# Render using Maya
import os, os.path, subprocess, sys, traceback
import cgkit.jobqueue
class maya(cgkit.jobqueue.JobProc):
"""Render a Maya file.
def __init__(self, sceneFile=None, project=None,
startFrame=None, endFrame=None,
renderCmd = "Render",
label: The GUI label string
# Check the parameter types...
if not isinstance(sceneFile, basestring):
raise TypeError("sceneFile argument must be a string, got a %s instead"%getattr(type(sceneFile), "__name__", "?"))
if not (project is None or isinstance(project, basestring)):
raise TypeError("project argument must be a string or None, got a %s instead"%getattr(type(project), "__name__", "?"))
if not (startFrame is None or type(startFrame) in [int, float]):
raise TypeError("startFrame must be a number type or None, got a %s instead"%getattr(type(startFrame), "__name__", "?"))
if not (endFrame is None or type(endFrame) in [int, float]):
raise TypeError("endFrame must be a number type or None, got a %s instead"%getattr(type(endFrame), "__name__", "?"))
if not isinstance(renderCmd, basestring):
raise TypeError("renderCmd argument must be a string, got a %s instead"%getattr(type(renderCmd), "__name__", "?"))
# Set the default label if no label was given
if label is None:
label = 'Maya "%s"'%os.path.basename(sceneFile)
cgkit.jobqueue.JobProc.__init__(self, label=label)
# Store the parameters
toks = [renderCmd]
if startFrame is not None:
toks.append("-s %s"%startFrame)
if endFrame is not None:
toks.append("-e %s"%endFrame)
if project is not None and project!="":
toks.append('-proj "%s"'%project)
self._cmdLine = " ".join(toks)
def run(self):
"""Run the Render tool.
print >>self.stdout, self._cmdLine
ret = self.execCmd(self._cmdLine)
if ret!=0:
print >>self.stderr, "\nReturn code:",ret
def stdoutCallback(self, lineNr, line):
"""Scan stdout for status/errors.
def stderrCallback(self, lineNr, line):
"""Scan stderr for status/errors.
# Does a frame begin?
if line.startswith("Starting Rendering"):
# Get the image path (remove the prefix and the trailing dot)
fileName = os.path.normpath(line.strip()[19:-1])
p,n = os.path.split(fileName)
self.setStatusLine("Rendering %s (%s)"%(n,p))
# Is there an error line?
elif line.startswith("Error:"):