# Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# License.
# The Original Code is the Python Computer Graphics Kit.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Matthias Baas.
# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004
# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
# either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
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# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
# $Id: asfamcimport.py,v 1.2 2005/04/21 17:25:45 mbaas Exp $
import os.path, glob
from cgtypes import *
from quadrics import Sphere
from joint import Joint
from valuetable import ValueTable
import asfamc
import pluginmanager
from sl import *
# ASFReader
class ASFReader(asfamc.ASFReader):
"""Specialized ASF reader class.
The class creates a hierarchy of Joint objects.
def __init__(self, filename):
asfamc.ASFReader.__init__(self, filename)
# Bone data
self.bones = {}
# cgkit Joint objects (+root)
self.joints = {}
self.len_scale = 1.0
def onUnits(self, units):
self.len_scale = units.get("length", 1.0)
def onRoot(self, data):
pos = self.toVec3(data.get("position", (0,0,0)))
orient = self.toVec3(data.get("orientation", (0,0,0)))
pos = self.len_scale*vec3(pos)
orient = vec3(orient)
self.joints["root"] = Sphere(name="root", pos=pos, radius=0.2)
# Dummy "bone" data
self.bones["root"] = { "name":"root",
def onBonedata(self, bones):
for data in bones:
name = data.get("name")[0]
dir = self.toVec3(data.get("direction"))
length = self.len_scale*float(data.get("length")[0])
axis = self.toVec3(data.get("axis")[:3])
axis_order = data.get("axis")[3]
self.bones[name] = { "name":name,
"dof":data.get("dof", ""),
def onHierarchy(self, links):
# At the end, this list contains the leaves which need
# a dummy joint at the end.
leaves = []
for parentname, childnames in links:
leaves += childnames
if parentname in leaves:
# Create the second joint of the bone called parentname
# (which is the first joint of the bone called data["name"])
parent = self.joints[parentname]
data = self.bones[parentname]
dir = data["direction"].normalize()
length = data["length"]
for childname in childnames:
data = self.bones[childname]
axis = data["axis"]
ao = data["axis_order"]
axis_order = ao[2]+ao[1]+ao[0]
j = Joint(name = data["name"],
rotationorder = axis_order,
radius = 0.3,
pos = length*dir.normalize(),
parent = parent)
exec "fromEuler = mat3.fromEuler%s"%axis_order.upper()
R = fromEuler(radians(axis.x), radians(axis.y), radians(axis.z))
self.joints[j.name] = j
# Create end joints
for name in leaves:
parent = self.joints[name]
data = self.bones[name]
dir = data["direction"].normalize()
dir = vec3(0)
length = data["length"]
Joint(name = name+"_end",
rotationorder = "xyz",
radius = 0.3,
pos = length*dir,
parent = parent)
def toVec3(self, stup):
return vec3(map(lambda x: float(x), stup))
# AMCReader
class AMCReader(asfamc.AMCReader):
"""Specialized AMC reader class.
When reading the AMC file, the content is just read and stored
in self.values.
Once the data is read, the applyMotion() method has to be called
which takes an instance of an ASFReader class and the framerate
of the data as input.
def __init__(self, filename):
asfamc.AMCReader.__init__(self, filename)
# Key: Bone name Value: A list of values (one sublist per frame)
self.values = {}
def onFrame(self, framenr, data):
for name,values in data:
if name not in self.values:
self.values[name] = []
def applyMotion(self, asf, framerate=25):
"""Apply the motion to a previously read skeleton.
asf is the ASFReader class that has already read the skeleton.
framerate is the rate that was used to record the motion data.
for name in self.values.keys():
track = self.values[name]
print name,
if name=="root":
self.applyRootTrack(asf, track, framerate)
self.applyBoneTrack(asf, name, track, framerate)
print ""
def applyBoneTrack(self, asf, name, track, framerate):
data = asf.bones[name]
order = data["dof"]
order = map(lambda s: s.lower(), order)
vtabx = []
vtaby = []
vtabz = []
framenr = 0
for vals in track:
t = float(framenr)/framerate
d = self.valueDict(vals, order)
if "rx" in d:
if "ry" in d:
if "rz" in d:
framenr += 1
total_t = float(framenr)/framerate
joint = asf.joints[name]
if vtabx!=[]:
vt = ValueTable(type="double", values=vtabx, modulo=total_t)
if vtaby!=[]:
vt = ValueTable(type="double", values=vtaby, modulo=total_t)
if vtabz!=[]:
vt = ValueTable(type="double", values=vtabz, modulo=total_t)
def applyRootTrack(self, asf, track, framerate):
len_scale = asf.len_scale
data = asf.bones["root"]
order = data["order"]
order = map(lambda s: s.lower(), order)
ao = data["axis_order"]
axis_order = ao[2]+ao[1]+ao[0]
vtab = []
vtabrot = []
framenr = 0
for vals in track:
t = float(framenr)/framerate
d = self.valueDict(vals, order)
pos = len_scale*vec3(d["tx"], d["ty"], d["tz"])
vtab.append((t, pos))
ang = vec3(d["rx"], d["ry"], d["rz"])
exec "fromEuler = mat3.fromEuler%s"%axis_order.upper()
R = fromEuler(radians(ang.x), radians(ang.y), radians(ang.z))
vtabrot.append((t, R))
framenr += 1
total_t = float(framenr)/framerate
vt = ValueTable(values=vtab, modulo=total_t)
vr = ValueTable(values=vtabrot, type="mat3", modulo=total_t)
# valueDict
def valueDict(self, values, order):
"""Convert a value list into a dictionary.
values is a sequence of values whose order is defined by the
argument order. order must be a sequence of strings where each
string defines the meaning of the corresponding value in the
list values.
Example: values = [10,20,30] order = ["tx", "ty", "tz"]
Result: {"tx":10, "ty":20, "tz":30}
if len(values)!=len(order):
raise ValueError, "Invalid number of values"
res = {}
for v,t in zip(values, order):
return res
# ASFImporter
class ASFImporter:
_protocols = ["Import"]
# extension
def extension():
"""Return the file extensions for this format."""
return ["asf"]
extension = staticmethod(extension)
# description
def description(self):
"""Return a short description for the file dialog."""
return "Acclaim Skeleton File"
description = staticmethod(description)
# importFile
def importFile(self, filename):
"""Import an ASF file."""
asf = ASFReader(filename)
# AMCImporter
class AMCImporter:
_protocols = ["Import"]
# extension
def extension():
"""Return the file extensions for this format."""
return ["amc"]
extension = staticmethod(extension)
# description
def description(self):
"""Return a short description for the file dialog."""
return "Acclaim Motion Capture Data"
description = staticmethod(description)
# importFile
def importFile(self, filename, asf=None, framerate=30):
"""Import an AMC file."""
if asf==None:
# Check for an ASF file with the same name than the AMC file
asf, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
asf += ".asf"
if not os.path.exists(asf):
dir = os.path.dirname(filename)
asflist = glob.glob(os.path.join(dir, "*.asf"))
if len(asflist)==1:
asf = asflist[0]
elif len(asflist)==0:
raise ValueError, "No skeleton file found."
raise ValueError, "There are several skeleton files in the directory, please specify one or rename the ASF file so it is identical with the AMC file."
asf = ASFReader(asf)
amc = AMCReader(filename)
# print 'Reading motion file "%s"...'%amcfile
# print "Applying motion..."
amc.applyMotion(asf, framerate=framerate)
# Register the Importer class as a plugin class