# Render using Blender
import os, os.path, subprocess, sys, traceback
import cgkit.jobqueue
class blender(cgkit.jobqueue.JobProc):
"""Render a Blender file.
def __init__(self, blendFile=None, output=None, frames=None, format=None,
addExtension=None, sceneName=None, threads=None,
blenderCmd = "blender",
blendFile: The file to render (option -b)
output: The output path and name (option -o).
frames: This is either a single int to render a single frame, a tuple
(start,end) to render a frame range or None to render everything.
The start or the end may be None to indicate the start or end
of the entire animation.
format: A string describing the output format (option -F).
addExtension: A boolean indicating whether a file extension should be added
or not (option -x).
sceneName: The scene name (option -S)
threads: The number of threads that should be used for rendering (option -t).
0=system processor count.
blenderCmd: The name of the Blender executable
label: The GUI label string
# Check the parameter types...
if not isinstance(blendFile, basestring):
raise TypeError("blendFile argument must be a string, got a %s instead"%getattr(type(blendFile), "__name__", "?"))
if not (output is None or isinstance(output, basestring)):
raise TypeError("output argument must be a string or None, got a %s instead"%getattr(type(output), "__name__", "?"))
if not (format is None or isinstance(format, basestring)):
raise TypeError("format argument must be a string or None, got a %s instead"%getattr(type(format), "__name__", "?"))
if not (addExtension is None or type(addExtension) is bool):
raise TypeError("format argument must be a string or None, got a %s instead"%getattr(type(addExtension), "__name__", "?"))
if not (sceneName is None or isinstance(sceneName, basestring)):
raise TypeError("sceneName argument must be a string or None, got a %s instead"%getattr(type(sceneName), "__name__", "?"))
if not (threads is None or type(threads) is int):
raise TypeError("threads argument must be an int or None, got a %s instead"%getattr(type(threads), "__name__", "?"))
if not isinstance(blenderCmd, basestring):
raise TypeError("blenderCmd argument must be a string, got a %s instead"%getattr(type(blenderCmd), "__name__", "?"))
if frames is None:
startFrame = None
endFrame = None
elif type(frames) is int:
startFrame = frames
endFrame = frames
s,e = frames
raise TypeError("frames argument must be an int, two ints or None")
if not (s is None or type(s) is int):
raise TypeError("The start frame must be an int or None, got a %s instead"%getattr(type(s), "__name__", "?"))
if not (e is None or type(e) is int):
raise TypeError("The end frame must be an int or None, got a %s instead"%getattr(type(e), "__name__", "?"))
startFrame = s
endFrame = e
# Set the default label if no label was given
if label is None:
label = 'Blender "%s"'%os.path.basename(blendFile)
cgkit.jobqueue.JobProc.__init__(self, label=label)
# Store the parameters
self._blenderExec = blenderCmd
self._blendFile = blendFile
self._output = output
self._startFrame = startFrame
self._endFrame = endFrame
self._format = format
self._addExtension = addExtension
self._sceneName = sceneName
self._threads = threads
self._currentFrame = None
self._hasError = False
self._errorLine = ""
def run(self):
"""Run Blender.
cmd = self.createCommandLine()
print >>self.stdout, cmd
ret = self.execCmd(cmd)
if ret!=0:
print >>self.stderr, "\nReturn code:",ret
self._hasError = True
self._errorLine = "Return code: %s"%ret
if self._hasError:
def stdoutCallback(self, lineNr, line):
"""Scan stdout for errors.
if line.startswith("ERROR:") and not self._hasError:
print >>self.stderr, "stdout, line %s:\n%s"%(lineNr+1, line)
print >>self.stderr, "(see stdout for more details)"
self._hasError = True
self._errorLine = line
elif line.startswith("Fra:"):
frame = int(line[4:].split()[0])
frame = self._currentFrame
if frame!=self._currentFrame:
self._currentFrame = frame
if self._startFrame is not None and self._endFrame is not None:
pc = 100*(frame-self._startFrame)/(self._endFrame-self._startFrame+1)
def stderrCallback(self, lineNr, line):
"""Scan stderr for errors.
if not self._hasError and line.strip()!="":
self._hasError = True
def createCommandLine(self):
"""Return the command line for invoking Blender.
toks = [self._blenderExec]
toks.append('-b "%s"'%self._blendFile)
if self._sceneName is not None:
toks.append('-S "%s"'%self._sceneName)
if self._output is not None:
toks.append('-o "%s"'%self._output)
if self._addExtension is not None:
toks.append("-x %d"%int(self._addExtension))
if self._format is not None:
toks.append("-F %s"%self._format)
if self._threads is not None:
toks.append("-t %s"%self._threads)
if self._startFrame is not None and self._startFrame==self._endFrame:
toks.append("-f %d"%self._startFrame)
if self._startFrame is not None:
toks.append("-s %s"%self._startFrame)
if self._endFrame is not None:
toks.append("-e %s"%self._endFrame)
return " ".join(toks)