# Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
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# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# License.
# The Original Code is the Python Computer Graphics Kit.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Matthias Baas.
# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004
# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
# either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
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# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
# $Id: glmaterial.py,v 1.6 2006/04/05 08:17:32 mbaas Exp $
## \file glmaterial.py
## Contains the GLMaterial class.
import _core
from cgtypes import *
from _OpenGL.GL import *
from _OpenGL.GLU import *
import math
import sys, os, os.path
import _Image as Image
import glslangparams
from slots import *
GLSLANG_VERTEX = _core.GLShader.ShaderType.VERTEX
# GLTexture
class GLTexture(_core.GLTexture):
def __init__(self,
imagename = "",
image = None,
mode = GL_DECAL,
mipmap = True,
mag_filter = GL_LINEAR,
min_filter = GL_LINEAR,
wrap_s = GL_REPEAT,
wrap_t = GL_REPEAT,
internalformat = GL_RGB,
texenvcolor = vec4(1),
transform = mat4(1),
size = None,
environment_map = False):
self.imagename = imagename
self.mode = mode
self.mag_filter = mag_filter
if mipmap and min_filter==GL_LINEAR:
self.min_filter = min_filter
self.wrap_s = wrap_s
self.wrap_t = wrap_t
self.texenvcolor = vec4(texenvcolor)
self.transform = transform
self.environment_map = environment_map
self.mipmap = mipmap
self.internalformat = internalformat
self.size = size
self._image = image
# Remember the current working directory
self._path = os.getcwd()
# loadTexData
def loadTexData(self):
"""Load and apply texture file.
# No image data set? Then use the file name and load the image...
if self.image==None:
if self.imagename=="":
print 'Loading "%s"...'%self.imagename,
fullname = os.path.join(self._path, self.imagename)
img = Image.open(fullname)
except IOError, e:
print "failed"
print e
data = self.image
if type(data)==str:
# Raw image data as string
w,h = self.size
format = self.internalformat
self.texData(w, h, format, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data)
# PIL image
## protected:
def _passPILImage(self, img):
"""Pass a PIL image back to OpenGL.
img must be a PIL image.
The image is scaled to a power of 2 if necessary.
img = self._fitPILImage(img)
w,h = img.size
if img.mode=="RGB":
format = GL_RGB
elif img.mode=="RGBA":
format = GL_RGBA
raise RuntimeError, "Unsupported texture format (%s)"%img.mode
self.texData(w, h, format, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, img.tostring())
def _fitPILImage(self, img):
"""Scale the image to a power of 2 resolution.
The image is scale to the user specified resolution. If no
resolution was set, the next higher power of 2 resolution is used.
If the image resolution is already a power of 2 then
the input image is returned.
w,h = img.size
if self.size==None:
w2 = 2**int(math.ceil(math.log(w)/math.log(2)))
h2 = 2**int(math.ceil(math.log(h)/math.log(2)))
w2,h2 = self.size
if w2!=w or h2!=h:
img = img.resize((w2,h2), Image.BICUBIC)
return img
# "image" property...
def _getImage(self):
"""Return the current image.
This method is used for retrieving the \a image property.
\return PIL Image (or None)
return self._image
def _setImage(self, img):
"""Set a new texture image.
This method is used for setting the \a image property.
\param image PIL image or None
self._image = img
# Assign the name again so that the image data will be reloaded
self.imagename = self.imagename
image = property(_getImage, _setImage, None, "Texture image")
# GLShader
class GLShader(_core.GLShader):
"""OpenGL 2 shader source file.
def __init__(self,
cpp = None,
cpperrstream = sys.stderr,
_core.GLShader.__init__(self, shadertype, filename)
# Extract the shader parameters...
uniform,attribute,varying = glslangparams.glslangparams(filename, cpp=cpp, cpperrstream=cpperrstream)
self._uniform = {}
for type,name,arraysize,structname,struct in uniform:
if type=="struct":
print "Warning: structs are not yet supported"
self._uniform[name] = (type,name,arraysize,structname,struct)
for paramname in shaderparams:
setattr(self, paramname, shaderparams[paramname])
def __str__(self):
if self.type==GLSLANG_VERTEX:
stype = "vertex"
stype = "fragment"
return "<%s shader '%s'>"%(stype, os.path.basename(self.filename))
# getattr
def __getattr__(self, attr):
"""Return slot value or None if the slot wasn't created yet.
