# codegen.py: code generator functions for wxRadioBox objects
# $Id: codegen.py,v 1.13 2007/03/27 07:01:55 agriggio Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Alberto Griggio <agriggio@users.sourceforge.net>
# License: MIT (see license.txt)
import common
from ChoicesCodeHandler import *
class PythonCodeGenerator:
def get_code(self, obj):
pygen = common.code_writers['python']
prop = obj.properties
id_name, id = pygen.generate_code_id(obj)
label = pygen.quote_str(prop.get('label', ''))
choices = prop.get('choices', [])
major_dim = prop.get('dimension', '0')
if not obj.parent.is_toplevel: parent = 'self.%s' % obj.parent.name
else: parent = 'self'
style = prop.get("style")
if style: style = ", style=%s" % pygen.cn_f(style)
else: style = ''
init = []
if id_name: init.append(id_name)
choices = ', '.join([pygen.quote_str(c) for c in choices])
klass = obj.klass
if klass == obj.base: klass = pygen.cn(klass)
init.append('self.%s = %s(%s, %s, %s, choices=[%s], '
'majorDimension=%s%s)\n' % (obj.name, klass,
parent, id, label,
choices, major_dim, style))
props_buf = pygen.generate_common_properties(obj)
selection = prop.get('selection')
if selection is not None:
props_buf.append('self.%s.SetSelection(%s)\n' %
(obj.name, selection))
return init, props_buf, []
# end of class PythonCodeGenerator
def xrc_code_generator(obj):
xrcgen = common.code_writers['XRC']
class RadioBoxXrcObject(xrcgen.DefaultXrcObject):
def write_property(self, name, val, outfile, tabs):
if name == 'choices':
xrc_write_choices_property(self, outfile, tabs)
xrcgen.DefaultXrcObject.write_property(self, name, val,
outfile, tabs)
# end of class RadioBoxXrcObject
return RadioBoxXrcObject(obj)
class CppCodeGenerator:
def get_code(self, obj):
generates the C++ code for wxRadioBox objects
cppgen = common.code_writers['C++']
prop = obj.properties
id_name, id = cppgen.generate_code_id(obj)
if id_name: ids = [ id_name ]
else: ids = []
choices = prop.get('choices', [])
major_dim = prop.get('dimension', '0')
if not obj.parent.is_toplevel: parent = '%s' % obj.parent.name
else: parent = 'this'
number = len(choices)
ch_arr = '{\n %s\n };\n' % \
',\n '.join([cppgen.quote_str(c) for c in choices])
label = cppgen.quote_str(prop.get('label', ''))
style = prop.get("style", "0")
init = []
init.append('const wxString %s_choices[] = %s' % (obj.name, ch_arr))
init.append('%s = new %s(%s, %s, %s, wxDefaultPosition, '
'wxDefaultSize, %s, %s_choices, %s, %s);\n' % \
(obj.name, obj.klass, parent, id, label, number, obj.name,
major_dim, style))
props_buf = cppgen.generate_common_properties(obj)
selection = prop.get('selection')
if selection is not None:
props_buf.append('%s->SetSelection(%s);\n' % (obj.name, selection))
return init, ids, props_buf, []
# end of class CppCodeGenerator
def initialize():
common.class_names['EditRadioBox'] = 'wxRadioBox'
pygen = common.code_writers.get("python")
if pygen:
pygen.add_widget_handler('wxRadioBox', PythonCodeGenerator())
pygen.add_property_handler('choices', ChoicesCodeHandler)
xrcgen = common.code_writers.get("XRC")
if xrcgen:
xrcgen.add_widget_handler('wxRadioBox', xrc_code_generator)
xrcgen.add_property_handler('choices', ChoicesCodeHandler)
cppgen = common.code_writers.get('C++')
if cppgen:
cppgen.add_widget_handler('wxRadioBox', CppCodeGenerator())
cppgen.add_property_handler('choices', ChoicesCodeHandler)