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## \file keys.py
## Contains the Keys class.
import wx
import string
# Exceptions:
class InvalidKeyDescription(Exception):
"""Exception class."""
class KeyNotBound(Exception):
"""Exception class."""
# Keys
class Keys(object):
"""This class manages key strokes.
Key bindings correspond to special key attributes. The attribute
name is the name of the key and the value is a callable object
that takes no arguments.
>>> keys = Keys()
# Bind functions to keys...
>>> keys.ctrl_c = onExit
keys.shift_ctrl_tab = onFoo
# Remove a key binding
>>> del keys.ctrl_c
def __init__(self):
# Command dictionary. The keys are the tuples that contain the
# modifier flags and the key code. The value is a callable object.
self._commands = {}
# A dictionary that translates wx key codes into a string description
# The dictionary is built from the WXK_xyz constants
self._wxkeystrs = {}
wxkeys = filter(lambda x: x[0:4]=="WXK_", dir(wx))
for k in wxkeys:
code = getattr(wx, k)
self._wxkeystrs[code] = k[4:].capitalize()
# The Window object that uses this key manager
self._window = None
def attach(self, window):
self._window = window
wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN(window, self._onKeyDown)
# wx.EVT_KEY_UP(window, self._onKeyUp)
# wx.EVT_CHAR(window, self._onChar)
def detach(self):
def findCommandKeys(self, func):
"""Search the key table for a command and return all associated keys.
\param func (\c callable) The bound function
\return A list of readable key strings.
res = []
# Compare all commands...
for key in self._commands.iterkeys():
cmd = self._commands[key]
if func==cmd:
return res
## protected:
# def __setitem__(self, name, value):
# print "setitem"
# key = self._str2cmdkey(name)
# print "Setting",key,"to",value
# self._commands[key] = value
def _onKeyDown(self, event):
"""Handle a KeyDown event.
Note: This event handler is \b not called if the corresponding
description text is present in the menu. In that case, the menu
handles the events itself (a wx feature). But it seems this only
works with English modifier names.
print "KeyDown",
print "KeyCode:",event.GetKeyCode(),"RawKeyCode:",event.GetRawKeyCode()
# Create the key tuple
key = self._event2cmdkey(event)
# Check if the key was bound
if key in self._commands:
# Call the bound function
func = self._commands[key]
def _onKeyUp(self, event):
# print "KeyUp",
# print "KeyCode:",event.GetKeyCode(),"RawKeyCode:",event.GetRawKeyCode()
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name=="":
# If the name starts with an underscore then it's not a key description
if name[0]=="_":
object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
# Bind key...
# Create the key tuple
key = self._str2cmdkey(name)
# Remove an existing binding
if self._commands.has_key(key):
# Store the key binding
self._commands[key] = value
# Update menu items
def __delattr__(self, name):
# If the name starts with an underscore then it's not a key description
if name[0]=="_":
object.__delattr__(self, name)
# Create the key tuple
key = self._str2cmdkey(name)
# Check if a key binding exists
if self._commands.has_key(key):
func = self._commands[key]
del self._commands[key]
# Update menu items
raise KeyNotBound, "Key '%s' is not bound to a function."%name
def _updateMenu(self, func):
"""Update all menu items that are bound to func."""
# Check if any menu items have to be updated
menu = getattr(self._window, "menu", None)
if menu==None:
nodes = menu.findCommandNodes(func)
for n in nodes:
def _event2cmdkey(self, event):
"""Convert a key event into a tuple which can be used as key."""
return (bool(event.ShiftDown()), bool(event.ControlDown()),
bool(event.AltDown()), bool(event.MetaDown()),
def _str2cmdkey(self, s):
"""Convert a key description string into the key tuple."""
f = s.upper().split("_")
# Check if the modifiers are correct
for m in f[:-1]:
if m not in ["SHIFT", "CTRL", "ALT", "META"]:
raise InvalidKeyDescription, "Key '%s' contains invalid modifiers."%s
# Convert the last argument into a key code
skey = f[-1]
if len(skey)==1:
key = ord(skey)
key = getattr(wx, "WXK_%s"%skey, None)
if key==None:
raise InvalidKeyDescription, "Key '%s' does not exist."%s
return ("SHIFT" in f, "CTRL" in f, "ALT" in f, "META" in f, key)
def _cmdkey2text(self, key):
shift, ctrl, alt, meta, key = key
mods = []
if shift:
# mods.append("Umschalt")
if ctrl:
# mods.append("Strg")
if alt:
if meta:
ks = self._wxkeystrs.get(key, None)
if ks==None:
return string.join(mods, "+")