An attempt an unknwon attribute (i.e. no uniform var) results
in an error.
slot = self.__dict__.get("%s_slot"%attr, None)
if slot!=None:
return slot.getValue()
if attr in self._uniform:
return None
raise AttributeError, "shader '%s' has no parameter '%s'"%(self.filename, attr)
# setattr
def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
if attr in ["_uniform"] or attr[-5:]=="_slot":
_core.GLShader.__setattr__(self, attr, value)
# Is attr a slot variable?
slot = self.__dict__.get("%s_slot"%attr, None)
if slot!=None:
# Is it a parameter that has no value yet? then we must create
# a new slot...
uniform = getattr(self, "_uniform", [])
if attr in uniform:
slot = self._createSlot(attr, uniform[attr][0])
raise AttributeError, "shader '%s' has no parameter '%s'"%(self.filename, attr)
# iterUniform
def iterUniform(self):
return self._uniform.itervalues()
# _createSlot
def _createSlot(self, param, type):
"""Create a slot for a parameter.
param is the name of the parameter and type its OpenGL type (as str).
slot_lut = {"bool" : "BoolSlot",
"float" : "DoubleSlot",
"int" : "IntSlot",
"bvec2" : "Vec3Slot",
"bvec3" : "Vec3Slot",
"bvec4" : "Vec4Slot",
"ivec2" : "Vec3Slot",
"ivec3" : "Vec3Slot",
"bvec4" : "Vec4Slot",
"vec2" : "Vec3Slot",
"vec3" : "Vec3Slot",
"vec4" : "Vec4Slot",
"mat2" : "Mat3Slot",
"mat3" : "Mat3Slot",
"mat4" : "Mat4Slot",
"sampler1D" : "IntSlot",
"sampler2D" : "IntSlot",
"sampler3D" : "IntSlot",
"samplerCube" : "IntSlot",
"sampler1DShadow" : "IntSlot",
"sampler2DShadow" : "IntSlot"}
slotname = slot_lut.get(type, None)
if slotname==None:
raise ValueError, "Invalid parameter type: %s"%type
exec "slot = %s()"%slotname
self.addSlot(param, slot)
# Store the slot as <param>_slot
setattr(self, "%s_slot"%param, slot)
return slot
# GLMaterial
class GLMaterial(_core.GLMaterial):
def __init__(self,
name = "GLMaterial",
ambient = (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1),
diffuse = (0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1),
specular = (0,0,0,1),
shininess = 0.0,
emission = (0,0,0,1),
blend_factors = None,
texture = None,
vertex_shader = None,
fragment_shader = None,
_core.GLMaterial.__init__(self, name, density)
self.ambient = vec4(ambient)
self.diffuse = vec4(diffuse)
self.specular = vec4(specular)
self.shininess = shininess
self.emission = vec4(emission)
if texture!=None:
if isinstance(texture, _core.GLTexture):
texture = [texture]
for i,tex in enumerate(texture):
if vertex_shader!=None:
if isinstance(vertex_shader, _core.GLShader):
vertex_shader = [vertex_shader]
for i,shd in enumerate(vertex_shader):
if fragment_shader!=None:
if isinstance(fragment_shader, _core.GLShader):
fragment_shader = [fragment_shader]
for i,shd in enumerate(fragment_shader):
if blend_factors!=None:
self.blend_sfactor = blend_factors[0]
self.blend_dfactor = blend_factors[1]