# codegen.py: code generator functions for CustomWidget objects
# $Id: codegen.py,v 1.13 2007/08/07 12:13:43 agriggio Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Alberto Griggio <agriggio@users.sourceforge.net>
# License: MIT (see license.txt)
import common
class ArgumentsCodeHandler:
def __init__(self):
self.arguments = []
self.curr_arg = []
def start_elem(self, name, attrs):
def end_elem(self, name, code_obj):
if name == 'arguments':
code_obj.properties['arguments'] = self.arguments
return True
elif name == 'argument':
tab_name = "".join(self.curr_arg)
self.curr_arg = []
return False
def char_data(self, data):
# end of class ArgumentsCodeHandler
def _fix_arguments(arguments, parent, id, size):
# Dinogen, 29 oct 2003
# adding $width e $height:
vSize = size.split(',')
for i in range(len(arguments)):
if arguments[i] == '$parent': arguments[i] = parent
elif arguments[i] == '$id': arguments[i] = id
elif arguments[i] == '$width': arguments[i] = vSize[0]
elif arguments[i] == '$height': arguments[i] = vSize[1]
return arguments
class PythonCodeGenerator:
def get_code(self, widget):
if widget.preview and widget.klass not in widget.parser.class_names:
# if this CustomWidget refers to another class in the same wxg
# file, use that for the preview
#print "PREVIEW:", widget.klass, widget.parser.class_names
return self.get_code_preview(widget)
pygen = common.code_writers['python']
prop = widget.properties
id_name, id = pygen.generate_code_id(widget)
if not widget.parent.is_toplevel:
parent = 'self.%s' % widget.parent.name
else: parent = 'self'
init = []
if id_name: init.append(id_name)
arguments = _fix_arguments(
prop.get('arguments', []), parent, id,
prop.get('size', '-1, -1').strip())
init.append('self.%s = %s(%s)\n' % (widget.name, widget.klass,
", ".join(arguments)))
props_buf = pygen.generate_common_properties(widget)
return init, props_buf, []
def get_code_preview(self, widget):
pygen = common.code_writers['python']
if not widget.parent.is_toplevel:
parent = 'self.%s' % widget.parent.name
else: parent = 'self'
init = []
append = init.append
append('self.%s = wx.Window(%s, -1)\n' % (widget.name, parent))
on_paint_code = """\
def self_%s_on_paint(event):
widget = self.%s
dc = wx.PaintDC(widget)
w, h = widget.GetClientSize()
dc.DrawLine(0, 0, w, h)
dc.DrawLine(w, 0, 0, h)
text = 'Custom Widget: %s'
tw, th = dc.GetTextExtent(text)
x = (w - tw)/2
y = (h - th)/2
dc.SetPen(wx.ThePenList.FindOrCreatePen(wx.BLACK, 0, wx.TRANSPARENT))
dc.DrawRectangle(x-1, y-1, tw+2, th+2)
dc.DrawText(text, x, y)
""" % ((widget.name,) * 3)
for line in on_paint_code.splitlines():
append(line + '\n')
append('wx.EVT_PAINT(self.%s, self_%s_on_paint)\n' %
(widget.name, widget.name))
return init, [], []
# end of class PythonCodeGenerator
class CppCodeGenerator:
def get_code(self, widget):
cppgen = common.code_writers['C++']
prop = widget.properties
id_name, id = cppgen.generate_code_id(widget)
if id_name: ids = [ id_name ]
else: ids = []
if not widget.parent.is_toplevel: parent = '%s' % widget.parent.name
else: parent = 'this'
arguments = _fix_arguments(
prop.get('arguments', []), parent, id,
prop.get('size', '-1, -1').strip())
init = ['%s = new %s(%s);\n' % (widget.name, widget.klass,
", ".join(arguments)) ]
props_buf = cppgen.generate_common_properties(widget)
return init, ids, props_buf, []
# end of class CppCodeGenerator
def xrc_code_generator(obj):
xrcgen = common.code_writers['XRC']
class CustomXrcObject(xrcgen.DefaultXrcObject):
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
def write(self, outfile, ntabs):
# first, fix the class:
self.klass = obj.klass
# then, the attributes:
if 'arguments' in self.properties:
args = self.properties['arguments']
del self.properties['arguments']
for arg in args:
name, val = [s.strip() for s in arg.split(':', 1)]
except Exception, e:
print 'Exception:', e
continue # silently ignore malformed arguments
self.properties[name] = val
xrcgen.DefaultXrcObject.write(self, outfile, ntabs)
return CustomXrcObject(obj)
def initialize():
common.class_names['CustomWidget'] = 'CustomWidget'
# python code generation functions
pygen = common.code_writers.get('python')
if pygen:
pygen.add_widget_handler('CustomWidget', PythonCodeGenerator())
pygen.add_property_handler('arguments', ArgumentsCodeHandler,
cppgen = common.code_writers.get('C++')
if cppgen:
cppgen.add_widget_handler('CustomWidget', CppCodeGenerator())
cppgen.add_property_handler('arguments', ArgumentsCodeHandler,
xrcgen = common.code_writers.get('XRC')
if xrcgen:
xrcgen.add_widget_handler('CustomWidget', xrc_code_generator)
xrcgen.add_property_handler('arguments', ArgumentsCodeHandler,