
('iDelta', c_int),
assert sizeof(NMUPDOWN) == 20, sizeof(NMUPDOWN)
assert alignment(NMUPDOWN) == 1, alignment(NMUPDOWN)
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/winuser.h 9821
class GUITHREADINFO(Structure):
_pack_ = 2
_fields_ = [
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/winuser.h 9821
('cbSize', DWORD),
('flags', DWORD),
('hwndActive', HWND),
('hwndFocus', HWND),
('hwndCapture', HWND),
('hwndMenuOwner', HWND),
('hwndMoveSize', HWND),
('hwndCaret', HWND),
('rcCaret', RECT),
assert sizeof(GUITHREADINFO) == 48, sizeof(GUITHREADINFO)
assert alignment(GUITHREADINFO) == 2, alignment(GUITHREADINFO)
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/winuser.h 5043
class MENUINFO(Structure):
_pack_ = 2
_fields_ = [
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/winuser.h 5043
('cbSize', DWORD),
('fMask', DWORD),
('dwStyle', DWORD),
('cyMax', UINT),
('hbrBack', HBRUSH),
('dwContextHelpID', DWORD),
('dwMenuData', DWORD),
assert sizeof(MENUINFO) == 28, sizeof(MENUINFO)
assert alignment(MENUINFO) == 2, alignment(MENUINFO)
NMTTDISPINFOW_V1_SIZE = 184 # Variable c_uint
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/commctrl.h 2066
class NMTTDISPINFOW(Structure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/commctrl.h 2066
('hdr', NMHDR),
('lpszText', LPWSTR),
('szText', WCHAR * 80),
('hinst', HINSTANCE),
('uFlags', UINT),
('lParam', LPARAM),
assert sizeof(NMTTDISPINFOW) == 188, sizeof(NMTTDISPINFOW)
assert alignment(NMTTDISPINFOW) == 1, alignment(NMTTDISPINFOW)
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/winuser.h 2208
class WINDOWPLACEMENT(Structure):
_fields_ = [
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/winuser.h 2208
('length', UINT),
('flags', UINT),
('showCmd', UINT),
('ptMinPosition', POINT),
('ptMaxPosition', POINT),
('rcNormalPosition', RECT),
assert sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT) == 44, sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT)
assert alignment(WINDOWPLACEMENT) == 4, alignment(WINDOWPLACEMENT)
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/commctrl.h 4052
class TVHITTESTINFO(Structure):
_pack_ = 1
_fields_ = [
# C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/commctrl.h 4052
('pt', POINT),
('flags', UINT),
('hItem', HTREEITEM),
assert sizeof(TVHITTESTINFO) == 16, sizeof(TVHITTESTINFO)
assert alignment(TVHITTESTINFO) == 1, alignment(TVHITTESTINFO)