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# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# License.
# The Original Code is the Python Computer Graphics Kit.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Matthias Baas.
# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004
# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
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# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
# $Id: glslangparams.py,v 1.2 2006/04/12 11:52:09 mbaas Exp $
"""Extract shader parameters from an OpenGL shader source file.
import sys, copy
import StringIO
import cgkit.glslangtokenize as glslangtokenize
import cgkit.simplecpp as simplecpp
import cgkit.slparams as slparams
class GLSLangParseError(Exception):
# _GLSLangParser
class _GLSLangParser:
"""Extract variables from a glslang shader.
def __init__(self, file, structs=None):
fils is a file-like object.
structs is a dictionary containing the 'predefined' structs.
This is used internally when the contents of a struct is
recursively parsed.
# The following lists receive the result:
# Contains 2-tuples (type, identifier)
self.attribute = []
# Contains 3-tuples (type, identifier, arraysize)
self.varying = []
# Contains 5-tuples (type, identifier, arraysize, structname, struct)
self.uniform = []
# Contains 5-tuples (type, identifier, arraysize, structname, struct)
self.const = []
# Contains 5-tuples (type, identifier, arraysize, structname, struct)
self.other = []
# file
self.file = file
# Current state
self.state = self.initialState
# Current qualifier
self.qualifier = None
# Current type
self.type = None
# Identifier
self.identifier = None
# String with the array size
self.arraysize = None
# Struct name
self.structname = None
self.struct = None
self.named_structs = {}
if structs!=None:
self.named_structs = copy.deepcopy(structs)
# Number of open parentheses
self.openparen = 0
# The contents of a struct as a string
# (for calling the parser again on this)
self.structcontents = ""
def read(self):
"""Read the file.
glslangtokenize.tokenize(self.file.readline, self.tokeater)
def tokeater(self, type, s, start, end, line, filename):
"""Token eater.
This method skips whitespace and newlines and calls the
current state method.
self.state(type, s, start, end, line, filename)
def switchState(self, state):
"""Switch to a different state.
state is a callable.
self.state = state
def variable(self):
"""Store a result variable.
This method is called by the states whenever all information for
a variable has been read.
if self.qualifier=="attribute":
self.attribute.append((self.type, self.identifier))
elif self.qualifier=="varying":
self.varying.append((self.type, self.identifier, self.arraysize))
elif self.qualifier=="uniform":
self.uniform.append((self.type, self.identifier, self.arraysize, self.structname, self.struct))
elif self.qualifier=="const":
self.const.append((self.type, self.identifier, self.arraysize, self.structname, self.struct))
self.other.append((self.type, self.identifier, self.arraysize, self.structname, self.struct))
# States:
# Each state takes the same arguments as a token reader
def initialState(self, type, s, start, end, line, filename):
"""Initial state.
self.qualifier = None
self.type = None
self.identifier = None
self.arraysize = None
self.structname = None
self.struct = None
if type==QUALIFIER:
self.qualifier = s
elif type==TYPE and s!="struct":
self.type = s
elif s=="struct":
self.type = s
# Is the type a previously defined struct?
if s in self.named_structs:
self.type = "struct"
self.structname = s
self.struct = self.named_structs[s]
raise GLSLangParseError, "%s, line %d: Syntax error: %s"%(filename, start[0], s)
def qualifierState(self, type, s, start, end, line, filename):
"""A qualifier has been read.
if type==TYPE and s!="struct":
self.type = s
if self.qualifier in ["attribute", "varying"] and s not in ["float", "vec2", "vec3", "vec4", "mat2", "mat3", "mat4"]:
raise GLSLangParseError, "%s, line %d: Invalid type for an %s variable: %s"%(filename, start[0], self.qualifier, s)
elif s=="struct":
self.type = s
# Is the type a previously defined struct?
if s in self.named_structs:
self.type = "struct"
self.structname = s
self.struct = self.named_structs[s]
if self.qualifier in ["attribute", "varying"]:
raise GLSLangParseError, "%s, line %d: %s variables cannot be declared as structs"%(filename, start[0], self.qualifier)
raise GLSLangParseError, "%s, line %d: Syntax error: %s"%(filename, start[0], s)
def typeState(self, type, s, start, end, line, filename):
"""The type of a varibale has been read.
if type==NAME:
self.identifier = s
elif s==";":
raise GLSLangParseError, "%s, line %d: Syntax error: %s"%(filename, start[0], s)
def nameState(self, type, s, start, end, line, filename):
"""The name of a variable/function has been read.
if s==",":
elif s==";":
elif s=="[":
self.arraysize = ""
if self.qualifier=="attribute":
raise GLSLangParseError, "%s, line %d: attribute variables cannot be declared as arrays"%(filename, start[0])
elif s=="(":
self.openparen = 1
elif s=="=":
raise GLSLangParseError, "%s, line %d: Syntax error: %s"%(filename, start[0], s)
def initState(self, type, s, start, end, line, filename):
"""A '=' has been encountered.
