# xrc_codegen.py: wxWidgets resources XRC code generator
# $Id: xrc_codegen.py,v 1.21 2007/03/27 07:02:06 agriggio Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Alberto Griggio <agriggio@users.sourceforge.net>
# License: MIT (see license.txt)
Generates the xml code for the app in XRC format.
Calls the appropriate ``writers'' of the various objects. These functions
return an instance of XrcObject
import common, config
import sys
import cStringIO
from xml_parse import XmlParsingError
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape,quoteattr,unescape
language = "XRC"
writer = sys.modules[__name__]
# default extensions for generated files: a list of file extensions
default_extensions = ['xrc']
# output string buffer for the code
output_file = None
# name of the output file
output_file_name = None
# dictionary of ``writers'' for the various objects
obj_builders = {}
# current indentation level
curr_tab = 0
def tabs(number): return ' ' * number
# encoding of the application
app_encoding = 'ISO-8859-1' # default, if nothing else found
class XrcObject:
Class to produce the XRC code for a given widget. This is a base class
which does nothing
def __init__(self):
self.properties = {}
self.children = [] # sub-objects
def write_child_prologue(self, child, out_file, ntabs): pass
def write_child_epilogue(self, child, out_file, ntabs): pass
def write_property(self, name, val, outfile, ntabs): pass
def write(self, out_file, ntabs): pass
# end of class XrcObject
dictionary of active XrcObject instances: during the code generation it stores
all the non-sizer objects that have children (i.e. frames, dialogs, panels,
notebooks, etc.), while at the end of the code generation, before finalize
is called, it contains only the true toplevel objects (frames and dialogs), and
is used to write their XML code (see finalize). The other objects are deleted
when add_object is called with their corresponding code_object as argument (see
xrc_objects = None
class SizerItemXrcObject(XrcObject):
XrcObject to handle sizer items
def __init__(self, obj, option, flag, border):
self.obj = obj # the XrcObject representing the widget
self.option = option
self.flag = flag
self.border = border
def write(self, out_file, ntabs):
write = out_file.write
write(tabs(ntabs) + '<object class="sizeritem">\n')
if self.option != '0':
write(tabs(ntabs+1) + '<option>%s</option>\n' % self.option)
if self.flag and self.flag != '0':
write(tabs(ntabs+1) + '<flag>%s</flag>\n' % self.flag)
if self.border != '0':
write(tabs(ntabs+1) + '<border>%s</border>\n' % self.border)
# write the widget
self.obj.write(out_file, ntabs+1)
write(tabs(ntabs) + '</object>\n')
# end of class SizerItemXrcObject
class SpacerXrcObject(XrcObject):
XrcObject to handle widgets
def __init__(self, size_str, option, flag, border):
self.size_str = size_str
self.option = option
self.flag = flag
self.border = border
def write(self, out_file, ntabs):
write = out_file.write
write(tabs(ntabs) + '<object class="spacer">\n')
write(tabs(ntabs+1) + '<size>%s</size>\n' % self.size_str.strip())
if self.option != '0':
write(tabs(ntabs+1) + '<option>%s</option>\n' % self.option)
if self.flag and self.flag != '0':
write(tabs(ntabs+1) + '<flag>%s</flag>\n' % self.flag)
if self.border != '0':
write(tabs(ntabs+1) + '<border>%s</border>\n' % self.border)
write(tabs(ntabs) + '</object>\n')
# end of class SpacerXrcObject
class DefaultXrcObject(XrcObject):
Standard XrcObject for every widget, used if no specific XrcObject is
def __init__(self, code_obj):
self.properties = code_obj.properties
self.code_obj = code_obj
self.name = code_obj.name
self.klass = code_obj.base # custom classes aren't allowed in XRC
self.subclass = code_obj.klass
def write_property(self, name, val, outfile, ntabs):
if val:
name = escape(name)
outfile.write(tabs(ntabs) + '<%s>%s</%s>\n' % \
(name, escape(val), name))
def write(self, out_file, ntabs):
write = out_file.write
if self.code_obj.in_sizers:
write(tabs(ntabs) + '<object class=%s>\n' % quoteattr(self.klass))
if self.subclass and self.subclass != self.klass:
write(tabs(ntabs) +
'<object class=%s name=%s subclass=%s>\n' % \
(quoteattr(self.klass), quoteattr(self.name),
write(tabs(ntabs) + '<object class=%s name=%s>\n' % \
(quoteattr(self.klass), quoteattr(self.name)))
tab_str = tabs(ntabs+1)
# write the properties
if self.properties.has_key('foreground'):
if self.properties['foreground'].startswith('#'):
# XRC does not support colors from system settings
self.properties['fg'] = self.properties['foreground']
del self.properties['foreground']
if self.properties.has_key('background'):
if self.properties['background'].startswith('#'):
# XRC does not support colors from system settings
self.properties['bg'] = self.properties['background']
del self.properties['background']
if self.properties.has_key('font'):
font = self.properties['font']
del self.properties['font']
else: font = None
style = str(self.properties.get('style', ''))
if style and style == '0':
del self.properties['style']
if 'id' in self.properties:
del self.properties['id'] # id has no meaning for XRC
# ALB 2004-12-05
if 'events' in self.properties:
#del self.properties['events'] # no event handling in XRC
for handler, event in self.properties['events'].iteritems():
write(tab_str + '<handler event=%s>%s</handler>\n' % \
(quoteattr(handler), escape(event)))
del self.properties['events']
# 'disabled' property is actually 'enabled' for XRC
if 'disabled' in self.properties:
try: val = int(self.properties['disabled'])
except: val = False
if val:
self.properties['enabled'] = '0'
del self.properties['disabled']
# ALB 2007-08-31 extracode property
if 'extracode' in self.properties:
write(self.properties['extracode'].replace('\\n', '\n'))
del self.properties['extracode']
