from piddleAI import *# change these to whatever
canvas=AICanvas(name="")# backend you want to test
canvas.defaultLineColor = Color(0.7,0.7,1.0) # light blue
canvas.drawLines( map(lambda i:(i*10,0,i*10,300), range(30)) )
canvas.drawLines( map(lambda i:(0,i*10,300,i*10), range(30)) )
canvas.defaultLineColor = black
canvas.drawLine(10,200, 20,190, color=red)
canvas.drawEllipse( 130,30, 200,100, fillColor=yellow, edgeWidth=4 )
canvas.drawArc( 130,30, 200,100, 45,50, edgeColor=navy, edgeWidth=4 )
canvas.defaultLineWidth = 4
canvas.drawRoundRect( 30,30, 100,100, fillColor=blue, edgeColor=maroon )
canvas.drawCurve( 20,20, 100,50, 50,100, 160,160 )
#canvas.drawString("This is a test!", 30,130, Font(face="times",size=16,bold=1),
# color=green, angle=-45)
polypoints = [ (160,120), (130,190), (210,145), (110,145), (190,190) ]
canvas.drawPolygon(polypoints, fillColor=lime, edgeColor=red, edgeWidth=3, closed=1)
canvas.drawRect( 200,200,260,260, edgeColor=yellow, edgeWidth=5 )
canvas.drawLine( 200,260,260,260, color=green, width=5 )
canvas.drawLine( 260,200,260,260, color=red, width=5 )