Skip the initializer.
if s==";":
def arrayState(self, type, s, start, end, line, filename):
"""A '[' has been encountered.
if s=="]":
self.arraysize += s
def arrayState2(self, type, s, start, end, line, filename):
if s==";":
elif s==",":
self.arraysize = None
raise GLSLangParseError, "%s, line %d: Syntax error: %s"%(filename, start[0], s)
def functionState(self, type, s, start, end, line, filename):
"""Skip function args.
if s=="(":
self.openparen += 1
elif s==")":
self.openparen -= 1
if self.openparen==0:
def functionState2(self, type, s, start, end, line, filename):
"""Skip function body.
# If this was only a function prototype there will be an immediate
# semicolon instead of the function body
if self.openparen==0 and s==";":
elif s=="{":
self.openparen += 1
elif s=="}":
if self.openparen==0:
raise GLSLangParseError, "%s, line %d: '{' expected, got '}'"%(filename, start[0])
self.openparen -= 1
if self.openparen==0:
elif self.openparen==0:
raise GLSLangParseError, "%s, line %d: Syntax error: %s"%(filename, start[0], s)
def structState(self, type, s, start, end, line, filename):
"""The keyword 'struct' has been read.
self.structcontents = ""
if type==NAME:
self.structname = s
elif s=="{":
raise GLSLangParseError, "%s, line %d: Syntax error: %s"%(filename, start[0], s)
def structState2(self, type, s, start, end, line, filename):
"""The struct name has been read.
if s=="{":
raise GLSLangParseError, "%s, line %d: Syntax error: %s"%(filename, start[0], s)
def structState3(self, type, s, start, end, line, filename):
"""Collect the struct contents.
if s=="}":
f = StringIO.StringIO(self.structcontents)
p = _GLSLangParser(f, structs=self.named_structs)
self.struct = p.other
if self.structname!="":
self.named_structs[self.structname] = self.struct
self.structcontents += s+" "
# glslangparams
def glslangparams(shader=None, cpp=None, cpperrstream=sys.stderr):
"""Extracts the shader parameters from an OpenGL 2 shader source file.
The argument *shader* is either the name of the shader source file
or a file-like object that provides the shader sources.
*cpp* determines how the shader source is preprocessed. It
can either be a string containing the name of an external
preprocessor tool (such as ``cpp``) that must take the file name as
parameter and dump the preprocessed output to stdout or it can be
a callable that takes *shader* and *cpperrstream* as input and returns
the preprocessed sources as a string. If the external
preprocessor does not produce any data a :exc:`PreprocessorNotFound`
exception is thrown.
The error stream of the preprocessor is written to the object
that is specified by *cpperrstream* which must have a :meth:`write()`
method. If *cpperrstream* is ``None``, the error stream is ignored.
If *cpp* is ``None`` a simple internal preprocessor based on the
:mod:`simplecpp` module is used.
The function returns three lists (*uniform*, *attribute*, *varying*)
that contain the variables with the corresponding qualifier.
A uniform variable is a 5-tuple (*type*, *identifier*, *arraysize*,
*structname*, *struct*). *arraysize* is a string containing the
expression for the length of the array (i.e. the value between
the square brackets). If the variable is no array, *arraysize* is ``None``.
When the variable is a struct, *type* has the value ``'struct'``. In this
case, the struct is given in *struct* (which is itself a list of
variables as 5-tuples). If the struct has a name, this name is
given in *structname*, otherwise *structname* is ``None``.
An attribute variable is a 2-tuple (*type*, *identifier*) and a
varying variable is a 3-tuple (*type*, *identifier*, *arraysize*) where
*arraysize* is defined as in the uniform case.
# Run the preprocessor on the input file...
if cpp==None:
cpp = simplecpp.PreProcessor()
glslangsrc = slparams.preprocess(cpp, shader, cpperrstream)
f = StringIO.StringIO(glslangsrc)
# Extract the variables...
parser = _GLSLangParser(f)
return parser.uniform, parser.attribute, parser.varying