# custom base classes are ignored for XRC...
if 'custom_base' in self.properties:
del self.properties['custom_base']
if 'extraproperties' in self.properties:
prop = self.properties['extraproperties']
del self.properties['extraproperties']
for name, val in self.properties.iteritems():
self.write_property(str(name), val, out_file, ntabs+1)
# write the font, if present
if font:
write(tab_str + '<font>\n')
tab_str = tabs(ntabs+2)
for key, val in font.iteritems():
if val:
write(tab_str + '<%s>%s</%s>\n' % \
(escape(key), escape(val), escape(key)))
write(tabs(ntabs+1) + '</font>\n')
# write the children
for c in self.children:
self.write_child_prologue(c, out_file, ntabs+1)
c.write(out_file, ntabs+1)
self.write_child_epilogue(c, out_file, ntabs+1)
write(tabs(ntabs) + '</object>\n')
# end of class DefaultXrcObject
class NotImplementedXrcObject(XrcObject):
XrcObject used when no code for the widget can be generated (for example,
because XRC does not currently handle such widget)
def __init__(self, code_obj):
self.code_obj = code_obj
def write(self, outfile, ntabs):
m = 'code generator for %s objects not available' % self.code_obj.base
print >> sys.stderr, 'WARNING: %s' % m
outfile.write(tabs(ntabs) + '<!-- %s -->\n' % m)
# end of class NotImplementedXrcObject
def initialize(app_attrs): #out_path, multi_files):
Code generator initialization function.
out_path = app_attrs['path']
multi_files = app_attrs['option']
global output_file, curr_tab, xrc_objects, output_file_name, app_encoding
# first, set the app encoding
if 'encoding' in app_attrs:
app_encoding = app_attrs['encoding']
# wx doesn't like latin-1
if app_encoding == 'latin-1': app_encoding = 'ISO-8859-1'
if multi_files:
# for now we handle only single-file code generation
raise IOError("XRC code cannot be split into multiple files")
output_file_name = out_path
output_file = cStringIO.StringIO() #open(out_path, 'w')
from time import asctime
header_lines = ['<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s"?>' % app_encoding,
'<!-- generated by wxGlade %s on %s%s -->' % \
(common.version, asctime(), common.generated_from())]
if not config.preferences.write_timestamp:
header_lines[1] = '<!-- generated by wxGlade %s%s -->' % \
(common.version, common.generated_from())
for line in header_lines:
output_file.write(line + '\n')
output_file.write('\n<resource version="">\n')
curr_tab = 1
xrc_objects = {}
def finalize():
Code generator finalization function.
# write the code for every toplevel object
for obj in xrc_objects.itervalues():
obj.write(output_file, 1)
# store the contents to file
common.save_file(output_file_name, output_file.getvalue(), 'codegen')
def add_object(unused, sub_obj):
Adds the object sub_obj to the XRC tree. The first argument is unused.
# what we need in XRC is not top_obj, but sub_obj's true parent
top_obj = sub_obj.parent
builder = obj_builders.get(sub_obj.base, DefaultXrcObject)
# check whether we already created the xrc_obj
xrc_obj = sub_obj.xrc
except AttributeError:
xrc_obj = builder(sub_obj) # builder functions must return a subclass
# of XrcObject
sub_obj.xrc = xrc_obj
# if we found it, remove it from the xrc_objects dictionary (if it was
# there, i.e. the object is not a sizer), because this isn't a true
# toplevel object
if sub_obj in xrc_objects:
del xrc_objects[sub_obj]
# let's see if sub_obj's parent already has an XrcObject: if so, it is
# temporairly stored in the xrc_objects dict...
try: top_xrc = xrc_objects[top_obj]
except KeyError:
# ...otherwise, create it and store it in the xrc_objects dict
top_xrc = obj_builders.get(top_obj.base, DefaultXrcObject)(top_obj)
top_obj.xrc = top_xrc
xrc_objects[top_obj] = top_xrc
def add_sizeritem(unused, sizer, obj, option, flag, border):
Adds a sizeritem to the XRC tree. The first argument is unused.
