# Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
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# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# License.
# The Original Code is the Python Computer Graphics Kit.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Matthias Baas.
# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004
# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
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# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
# $Id: component.py,v 1.3 2005/08/15 15:47:56 mbaas Exp $
## \file component.py
## Contains the Component base class.
from _core import Component
from Interfaces import ISceneItem
import protocols, copy, inspect, re
from slots import *
import scene
# Component
class Component(_Component):
"""Base component class.
- name (\c str): The name of the component
def __init__(self, name="", auto_insert=True):
_Component.__init__(self, name)
if auto_insert:
def protocols(self):
return [ISceneItem]
def connect(self, srcslot, dstslot):
def _parseFuncDecl(funcdecl):
"""Parse a function declaration string.
The syntax of the string is like a C function declaration:
<result_type> <func_name>(<parameters>)
Example: "vec3 f(double x, double x, double z)"
The function name may be left out
The function returns a tuple (result_type, func_name, params)
where params is a list of tuples (name, type, default). The name of a
parameter might also be empty.
funcdecl = funcdecl.strip()
# Parse the result type...
m = re.match("[a-zA-Z0-9]+ ", funcdecl)
if m==None:
raise SyntaxError, "No valid return type found"
restype = funcdecl[m.start():m.end()].strip()
# Parse the function name...
s = funcdecl[m.end():]
i = s.find("(")
if i==-1:
raise SyntaxError, "Parameter block is missing"
funcname = s[:i].strip()
# Parse the arguments...
args = s[i+1:-1].split(",")
inputs = []
for s in args:
s = s.strip()
f = s.split()
if len(f)==1:
type = f[0]
name = ""
elif len(f)==2:
type,name = f
raise SyntaxError, "Invalid parameter declaration: '%s'"%s
return restype, funcname, inputs
def _inspectFuncDecl(func):
"""Determine the function declaration from the function itself.
The function returns a tuple (result_type, func_name, params)
where params is a list of tuples (name, type, default).
result_type and params may also be None if they cannot be determined
(i.e. if not every argument to the function has a default value).
# Extract function name...
funcname = func.__name__
args,va,vkw,defaults = inspect.getargspec(func)
# Only proceed if every argument has a default value
if defaults==None or len(args)!=len(defaults):
return None, funcname, None
# Extract the argument types (=the types of the default values)
inputs = []
for name, value in zip(args, defaults):
type = value.__class__.__name__
if type=="float":
type = "double"
inputs.append((name, type, value))
# Determine the result type
v = func()
restype = v.__class__.__name__
if restype=="float":
restype = "double"
return restype, funcname, inputs
def _defaultValueLiteral(type, default):
"""Convert a value into a string so that it can be executed again.
if default==None:
return ""
if type in ["vec3", "vec4"]:
return "%s(%s)"%(type,default)
return "%s"%default
def createFunctionComponentSource(clsname, restype, funcname, inputs):
"""Create a string that creates a component class.
res = """from cgkit import _core
from cgkit.scene import getScene
class %s(Component):
def __init__(self):
Component.__init__(self, func.__name__)
# Create output slot
outname = "output"
slotclassname = "Procedural%sSlot"%restype.capitalize()
slotname = "%s_slot"%outname
res += " self.%s = %s(self.compute%s)\n"%(slotname, slotclassname, outname.capitalize())
res += ' self.addSlot("%s", self.%s)\n'%(outname, slotname)
# Create input slots
for name, type, default in inputs:
slotclassname = "%sSlot"%type.capitalize()
slotname = "%s_slot"%name
res += " self.%s = %s(%s)\n"%(slotname, slotclassname, _defaultValueLiteral(type, default))
res += ' self.addSlot("%s", self.%s)\n'%(name, slotname)
res += " self.%s.addDependent(self.%s_slot)\n"%(slotname, outname)
if name=="time" and type=="double":
res += " getScene().timer().time_slot.connect(self.%s)\n"%slotname
# res += " self._func_obj = %s\n"%funcname
res += " self._func_obj = func\n"
res += '\n exec slotPropertyCode("%s")\n'%(outname)
for name,type,default in inputs:
res += ' exec slotPropertyCode("%s")\n'%(name)
res += """\n def compute%s(self):
return self._func_obj("""%(outname.capitalize())
inames = map(lambda x: "%s=self.%s"%(x[0],x[0]), inputs)
res += ", ".join(inames)
res += ")\n"
return res
# createFunctionComponent
def createFunctionComponent(func, funcdeclaration=None):
if funcdeclaration==None:
restype, funcname, inputs = _inspectFuncDecl(func)
if restype==None:
raise ValueError, "Cannot determine the types of the arguments and the return value."
restype, funcname, inputs = _parseFuncDecl(funcdeclaration)
if funcname==None or funcname=="":
funcname = func.__name__
clsname = funcname.capitalize()
s = createFunctionComponentSource(clsname, restype, funcname, inputs)
ns = copy.copy(globals())
exec s in ns
return ns[clsname]