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# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# License.
# The Original Code is the Python Computer Graphics Kit.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Matthias Baas.
# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004
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# Contributor(s):
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# $Id: gnuplotter.py,v 1.3 2005/03/31 17:11:56 mbaas Exp $
## \file gnuplotter.py
## Contains the GnuPlotter class.
import sys
import component
import eventmanager, events
from scene import getScene
from slots import *
from cgtypes import *
import _core
import Gnuplot
gnuplot_installed = True
gnuplot_installed = False
class _PlotDesc:
def __init__(self, slot, title):
self.slot = slot
self.title = title
self.data = []
# GnuPlotter
class GnuPlotter(component.Component):
"""Graph plotter using gnuplot.
def __init__(self,
name = "GnuPlotter",
title = None,
xlabel = None,
ylabel = None,
xrange = None,
yrange = None,
inputs = 1,
plottitles = [],
starttime = 0.0,
endtime = 99999.0,
enabled = True,
auto_insert = True):
global gnuplot_installed
component.Component.__init__(self, name, auto_insert)
self.enabled = enabled
self.inputs = inputs
self.plot_data = []
self.starttime = starttime
self.endtime = endtime
for i in range(inputs):
s = DoubleSlot()
exec "self.input%d_slot = s"%(i+1)
if i<len(plottitles):
t = plottitles[i]
t = None
pd = _PlotDesc(slot=s, title=t)
if not enabled:
if not gnuplot_installed:
print >>sys.stderr, "Warning: PyGnuplot is not installed"
self.gp = Gnuplot.Gnuplot()
self.gp('set data style lines')
self.gp("set grid")
self.gp("set xzeroaxis")
if title!=None:
if xlabel!=None:
if ylabel!=None:
if yrange!=None:
# self.gp("set yrange [%f:%f]"%tuple(yrange))
if xrange!=None:
self._delay = 0
eventmanager.eventManager().connect(events.STEP_FRAME, self)
def onStepFrame(self):
if not self.enabled:
t = getScene().timer().time
if t<self.starttime or t>self.endtime:
for pd in self.plot_data:
pd.data.append((t, pd.slot.getValue()))
if self._delay==0:
a = []
for pd in self.plot_data:
data = pd.data
# There seems to be a bug in Gnuplot.py 1.7 that prevents
# data arrays with only one item to be displayed. So the
# following is a workaround (the point is just duplicated).
if len(data)==1:
data = 2*data
data = Gnuplot.Data(data, title=pd.title)
self._delay = 0
self._delay -= 1