# what we need in XRC is not toplevel, but sub_obj's true parent
toplevel = obj.parent
top_xrc = toplevel.xrc
obj_xrc = obj.xrc
try: sizer_xrc = sizer.xrc
except AttributeError:
# if the sizer has not an XrcObject yet, create it now
sizer_xrc = obj_builders.get(sizer.base, DefaultXrcObject)(sizer)
sizer.xrc = sizer_xrc
# we now have to move the children from 'toplevel' to 'sizer'
index = top_xrc.children.index(obj_xrc)
if obj.klass == 'spacer':
w = obj.properties.get('width', '0')
h = obj.properties.get('height', '0')
obj_xrc = SpacerXrcObject('%s, %s' % (w, h), str(option), str(flag),
sizeritem_xrc = SizerItemXrcObject(obj_xrc, str(option), str(flag),
del top_xrc.children[index]
def add_class(code_obj):
Add class behaves very differently for XRC output than for other lanaguages
(i.e. pyhton): since custom classes are not supported in XRC, this has
effect only for true toplevel widgets, i.e. frames and dialogs. For other
kinds of widgets, this is equivalent to add_object
if not xrc_objects.has_key(code_obj):
builder = obj_builders.get(code_obj.base, DefaultXrcObject)
xrc_obj = builder(code_obj)
code_obj.xrc = xrc_obj
# add the xrc_obj to the dict of the toplevel ones
xrc_objects[code_obj] = xrc_obj
def add_app(app_attrs, top_win_class):
# in the case of XRC output, there's no wxApp code to generate
class FontPropertyHandler:
def __init__(self):
self.props = {'size': '', 'family': '', 'style': '', 'weight': '',
'underlined': '', 'face': ''}
self.current = None
def start_elem(self, name, attrs):
self.current = name
def end_elem(self, name, code_obj):
if name == 'font':
code_obj.properties['font'] = self.props
return True # to remove this handler
def char_data(self, data):
self.props[self.current] = str(data.strip())
# end of class FontHandler
class EventsPropertyHandler(object):
def __init__(self):
self.handlers = {}
self.event_name = None
self.curr_handler = []
def start_elem(self, name, attrs):
if name == 'handler':
self.event_name = attrs['event']
def end_elem(self, name, code_obj):
if name == 'handler':
if self.event_name and self.curr_handler:
self.handlers[self.event_name] = ''.join(self.curr_handler)
self.event_name = None
self.curr_handler = []
elif name == 'events':
code_obj.properties['events'] = self.handlers
return True
def char_data(self, data):
data = data.strip()
if data:
# end of class EventsPropertyHandler
class DummyPropertyHandler:
"""Empty handler for properties that do not need code"""
def start_elem(self, name, attrs): pass
def end_elem(self, name, code_obj): return True
def char_data(self, data): pass
# end of class DummyPropertyHandler
class ExtraPropertiesPropertyHandler(object):
def __init__(self):
self.props = {}
self.prop_name = None
self.curr_prop = []
def start_elem(self, name, attrs):
if name == 'property':
self.prop_name = attrs['name']
def end_elem(self, name, code_obj):
if name == 'property':
if self.prop_name and self.curr_prop:
self.props[self.prop_name] = ''.join(self.curr_prop)
self.prop_name = None
self.curr_prop = []
elif name == 'extraproperties':
code_obj.properties['extraproperties'] = self.props
return True # to remove this handler
def char_data(self, data):
data = data.strip()
if data:
# end of class ExtraPropertiesPropertyHandler
# dictionary whose items are custom handlers for widget properties
_global_property_writers = { 'font': FontPropertyHandler,
'events': EventsPropertyHandler,
'extraproperties': ExtraPropertiesPropertyHandler,
# dictionary of dictionaries of property handlers specific for a widget
# the keys are the class names of the widgets
# Ex: _property_writers['wxRadioBox'] = {'choices', choices_handler}
_property_writers = {}
def get_property_handler(property_name, widget_name):
try: cls = _property_writers[widget_name][property_name]
except KeyError: cls = _global_property_writers.get(property_name, None)
if cls: return cls()
return None
def add_property_handler(property_name, handler, widget_name=None):
sets a function to parse a portion of XML to get the value of the property
property_name. If widget_name is not None, the function is called only if
the property in inside a widget whose class is widget_name
if widget_name is None: _global_property_writers[property_name] = handler
try: _property_writers[widget_name][property_name] = handler
except KeyError:
_property_writers[widget_name] = { property_name: handler }
def add_widget_handler(widget_name, handler, *args, **kwds):
obj_builders[widget_name] = handler